does type 2 diabetes cause toe problems?

1 Answer

Answer :

can type 2 Diabetes cause toe problems

Related questions

Description : What would cause toe nail/s to fall out?

Last Answer : …If it’s not the kind with pain like here

Description : What foot problems are associated with diabetes?

Last Answer : Foot neuropathy is most likely going to be the common issue. If you feel tingling in your toes, or the ball of your feet, even numbness at times, I would consult with your physician immediately. Make sure to always inspect your feet for cuts or injuries.

Description : Diabetes Foot Problems?

Last Answer : The most common diabetic problem related to the feet is the loss of sensation. Diabetic people often develop blisters, sores, and calluses on their feet but do not feel it. It is important to wash the feet daily, check them in the mirror, and wear footwear that isn't too tight.

Description : Does eating a lot of sugar cause diabetes?

Last Answer : It can certainly play a big factor for type 2, but sugar alone isn’t enough of a cause.

Description : Could Diabetes cause Alzheimer’s?

Last Answer : answer:It is not so correlated as to say; if you have diabetes you will be likely to get Alzheimers or even, you got Alzheimers because you had diabetes . Over the thousands of cases of each ... Insulin resistance may be one of many factors. But way too early to say, diabetes causes Alzheimers.

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Last Answer : Possibly

Description : Do I eat saline when I feel thin and weak ? Is eating too much saline more likely to cause diabetes ?

Last Answer : No. Eating too much saline will not cause diabetes. And it is important to know what causes the body to feel weak. You should consult a doctor.

Description : Can stress cause diabetes?

Last Answer : Yes! Stress does cause diabetes especially the lifestyle-related type of diabetes (Type 2). The blood sugar level of a human is directly proportional to the functionality of the stress hormone known as cortisol ... is looking for ways to ease the stress which could be the use of alcohol or drugs.

Description : Can diabetes cause anxiety and depression?

Last Answer : Diabetes is a disease that is dreaded by many, but it can be controlled if recognized earlier. Yes diabetes can cause anxiety and depression and other illnesses. This comes about when people really ... vital. Following doctors, orders can save us from certain illnesses don't take them for granted.

Description : Can too much cinnamon cause diabetes?

Last Answer : Cinnamon is one of the world's natural wonders, and one can never have enough of it. It is not harmful to the body, and as such it will not cause any problems such as Diabetes.

Description : How does diabetes cause foot pain?

Last Answer : I am not completely sure how Diabetes can cause foot pain. I have done some research and found videos and guides that might help you about it all also go to the doctors.

Description : What is the leading cause of diabetes in America and how can I prevent getting it?

Last Answer : The leading cause of Diabetes in America is eating too much fatty foods. You can avoid diabetes by limiting your intake of sugar. This will surely help.

Description : Being Overweight is a Major Cause of Diabetes?

Last Answer : Your weight is your biggest risk factor for developing Diabetes. Fat cells cause the body to release more insulin, resulting in insulin resistance.

Description : What can Diabetes cause?

Last Answer : Type 1 Diabetes is caused when insulin-making cells are destroyed in the pancreas.Type 2 Diabetes is caused when there is a lack of insulin available.

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Last Answer : Yes, insulin secretion is affected by high BP.

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Last Answer : usually, yes, though some with DI gain weight at the same time, as may be the case with those who have DI as part of Cushing Syndrome or even high cortisol at the same time they have DI

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Description : A visitor from another city comes to your office complaining of incessant cough. He has diabetes and hypertension and has recently started taking a different antihypertensive medication. The most likely cause of his cough is (a) Enalapril (b) Losartan (c) Minoxidil (d) Propranolol (e) Verapamil

Last Answer : Ans: A

Description : What is the cause for cataract in diabetes mellitus?

Last Answer : Early development of cataract of lens is due to the increased rate of sorbitol formation, caused by the hyperglycemia.

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Last Answer : B. Acquisition of resistance during treatment

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Last Answer : B. Goiter

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Last Answer : Um… maybe, when I was designing graph paper games on a daily basis back when I was 9 to 12 years old. I definitely played 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe on the Atari 2600, but that’s different, just a 4×4 x 4 grid.

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Last Answer : This is a Parkinson's map that I found. It implies sunshine might be a factor. It also could be genetics, or maybe infectious. For myself, I was ... Europe. That could be D, or could be genetics. The upper Midwest is full of Germans and Vikings.

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Description : What causes and how can I treat or prevent this toe nail pain?

Last Answer : I had a similar problem a few months ago. A podiatrist advised me to soak it in warm water with Epson Salts and buy sneakers with more toe room. Took a few weeks but the pain finally went away. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:I can do it. I can also move my eyebrows, nostrils, and ears separately. I think it's a side effect of meditation. I call them Stupid Buddhist Tricks, because they occur ... nerve signals which make up the cascade of complex signals we normally use to move our bodies autonomically.

Description : Just dropped an iron frying pan on my big toe. Anything I can do to make it feel better?

Last Answer : answer:Ouch! That sounds painful. You have my sympathy. Ice to cut down on the swelling. Keep it elevated for the same reason and also to cut down on the throbbing (which is lessened if there's less blood flow to ... . Be sure to go for an X-Ray. It's really the only way to know if it's broken.

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Last Answer : I think they use foot prints of newborns to check for switched at birth issues, but feet are usually too inaccessible for frequent identification use. Imagine if a women had to take off her pantyhose everytime she needed to be identified.

Description : I broke my toe. Is there anything I can do?

Last Answer : answer:As a skateboarder I have broken many toes and been to the doctor for a few. They can't do a thing. I actually have a broken one right now. Personally, I think hiking is stupid. It will hurt worse ... . You have to cancel the trip or you will do real damage. It needs to heal for a few weeks.

Description : Can I remove my black toe nail pain free?

Last Answer : answer:You want to remove your toe? or toenail? Must be toenail, but your question says toe in both the subject line and the details. You say you did it. Can you tell us what you did? ... the podiatrist at your workplace (your workplace keeps a podiatrist on staff?), couldn't you see another one?

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Last Answer : Few people know of the direct link in the nervous system between the toes and the basest of vocalizations. It’s true.

Description : My "big toe mound" has been swollen and painful for the past week. What could it be?

Last Answer : Have you been wearing new shoes or thinner socks? Loose fitting shoes can aggravate the feet, cause blisters, calluses, and inflamation.

Description : Big toe keeps dislocating?

Last Answer : answer:Without being a seeing your foot, I’d say you need to seek out a podatrist. Do you play sports? Do you have bunions? Have you ever suffered a foot injury?

Description : Aren't gravity and magnets related strongly to one another, and if yes, wouldn't that give us our TOE?

Last Answer : all I understand this is a naive argument, but it would be a pleasure knowing your take on it :)

Description : Are the "Toe Shoes" for running a bad idea for flat footed individuals?

Last Answer : answer:If you have no (or not much) arch to your foot it's best to have shoes which provide arch support or else you'll put pressure on the metatarsals. (esp. the little bones on the pinky-toe ... get the toe kind of shoe or traditional running shoe is the arch support and stiffness of the shoe.

Description : Here's one to keep us on our toes. What's your gut feel about GUT and TOE? (see details)

Last Answer : answer:I think any postualting on when is a bit premature. I can't help but feel that there are a few missing pieces of the puzzle yet and that many of our assumptions will have to be ... wealthiest nation sitting it out for the large part. Great question. I predict much fun in this thread

Description : My toe nail is almost totally loose. When will it fall of?

Last Answer : Happened to both my big toes. same time. Finally, they fell off. Then they grew back. Very strange!

Description : Possible broken toe - anything to do?

Last Answer : Maybe you could go get it checked out? I’m no doctor but I think that leaving it like that might make it worse.

Description : Why do people get so irritable after stubbing their toe?

Last Answer : It is because you are the only one you can blame for your pain, and since we don’t want to blame outselves, we look to turn our frustration outward with anger.

Description : Is gangrene curable?Its dry,and its located on his big toe.

Last Answer : Usually, through amputation of the affected area.

Description : What is your best method for dealing with ingrown toe nails?

Last Answer : Go to a nail salon and let the pro's make it better for you. I convinced my mother to do this a few years back and it only took a few months for the nails to grow better. We see men ... feet hurt then your whole body hurts so $20. a month is pretty worthwhile preventative maintenance if you ask me.

Description : What should I do about this shard of glass that's been stuck in my big toe for about a year?

Last Answer : I think you should head to the doctors and let them take a look at it. You don’t want to go cutting your foot open in case you catch a nerve.

Description : What the heck is the point of the little toe, toenail?

Last Answer : Protects your little toe from getting mashified. Other than that it just lays around the house and watches disney channel.

Description : How was it possible for me to snap the bone in my big toe last night without noticing at the time?

Last Answer : Maybe you got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and stubbed it or hit it on something or stepped on it weird, and don’t remember it today.

Description : Any podiatrists/foot experts in the house who can lend a hand with this toe problem I'm having?

Last Answer : Are there any red or warm spots? That would mean infection. One home-remedy is to soak your foot in very warm water and epsom salts several times a day. Also check that there are no overly colored veins or arteries going from ankle up leg. Why not see a podiatrist and ease your mind?

Description : How do i stop my dogs toe from bleeding?

Last Answer : I’d take her to the vet and have it looked at.

Description : Is my toe still broken?

Last Answer : Did you get an x-ray? Did you wear a splint or boot on it? More details, please.

Description : How to treat an infected toe?

Last Answer : Not sure what the in-bit is; however, I'll take a stab at this one! Did you clean your toe really well, after you cut it? Possibly try some hydrogen peroxide. After that, apply some type of ... the ointment. If you are diabetic, remember, you need to be careful about injuries (cuts) on the foot.

Description : Do steel toe boots feel less/more comfortable?

Last Answer : You don’t feel the steel toe if you wear the right size. It’s just a steel dome over your toes. I find them to be heavier for the first day, but it’s not uncomfortably so.