What if you broke the law?

1 Answer

Answer :

The bravest among us might consider standing tall and turningoneself into the police.Lawyers among us would likely recommend hiring an attorney,first, who can advise you what to do and how to go about yourdecision.However, a larger percent of the population would hide their badact(s), bury their guilt (if any), and lie about it.

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Last Answer : I have always been a firm believer that people should pay for their wrongs. Hitting a parked car and running away will only do harm to another person. When they wake up in the morning and find their car ... are many people who film in front of their homes now and he might get caught in the end.

Description : What if you broke the law?

Last Answer : The bravest among us might consider standing tall and turningoneself into the police.Lawyers among us would likely recommend hiring an attorney,first, who can advise you what to do and how to go about ... population would hide their badact(s), bury their guilt (if any), and lie about it.

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Last Answer : I’m not having any problems with my computer and I just checked my phone (Droid) and it was fine on that as well.

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Last Answer : answer:Why didn’t you just leave it and let the warrantee fix it? I would look online fir replacement parts or used kits to take parts out of.

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Last Answer : First thing: Relax. Second: You are fine. This was an issue with a former co-worker of mine who always cried like a baby when these things came in on a pallet broken. My boss, in order to shut him ... You would also have to eat the dust from inside the bulb to get poisoning right away. You're fine.

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Last Answer : answer:Did you check your cables, make sure everything is plugged in in the right place? Something wrong with your satellite receiver? Maybe you just need to reboot the system?

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Last Answer : answer:Well, they did the “jump at the last second” thing on MythBusters, and Buster did not survive. Video The drop is about 1:45, the results at 2:40 Thing is, no matter what, your body is still going from 50 MPH to 0 MPH instantly. That’s what kills you.

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Last Answer : The nose is cartilage, not bone. It is almost impossible to tell for sure when you’ve actually broken it or not. I’ve broken countless bones in my life, but if asked if I’ve broken my nose, my honest response would be exactly word for word as your quote/announcer states.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds like a pin may have broken. There's 4 of them, if you're confident with soldering, you can take it apart and solder the connection of the broken pin. Or take it to someone else, but ... have backups of files. Use Dropbox or any alternative, it's automated, and it's free. No excuses.

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Last Answer : If you know nothing about electricity, then DO NOT touch it. You could get hurt.

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Last Answer : sell it to game stop. use the credit toward a used one, they only cost like 60 bucks anyways

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Last Answer : Baby pictures, things Hubbs has made for me and my weighted blanket.

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Last Answer : Keep them to rotate in for smaller gatherings or for the kiddie table.

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Last Answer : Stick around . .......

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Last Answer : Cookies for two kids who learned the right thing and cookies for a smart dad. Cookie for all, I say.

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Last Answer : Fluther? ;D

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Last Answer : I would imagine we would all fly off from the impact and the being out of orbit, and if there were any survivors at that point, they would suffocate in space. But, if the chunk somehow found ... distance from the sun, then perhaps life could start over; I doubt there would be any human life left.

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Last Answer : Do you have access to a large needle and heavy duty thread? You could hand-sew the strap to the lining—which looks like is the way it is attached on the other side. You’d probably need a leather needle.

Description : I'm pretty sure i broke my index finger. Am I properly fixing it by doing this?

Last Answer : You know who knows how to properly fix it? A doctor. Seriously, why are you trying to do this yourself? This is your body, and your hands are pretty important. Why are you trusting people on the internet with something like this?

Description : My laptop just broke and it's going to cost $250 to fix, I would much rather just get another cheap refurbished or new laptop for around that price (give or take $100) any ideas.

Last Answer : I think it’s worth it to get it fixed. You’re not gonna find a decent laptop for around that price.