in texas ,do employers have provide lunch if having meeting during lunch time?

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“in Texas ,do employers have provide lunch if having meeting during lunch time”

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Last Answer : Yes you are required a 30 minute meal period after 5.5 hours of work.

Description : What should I bring for our Mexican-themed lunch at our staff meeting on Thursday?

Last Answer : Cornbread is not Mexican -though corn tortillas certainly are. Bring a good salsa and/or pico de gallo and chips. Guacamole is always a favorite, but good guac requires a bit of skill, and ... made right before serving. You can get really fancy and prepare the guacamole in front of everyone ;-)

Description : Or does it matter what employees eat?

Last Answer : It is not against the law to bring bread and butter to work.

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Last Answer : Having an appropriate a system of quality contro

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Last Answer : Having an appropriate a system of quality control.

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Last Answer : Have you tried mail order pharmacy setting . It's quite different than your retail,hospital or even longterm care pharmacies plus you will get alot of experience in data entry of prescription and get to ... try kaiser the love mew recruits they like to train the kaiser way and they pay the MOST

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Last Answer : Sounds good, just not too many crackers and it should be great

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Last Answer : It’s absolutely an employer’s market. Who knows what the job market will look like when all is said and done. I believe that both of your scenarios are elements of what exists.

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Last Answer : A measure of management performance in meeting organizational goals

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Last Answer : I'm one of the last to not carry a cell phone so when I am out and about I chat up others or just go about my business or, if I am in a cafe or coffee place I might take some reading ... my local bakery/cafe and ask-public while enjoying a goodie once in awhile but I haven't done that forever now.

Description : You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, what do you do?

Last Answer : I've been in a similar situation. I asked the criticizers to please desist as I am friends with the person and their conversation made me very uncomfortable. They desisted. If they had not, then I would ... to have their back so to speak. A refusal to participate and a request to stop was enough.

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Last Answer : They don't so much frequent the premier places anymore because money is tight. They could go to Birk's which is right off the highway in the MacAfee building. Interesting story there the ... business guys will usually order expensive food, steak, shellfish, lobster etc. because it's expensive.

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Last Answer : hope that you mix old horsemanure when you amended your soil....and ph should be 6.0-7.5. Bugs do not like 2 tablespoons dawn mixed with 1 qt water and spray them. See bugs again spray again and again after a rain.

Description : Are there any good cattle selling companies in texas that provide complimentary services when we buy cattle from them it will really great for the customers?

Last Answer : As I Know, Kocurek Cattle Company in Texas provides complimentary cattle services, like Clipping and Fitting, Halter Breaking, Feeding and Coaching, and show support. 

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Last Answer : answer:Not directly an employer but worked in recruitment. We were dealing with agencies to get new medical staff into our hospital. We had this radiology consultant who was referred to us with ... some super creepy shit and ended up getting an inflated salary and reduced responsibilities out of it.

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Last Answer : Their jobs is not “to get biting by a dog”. They don’t have to deliver if they feel in danger.

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Last Answer : No. Start your own business. Be your own boss.

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Last Answer : answer:Who is making? Inventory cost are . . ? Who is marketing it? It could be 15% for you or 50%

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Last Answer : answer:I think that's an interesting question. It probably depends on the level of the job. If you were an employer hiring for shift-work (let's say it's production-line for $14/hr), how would ... who needs me. Waste resources training somebody to get the confidence to leave? I don't think so.

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Last Answer : Conservatives scream for smaller government, so stop making the lowest income earner depend on it so much, maybe if these people didn’t need it at the end of their week you might just get your wish.

Description : Does anyone have any tips for me for talking with potential employers?

Last Answer : When I've interviewed applicants, one thing that would always stick with me was when they actually knew about what we did. I work in an area of healthcare that isn't well known to the general ... the healthcare system, it impressed me. Knowing about the company you are applying to is a good idea.

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Last Answer : Overconfident? Not at all.. It’s a great idea.

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Last Answer : I doubt they will help you. If I were you, I would contact the EEOC.

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Last Answer : answer:They will either assume you're open minded or you're gay, depending on the employer. You can always join and opt to leave it off your resume. My feeling is that unless you apply to a very, very ... 't share more on a resume that what is relevant to that job. Don't shoot yourself in the foot.

Description : What kinds of questions do prospective employers ask of previous employers?

Last Answer : No, because a prudent former employer won’t do anything except confirm the dates of employment. Telling more than that is risking an expensive lawsuit.

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Last Answer : Job hunting is all relevant . . . certain jobs require certain skill sets that experienced person would have an advantage over a newbie. However, if a position is not too sensitive, employers ... knowing your skill set and expectations, it would be difficult to provide you with a sensible advice

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, it was legal. It was a legal interview question, and if you got pregnant, you got fired. I took over a different department in 1989, and one of the women on my staff had first ... her husband was okay with her working there! Things really are better in some areas of life these days.

Description : Any employers using this website care to answer this one? (No, I'm not asking to give me a job!)

Last Answer : answer: The usual standard format consists of personal profile, key skills/transferable skills, education, qualifications, experience/work history and then provide references. As you have listed it here, it is ... had someone read your CV to correct any typos or errors? It should be error-free.

Description : Do employers pay more when a former employee collects unemployment?

Last Answer : Good question. I don't understand it either. When the sandwhich shop I worked at closed down, I collected UI. And I'm in California. My boss who had to close the shop also filed. So in that sense ... weeks, my UI gave me about 240 every two weeks. I'm interested in the final answer to your question.

Description : To what extent should employers accommodate parents?

Last Answer : They should because if they don’t the government will hammer them.

Description : How do potential employers check your salary history?

Last Answer : They usually ask upon application. I don't believe them wanting to know how much you made is one of their priorities during a background check, seeing as it's the applicant's responsibility ... in the sports and entertainment industry agents are the go to people for information regarding the $$$ s

Description : Do employers test for nicotine?

Last Answer : I have never heard of anyone testing for nicotine. It is not illegal so I doubt it. Sorry, I cannot be more specific. I am a smoker and have never been tested for nicotine.

Description : Will a minor in business matter to employers?

Last Answer : It will be helpful. Definitely mention it on your resume.

Description : Should employers have the right to do a credit history background check on potential employers for any type of position?

Last Answer : Employers have the right to pick the best person to do the work. Most employers hate the paperwork involved when they receive a garnishment so that would be one factor. If they get the idea that they are going to be called by collection agencies and such, they wouldn’t want to hire you.

Description : Do employers frown upon online colleges and universities?

Last Answer : Although this is changing, they are not regarded with the same cachet as physical colleges and universities.

Description : Are employers really rude lately? Or have they always been?

Last Answer : That actually happened to me last year, and I was very irritated. I was under the impression that the job was pretty much a done deal - and then I never heard from the guy again. I thought it was ... . At least tell me no, I can handle that. Don't just disappear and stop returning my calls/emails.

Description : How would it look to a potential employer if I didn't allow them to contact previous employers?

Last Answer : I’ve sometimes avoided giving that info to potential employers in the past and it’s never stopped me from getting a job. All you have to do is be honest in the interview and tell them basically what you say above. Others may disagree, but that’s been my experience.

Description : Does Facebook sell access to employers?

Last Answer : If it did, Facebook would die a quick death as soon as the evidence got out.

Description : Do employers have the ethical right to create "make-work"?

Last Answer : If you wanted to keep that job you were in the wrong. In the grand moral scheme of what people ought to do and ought not do, he was wrong. It was his job to get the most out of your ... to supervise your labor and make sure of how it was done. You should have spoken with someone higher up

Description : How do employers get to the stuff you've posted on Facebook?

Last Answer : with regards to police and social work they can see photos that you have been tagged in on peoples profiles that may not be kept private. especially if you are in the police if you are tagged in a ... delete everything in there so people can get hold of me if they really need and cant through fb.

Description : Where can I get a list of truck-and-trailer employers that offer free training, preferably in Connecticut?

Last Answer : answer:@BabylonFree Try this—- I had a friend that went to a school bus company, they let him work for them and he got the CDL with P, V and A endorsements while working for them. He worked for them for a little over a year.

Description : Personal projects competing with employers projects?

Last Answer : You don’t have a leg to stand on sorry. You are either going to be warned or let go.

Description : Should FMLA be extended to apply to employers with less than 50 employees?

Last Answer : they don’t have to pay you while on FMLA, you just are an employee on leave.

Description : Can future potential employers do a check of your social security number and see all your previous employers? What can employers see with your SSN?

Last Answer : I doubt it, because if employers could get that information, anyone could invade your privacy simply by saying they are thinking of employing you.

Description : Why do some employers ask for handwritten letters of application?

Last Answer : Perhaps how well an applicant is able to follow directions. Having to hand write a letter requires to put extra thought and effort into the application. Also, it shows, in a way, neatness and organization.

Description : Has anyone ever taken one of the online courses from the many schools that advertise/promate on the net, and if so, was it hard to get tentative Employers to recognize this type of Education?

Last Answer : I have taken one, they are a cheaper way than sending someone to a physical classroom as long as you see progress though, some of the online schools can e a scam

Description : How do employers verify your educational history when they perform a background check?

Last Answer : Depends on how serious/thorough the company is but I think any employer can contact a U.S. college/university's office of the registrar and verify your identity by name, degree date, ... unless the degree recipient specifies otherwise). That's my understanding coming from the edu. sector stateside

Description : Why did the European employers find it difficult to recruit labour in Africa ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The European employers found it difficult to recruit labour in Africa because historically. Africa had abundant land and a relatively small population. For centuries, land and livestock sustained African ... : Miners were also enclosed in compounds, and were not allowed to move about freely.

Description : Why did the European employers find it difficult to recruit labour in Africa? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (1) European employers found it difficult to recruit labour in Africa because Africa had (i) abundant land and; (ii) a small population. For centuries land and livestock sustained African livelihoods. ... a family was allowed to inherit land. This pushed the rest the others in the labour market.