Do you still have gum pain if you get dentures?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, you still have gum pain if you get dentures. You can read more at

Related questions

Description : What can I do for extreme gum pain?

Last Answer : Maybe orajel and a pain reliver that’s supposed to help with swelling such as ibuprofen?

Description : How to reduce gum swelling and pain ?

Last Answer : Pick up the roots of the coconut tree, burn it and grind it like coal. Now sift it and gently brush your teeth with it. Mix a little alum powder with it. Then you will see that the swelling and pain at the base of the teeth will decrease.

Description : What is the solution to gum pain ?

Last Answer : What to do for gum pain: Put a clove in your mouth for common toothache. Put it in the middle of the aching tooth, keep sucking . You can even apply clove extract on the affected ... with common salt works best on infected teeth. It works especially well against extra sensitivity of the teeth.

Description : How do you treat gum deterioration and pain?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : sweet gum tree with dried brown leaves and a spot on the trunk where it's bleeding sap, wood still green.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can you still be a flight attendant even if you have dentures?

Last Answer : No. People with dentures are always discriminated against. Didn’t you hear the news?

Description : I am looking for a dentist that cam provide reduced cost dentures. My dental plan only covers a percentage of the cost and that still leaves a huge amount to come up with. I heard there was a place around KC that did low cost dentures, does anyone know?

Last Answer : Try Dr. Mark Hall, DDS to see if he can fit dentures to your budget, he's located on Southwest 7th Street. His office number is 785-273-1544.

Description : To those of you without teeth - what is it like to gum everything you eat?

Last Answer : Most people who don’t have teeth have decided to live their lives naked. That way they can live to their potential as “Gummy Bares” It’s hard to figure out, @Egao, if your are serious or deliberately obtuse..

Description : What can a bubble gum symbolize for you?

Last Answer : It symbolizes chewiness.

Description : Do you chew gum regularly, or know people who do?

Last Answer : I don’t notice but probably because at work, it doesn’t look professional. It actually looks kind of sleazy.

Description : Piece of gum, anyone?

Last Answer : answer:You have just snapped me back a half-century. :-) Thank you for the fond childhood memories!

Description : Have you made a contribution to a gum wall?

Last Answer : No. Lol.

Description : Will I survive? Back crown broken off at gum line. Only build up is showing.

Last Answer : Talk to your dentist after he takes alook at it, and discuss the best cost, and pain free option there is for you. And failing to do that ,you just might not survive.(just kidding)

Description : How does gum disease cause heart problems?

Last Answer : answer:It's probably a myth Source article There is a statistical correlation between people with gum disease and people with heart disease ie people with heart disease are more likely than those that ... people who already have heart disease are at an increased risk if they also have gum disease.

Description : Gum tissue graft surgery? What has your experience been?

Last Answer : I think it was Dave Barry that wrote about this in his column a while ago. Evidently gum erosion isn’t unusual at all. The vigorous brushers get it all the time. I believe his went fine.

Description : How much does a pack of gum cost?

Last Answer : I pay about $1.70 for Orbit gum, which has 10ish pieces. The gum in the pop-out packs is generally gross and you have to chew two pieces at a time. Not worth the money. Try Orbit, Stride ... -stick packs for less than $1. They taste great for about 10 seconds, when they completely lose their flavor.

Description : Which gum is best for you?

Last Answer : Ha, funny. I’m chewing Orbit gum as I type this question!

Description : If I say the lower part of an upper tooth do you think I mean the part near the gum or the end of the tooth?

Last Answer : I think of it as being closer to the gum line since that’s closer to the root (bottom) of the tooth. It’s easy to think of when visualizing the bottom teeth since the root is down and the top grows up, but with the upper teeth the root is up, so I can see why it would cause some confusion.

Description : Have any of you used Hill's Pet Diet® t/d® Dry Food for cats with tooth or gum problems?

Last Answer : answer:I've used it - it may help. The pieces are rather larger than normal cat kibble, and hard, encouraging the cat to actually chew with the molars more than they normally would. In spite of ... SD. Less filler, so less voluminous and less stinky stools in the litter box, and nice healthy cats.

Description : Do you enjoy bubble-gum?

Last Answer : I love any kind of gum. I’m a smoker and a recovered nail biter, I think I just have an oral fixation. Chewing gum tends to satiate that urge, for me.

Description : Why do people chew gum and are they really chewed gum, those thousands of round black blots on city sidewalks like NYC?

Last Answer : answer:Damn it, Mazingerz .. spitted out ? Don't make me come over there. Lol. I also assume those black spots are gum, too. I like chewing gum because I get tense sometimes and I chew the gum to release ... it's not gum, I'm gently chewing on my tongue or clenching my teeth. I don't litter, though.

Description : "TV Is Chewing Gum For The Eyes." Can you make your own clever motto on what TV is?

Last Answer : answer:TV is diarrhea. I am incapable of being witty or clever.

Description : Can I chew gum before surgery?

Last Answer : answer:You're not supposed to chew gum, but I don't know how strict it is. I think mouthwash would be okay. You can suck on some ice chips, just try not to swallow much water. The risk ... anesthesia, and can choke and asphyxiate. That's why it's important not to have anything in your stomach.

Description : Benefits of Chewing Gum?

Last Answer : answer:It can help keep your eustacian tubes open, ears unblocked. They say gum can help clean the teeth if no toothbrush is around. I love gum. I can’t chew it around my husband because it drives him crazy. I also can’t chew it a long time anymore, hurts my jaw.

Description : Should I go to the dentist for my swollen gum problem, or can a MD take care of it?

Last Answer : You’d just be incurring a medical co-pay… for a referral to a dentist. It sounds like there’s an abscess of some kind, and I doubt that you’d find an MD who would feel competent or comfortable (or have the malpractice insurance to cover) treating that.

Description : What can I make with an abundance of gum wrappers?

Last Answer : Smoke them.

Description : Why do exaggerated jaw movements during gum chewing mean someone's "bitchy"?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : Why do my teeth hurt when I chew sugar free gum?

Last Answer : Does the gum contain mint? If so, then the mint will produce a cooling sensation, which could be painful if you have sensitive teeth. Have you tried using sensitivity toothpaste? If you try sensitivity ... and your teeth still hurt, you may want to visit your dentist and be checked for cavities.

Description : How can I get gum off of my new jeans?

Last Answer : Thanks but I paid $75.00 for these jeans and would really like to remove the gum

Description : Is it good to chew really minty gum when your nose is stuffy and your throat hurts?

Last Answer : I don’t think that it would hurt nor help.

Description : How do I remove gum from leather shoes?

Last Answer : Put them in the freezer. When they are good and frozen, chip off the gum with a dull knife.

Description : I just got braces, and now my gum is peeling off... O.O?

Last Answer : Did it blister and the top layer of skin is coming off (like when you burn the top of your mouth and it pops and there’s some loose skin) or does it seem more serious?

Description : When starting a new job, how long do you think you have to be there before you can ask a coworker to stop smacking her gum?

Last Answer : I’d first be SURE it distracted me. Maybe it’s the training that’s difficult (or the trainer) and you’re just taking it out on the chewing – and you may not even realize this. Or maybe it’s the woman herself.

Description : If you swallow enough gum to fill your stomach, does that mean you don't have to eat for 7 years?

Last Answer : The 7 year thing is a myth ( but this question kinda made me chuckle. Welcome to Fluther.

Description : Has anyone ever had a gum exostosis? Care to share your experience?

Last Answer : Topics: sad I don’t know whether to find that funny or depressing.

Description : What happened to my chewing gum?

Last Answer : Centriloquism!

Description : Does chewing gum lose it's flavour?

Last Answer : Yes it loses it flavors. The sugars first then the flavorings break down.

Description : What is your favorite flavor of gum?

Last Answer : Peach. It also makes one’s breath smell amazing. Runner up: Mint Mojito [since there’s no Miller High Life flavor]

Description : Anyone have any expeience with children's gum surgery?

Last Answer : I am no expert on kids dentistry and have not heard of this. All my 4 kids did eventually get their upper teeth in. Personally I would get a second opinion before subjecting my daughter to surgery.

Description : How can I get gum out of a bedsheet?

Last Answer : Ice. Freeze it and chip it off.

Description : How do you make the best bubbles with gum?

Last Answer : Blow gently and steadily. I’m not sure if Bubble Tape is the best gum to use for this. I seem to remember using Bubblelicious or Hubba Bubba.

Description : Do you chew gum and are you annoying when chewing it?

Last Answer : I go through a good pack in a couple of days. I’m a closed mouth chewer, though, so, it’s all good.

Description : Does the nicotine patch/gum really work?

Last Answer : I’ve tried the patch. It’s great as a nic replacement, but it does nothing for the habit part- the actual process of getting a cigarette lit, blowing out smoke, having something in your fingers, etc.

Description : Which is better: Nicotine path or gum?

Last Answer : patch with regular gum or cold turkey like me if you remember to not change any other habits ( break times or locations ) you have the greatest chance of success also get yourself something to ... hands ( twisty ties and paperclips and rubberbands ) so you have a replacement for those idle hands

Description : Why does Nicorette gum give me hiccups?

Last Answer : Your chewing too much; chew and park.

Description : What is the best bubble-blowing gum?

Last Answer : I think Bazooka Bubble gum gives good elaticity. I know it is available in the upper Midwest.

Description : I have a complicated teeth/gum issue that's too complicated to fit in here, click to read.

Last Answer : Avoid hard foods. This exact thing happened to me when I had my wisdom teeth removed. Also gargle with hydrogen peroxide.

Description : Do you chew your bubble gum left, center of right?

Last Answer : left and right, not center

Description : Is it littering if I spit my gum out the window onto the freeway?

Last Answer : Are you talking legal or moral? In my opinion, morally, it is indeed littering. You’re disposing of your waste in the environment. Legally, it’d depend on your jurisdiction. In mine, it sure is.

Description : Has anyone ever used peanut butter to remove unwanted gum from hair?

Last Answer : I had heard of using ice before, but not peanut butter. It certainly wouldn't cause any harm to use peanut butter. I once, back in junior high school, got a drill bit caught in my hair, I was ... to cut out the whole chunk of hair. Oh, the folly of youth an vanity, what a dreadful combination.