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Answer :

DefinitionAloe is an extract from the aloe plant that is used in many skincare products. Aloe poisoning occurs when someone swallows this substance. However, aloe is relatively nonpoisonous.This is for information only and not for use in the treatment or management of an actual poison exposure. If you have an exposure, you should call your local emergency number (such as 911) or the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.Alternative NamesSkin and sunburn treatmentsPoisonous IngredientAloeAloinWhere FoundAloe is found in many different products, including:BurnmedicationsCosmeticsHand creamsSymptomsBreathing difficulty (from breathing in the substance)DiarrheaLoss of visionRashSevere abdominal painSkin irritationThroat swelling(which may also cause breathing difficulty)VomitingHome

Related questions

Description : What are some ways to use an aloe plant if you have one in your garden?

Last Answer : You can use it as an outside the body neosporin for skin irritations, scalp irritations, burns. You can rub on the outside of veggies to keep them edible longer. You can use internally as a juice for many ... use a very small amount to make sure you are not allergic. *Disclaimer: I am not a doctor.

Description : What do kombucha and aloe vera juice taste like?

Last Answer : Never heard of natto. Kambucha is an acquired taste to some. It’s slightly fizzy and tangy. I like it for sipping. It comes in many flavors. It’s non alcoholic. I haven’t tasted aloe, but I’m sure it’s mild.

Description : Should I stock up on aloe before I do the Tony Robbins fire walk?

Last Answer : Nope. You will either not need it at all, or it will be wholly inadequate.

Description : Can aloe vera help with acne?

Last Answer : It can according to a lot of home remedy and naturopathic sources. But I don’t see anything positive or negative from a medical source.

Description : What is aloe vera good for?

Last Answer : Helps you poop when ingested.

Description : Can i refrigerate Aloe vera liquid concentrate?

Last Answer : Yes you can refridgerate. I would not freeze.

Description : How do i get the green back to a aloe plant?

Last Answer : Stop watering it if it is yellow – water it if it is brown.

Description : If I am sunburnt. Which is better, lotion with aloe in it, or simply aloe gel?

Last Answer : I prefer Aloe jel straight – it seems to last longer.

Description : Should I fertilize my aloe plant?

Last Answer : aloe plants need a LOT of sunlight to grow. Your best bet is probably to put it somewhere where it gets more direct light. Also, re-potting it in a slightly larger pot might help it to grow faster.

Description : Why is my aloe vera plant turning orange?

Last Answer : Aloes are succulents and don’t need much water at all – the most common problem is over watering.

Description : The branches of my aloe vera plant seem to be draining and the plant itself is turning orangish brownish, why?

Last Answer : You might be overwatering it. I’ve never watered mine and it’s the only plant I’ve never killed.

Description : Can you really use an aloe Vera plant on sunburns?

Last Answer : Yes, but use the pulp of the plant and d notb strain the pulp itself, from plant to sunburn area to relief all in about 6 minutes -Birdy

Description : what is tiny thin white worms on my aloe plant.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Are all aloe Vera plants the same? Why are there different sizes?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : can i cut the end of an aloe root

Last Answer : I think that I would find a container big enough to repot this aloe plant. It sounds very healthy walmart has a big assortment and even the $ store has some big pots.

Description : why is a aloe plant turning brown

Last Answer : sounds like too much water..............please replace potting soil

Description : Is it OK to plant aloe in the ground in Charlotte, North Carolina?

Last Answer : They are not hardy, they are inside plants. You could put it outside in a container for the summer but then you would have to dip it in sevin and then let it drip and bring it inside.

Description : How do I save an aloe vera plant with root rot? It has been over watered.

Last Answer : I would repot with the new vitamin dirt and put some pebbles in the bottom for better drainage. Be sure to use a container that has a hole in the bottom andput it on a saucer or plastic lid.

Description : how to make an aloe plant bloom

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what kind of dirt do aloe plants need?

Last Answer : I live in Florida and have many aloe plants which keep putting out new baies at the base all the time and also flower at least twice a year . the soil here is very sandy with little to no nutrients ... to say if you added 1 part potting soil to sand that would be good enough for them to do well.

Description : What is the best aloe vera for skin care?

Last Answer : Unlike other skin treatments which are either water-based or oil-based InfiniteAloe Skin Care is Aloe Vera based. It quickly penetrates up to 7 layers deep and continues to work under the surface of the

Description : What are the benefits of Aloe Vera Gel?

Last Answer : There are multiple benefits of Aloe Vera for skin it contains several healthy elements that boost your skin health such as:AntioxidantsEnzymesVitamin AVitamin COn the other hand, using aloe vera skin ... of100% HerbalFDA ApprovedParaben FreeTo know it more you can visit at: Aloe Vera Body Gel

Description : Which part of aloe vera contains food ?

Last Answer : Aloe vera leaves store food.

Description : What are the side effects of aloe vera ?

Last Answer : According to doctors , aloe vera gel is safe only when it is applied to the skin as a medicine or gel. But the natural way when aloe vera yellow extract contains a harmful chemical called 'aloe latex ... , muscle weakness , weight loss and heart attack. Even the use of aloe latex can ruin the fetus.

Description : How effective is aloe vera in removing acne ?

Last Answer : Aloe vera is effective in removing acne scars - Aloe vera contains vitamins A , B , B1 , B2 , B3 , B6 and B12. These are effective in skin health. Aloe vera gel can relieve redness ... . Honey and lemon juice with aloe vera gel gradually removes acne scars and brightens and softens the skin.

Description : What is aloe vera ?

Last Answer : : Aloe vera is a perennial herbal plant. It looks like a cactus, but it is not a cactus. Better yet, aloe vera looks just like a pineapple tree. The leaves are broad , thick and dark green. The leaves have saw-like spines on both sides. Inside the leaves are slippery shells like saliva.

Description : What are the benefits of aloe vera ?

Last Answer : 1. Digestive process: Aloe vera is not comparable in increasing digestive energy. Its anti-inflammatory ingredients keep the stomach cool and relieve gas problems. 2. Diabetes: People who suffer from diabetes ... vera juice help to reduce body fat and help in weight loss without any side effects.

Description : Does aloe vera help to darken hair ?

Last Answer : Regular application of aloe vera on the hair restores the lost shine of the hair. The hair is soft and neat.

Description : What kind of plant is aloe vera ?

Last Answer : Aloe vera is a medicinal plant.

Last Answer : Medicinal plants have been used to enhance beauty since ancient times. Say Ayurveda and Unani - the triumph of medicinal plants everywhere! Our very familiar aloe vera is such a virtuous plant. Some people are ... aloe vera on the hair restores the lost shine of the hair. The hair is soft and neat.

Description : A neighbor bets aloe vera everywhere. Is it good for anything?

Last Answer : It is used, for example, for wound healing. It is ideal for wound healing.

Description : Will she do well in the apartment? Or do they have to grow in the garden outside?

Last Answer : Summering - ie placement at favorable temperatures outside (greenhouse, garden, balcony ...) aloe will definitely benefit, but if you do not have such an option, these flowers usually thrive in the apartment, they only need a lot of light (so it is good to place them close to window).

Description : Can I apply aloe vera to my hand injury? Does he have such water, can I rub it? It's healing, isn't it?

Last Answer : Yes, you can.

Description : Aloe vera in winter season?

Last Answer : Yes you can eat Aloe vera. It is usually consumed in form of juice or smoothie. For best results drink it first thing in morning, empty stomach. Aloe vera has wonder benefits on skin in winters it ... E, Folic Acid and Niacin. So, consuming aloe vera daily in Winter enhances body defense system. .

Description : How can I preserve aloe Vera gel naturally?

Last Answer : Have you tried freezing the gel in an ice cube tray? It's an effective way to preserve Aloe vera gel, and you can even store the cubes up to a year in your freezer. That, or I'd recommend mixing in a small amount of natural honey and storing it at room temperature.

Description : How effective castor oil and aloe vera for falling hair?

Last Answer : I've tried it for one month and it was really effective. I also applied it before going to bed and also after taking a bath to be more effective And also my friend told me that I should used it in my eyebrow because I really have flimsy hair.

Description : What are the health benefits of Aloe Vera?

Last Answer : Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that is packed full with very healthy substances and chemicals that can help cure some minor and major ailments. It can be used within and outside the body. So it ... be treated using aloe vera juice. Aloe vera is packed full with alot healthy substance for the body.

Description : What is the chemistry behind aloe vera as a skin care product?

Last Answer : The inner pulp of the aloe plant contains gel and that's the one which brings about the medicinal value of aloe vera. Aloe vera contains several components such as amino acids, minerals, enzymes, salicylic acid, ... with aloe vera is that it doesn't have side effects and if there is, then its mild.

Description : How much time will it take to get rid of brown spots by applying aloe vera daily?

Last Answer : Taking from experience, my mother has a brown spot all over her face, especially on the cheeks. She apply Nivea cream but the only answer to her problem is the Aloe Vera moisturizer from Nature's ... alone. It depends on how the strong color of brown features your face and how severe it is.

Description : What happens if i apply pink or red aloe vera on my face?

Last Answer : There shouldn't be any issues with the color of the aloe jell you have purchased. The gel normally comes in green and can also come in other colors too. They now have a blue aloe vera gel that is blue ... the gel through some sort of tube to stop it from oxidating so it can be sold to the public.

Description : How do I use aloe vera plant on my face?

Last Answer : Mostly, aloe vera(the plant) is used when you have pimples or acnes on your face and you'll need to get rid of them for good. What you had to do is get a bowl and a fresh aloe vera ... with a clean towel. Repeat this for 3 weeks repeating the same procedure twice or thrice a day for better results.

Description : What is locality of aloe vera?

Last Answer : India

Description : Which of the following is NOT a plant product? (a) Camphor (b) Aloe vera (c) Vanilla (d) Kiwi (e) All are plant products

Last Answer : Ans: (e)

Description : The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of (a) Aloe (b) tomato (c) Papaver (d) Michelia.

Last Answer : (d) Michelia.

Description : Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, china rose, lupin, cucumber, sunhemp, gram, guava, bean, chilli, plum, Petunia, tomato, rose, Withania, potato, onion, Aloe and tulip how many plants have hypogynous flower? (a) Fifteen (b) Eighteen (c) Six (d) Ten

Last Answer : (a) Fifteen

Description : Keel is the characteristic feature of flower of (a) Aloe (b) tomato (c) tulip (d) Indigofera.

Last Answer : (b) tomato

Description : How many plants among Indigofera, Sesbania, Salvia, Allium, Aloe, mustard, groundnut, radish, gram and turnip have stamens with different lengths in their flowers? (a) Three (b) Four (c) Five (d) Six

Last Answer : (b) Four

Description : Inflorescence is racemose in (a) brinjal (b) tulip (c) Aloe (d) soybean

Last Answer : (d) soybean.

Description : The amount of barbaloin present in Aloe vera is (A)

Last Answer : (B) 3.5-4%

Description : This Lab has developed Alocal, an Aloe Vera based cream containing 50 per cent Aloe Juice (w/w) (a) DIPAS (b) DIBER (c) DIHAR (d) DRDE

Last Answer : (a) DIPAS