Corneal injury?

1 Answer

Answer :

DefinitionCorneal injury describes an injury to the cornea, the crystal clear (transparent) tissue covering the front of the eye.See also: Corneal ulcers and infectionsCauses, incidence, and risk factorsThe cornea works with the lens of the eye to focus images on the retina. Injuries to the cornea are common.Superficial (surface) corneal injuries, called corneal abrasions, may be caused by:Something getting into the eye (such as sand or dust)Overuse of contact lenses or lenses that don't fit correctlyExposure to ultraviolet radiationYou are more likely to develop a corneal injury if you work in a dusty environment, are exposed to sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light for long periods of time, or if you overuse or have ill-fitting contact lenses.Penetrating (deep) corneal injuries may oc

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Last Answer : ANSWER: C

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Last Answer : For fine measurement, when a scale is drawn using a straight line connecting the opposite angles of a rectangle , it is called corneal scale. This scale is named after the diagonal connecting the ... is also known as Gunter's Scale because the surveyor Gunter used it extensively in land surveying .

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Last Answer : For fine measurement, when a scale is drawn using a straight line connecting the opposite angles of a rectangle , it is called corneal scale. This scale is named after the diagonal connecting the ... is also known as Gunter's Scale because the surveyor Gunter used it extensively in land surveying .

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Description : Corneal ulcers and infections?

Last Answer : DefinitionThe cornea is the transparent area at the front of the eyeball. A corneal ulcer is an erosion or open sore in the outer layer of the cornea. It is associated with infection.See also: ... ulcer. Herpes simplex keratitis is a serious viral infection. It may cause repeated attacks that are t

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Last Answer : Answer : D

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Last Answer : Answer : B

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Last Answer : Answer : D

Description : The most suitable mydratic for a patient of corneal ulcer is (a) Atropine sulfate (b) Homatropine (c) Cyclopentolate (d) Tropicamide

Last Answer : Ans: A

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Last Answer : Keratoplasty

Description : The following are true about corneal sensation: a. the sensation is greatest at the apex and diminishes towards the limbus. b. the temporal half of the cornea is more sensitive than the ... c. the Bonnet-Cochet aesthesiometer gives quantitative measure of the degree of hypoaesthesia d. all above

Last Answer : all above

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Last Answer : photoreceptors

Description : With regard to the cornea: a. photokeratitis occurs with wavelength of 270nm b. microvilli are found in the outer layer of the epithelium c. the turnover of the corneal epithelium typically takes 30 days d. the corneal epithelium is about 10 layers in thickness

Last Answer : photokeratitis occurs with wavelength of 270nm

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Last Answer : measures 500 um thick

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Last Answer : maintains the integrity of the corneal stroma through an ATP-Na+, K+-dependent pump

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Last Answer : can cause corneal deposition

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Last Answer : the retina and its retinal pigment epithelium

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Last Answer : all of them

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Last Answer : a) trigeminal The trigeminal (V) cranial nerve is also responsible for mastication.

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Last Answer : B. Stage III plane 1

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Last Answer : D. Benoxinate

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Last Answer : A. Atropine sulfate

Description : The most suitable mydriatic for a patient of corneal ulcer is: A. Atropine sulfate B. Homatropine C. Cyclopentolate D. Tropicamide

Last Answer : A. Atropine sulfate

Description : Topical atropine is contraindicated in: a. Retinoscopy in children b. Iridocyclitis c. Corneal ulcer d. Primary angle closure glaucoma

Last Answer : ANSWER: D

Description : After 48 hours of a cataract extraction operation, a patient complained of ocular pain and visual loss. On examination, this eye looked red with ciliary injection, corneal oedema and absent red ... a. Secondary glaucoma. b. Anterior uveitis. c. Bacterial endophthalmitis. d. Acute conjunctivitis  

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : Irrespective of the etiology of a corneal ulcer, the drug always indicated is: a. Corticosteroid b. Atropine c. Antibiotics d. Antifungal

Last Answer : ANSWER: B 

Description : The commonest cause of hypopyon corneal ulcer is: a. Moraxella b. Gonococcus c. Pneumococcus d. Staphylococcus

Last Answer : ANSWER: C  

Description : Bacteria, which can attack normal corneal epithelium: a. Neisseria gonorrhea. b. Staphylococcal epidermidis c. Moraxella lacunata. d. Staphylococcal aureus 

Last Answer : ANSWER: A

Description : Herpes simplex keratitis is characterized by: a. Presence of pus in the anterior chamber b. No tendency to recurrence c. Corneal hyposthesia d. Tendency to perforate 

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : The sure diagnostic sign of corneal ulcer is a. Ciliary injection b. Blepharospasm c. Miosis d. Positive fluorescein test.  

Last Answer : ANSWER: D 

Description : Topical steroids are contraindicated in a case of viral corneal ulcer for fear of: a. Secondary glaucoma b. Cortical cataract. c. Corneal perforation d. Secondary viral infection. 

Last Answer : ANSWER: C 

Description : A female patient 18 years old, who is contact lens wearer since two years, is complaining of redness, lacrimation and foreign body sensation of both eyes. On examination, visual acuity ... uveitis. b. Giant papillary conjunctivitis. c. Bacterial corneal ulcer. d. Acute congestive glaucoma  

Last Answer : ANSWER: B 

Description : Tranta's spots are noticed in cases of: a. Active trachoma b. Bulbar spring catarrh c. Corneal phlycten d. Vitamin A deficiency

Last Answer : ANSWER: B

Description : Corneal Herbert's rosettes are found in: a. Mucopurulent conjunctivitis b. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis c. Active trachoma d. Spring catarrh

Last Answer : ANSWER: C  

Description : Patching of the eye is contraindicated in: a. Corneal abrasion b. Bacterial corneal ulcer c. Mucopurulent conjunctivitis d. After glaucoma surgery 

Last Answer : ANSWER: C 

Description : Which of the following organism can penetrate intact corneal epithelium? A. Strept pyogenes B. Staph aureus C. Pseudomonas pyocyanaea D. Corynebacterium diphtheriae 

Last Answer : ANSWER: D

Description : The color of fluorescein staining in corneal ulcer is: a. Yellow b. Blue c. Green d. Royal blue

Last Answer : ANSWER: C 

Description : Corneal sensations are diminished in: a. Herpes simplex b. Conjunctivitis c. Fungal infections d. Marginal keratitis

Last Answer : ANSWER: A  

Description : Irrespective of the etiology of a corneal ulcer, the drug always indicated is: a. Corticosteroids b. Cycloplegics c. Antibiotics d. Antifungals

Last Answer : ANSWER: B