What is a dried plumb called?

1 Answer

Answer :

A dried plum is a prune.

Related questions

Description : What is a dried plumb called?

Last Answer : A dried plum is a prune.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What does plumb?

Last Answer : In a vertical or perpendicular line. e.g. "The wall is plumb."This is the most common meaning and alludes to the method of establishing vertical by using a plumb bob - a weight suspended from a long line ... "I'm plumb worn out."informal chiefly US (intensifier): e.g. "That's just plumb stupid."

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: (A) The directions of plumb lines suspended at different points in a survey are not strictly parallel (B) In surveys of small extent, the effect of ... of large extent, the effect of curvature of the earth must be considered (D) All the above

Last Answer : (D) All the above

Description : The line normal to the plumb line is known as (A) Horizontal line (B) Level line (C) Datum line (D) Vertical line

Last Answer : (B) Level line

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Last Answer : Answer: Option B

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Last Answer : Option D

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Last Answer : i) Ranging Rod : Ranging rod are used for ranging. ii) Pegs : Pegs are used for marking the positions of stations or terminals points of survey lines. iii) Cross-staff : It is used ... It is also used for accurate centering of the surveying instruments like theodolite, compass, plane table etc. 

Description : What effects would rubbing alcohol have on dried oyster mushrooms not ment for consumption?

Last Answer : Sounds like you’d make a pretty disgusting poison.

Description : Have you ever dried your self with toilet paper after a shower?

Last Answer : This gave me a slight chuckle. Haha no. I have used a bathrobe or just sat down in a chair til I aired dried.

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Last Answer : You might try mixing in a little rubbing alcohol, otherwise just chuck it.

Description : Can I make dried basil simply by letting fresh basil dry on my countertop?

Last Answer : To dry fresh herbs, it is usually best to hang them up in order to dry them as quickly as possible. Just tie a bunch together at the stems with some twine and hang upside down in an area with ... with leaving them on the counter is that they won't get sufficient air flow, which may cause molding.

Description : Can I grow jalapeno peppers from fresh seeds, not dried?

Last Answer : I’ll say yes. In nature, the seeds are “planted” in the decaying pepper without being dried first.

Description : Can I eat survival freeze dried meals regularly?

Last Answer : You ought to see if the programs you are on will support you consulting with a nutritionist.

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Last Answer : Mace? My husband makes bread putting, but I don’t know what he puts in it. I had never had it before he came. It’s actually very good. He puts cinnamon in his, and sometimes a lemon topping.

Description : How do I make my own dried herbs?

Last Answer : Do you live in a humid or dry environment? When I lived in Colorado, it was dry enough to pick them and hang them upside down til they dried, then I roughly ground/crumbled the leafy stuff and stored it ... stuff, wet it, and freeze it in ice cube trays, then store the cubes in bags in the freezer.

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Last Answer : answer:No. Early Earth ‘was covered in water’ Earth was once a ‘waterworld’ much like the one depicted by Hollywood, scientists believe.

Description : What is dried kidney beans as opposed to just kidney beans?

Last Answer : The difference is the “kidney beans” are in a can.

Description : Where can I buy dried, smoked herring?

Last Answer : How about Zabar’s?

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Last Answer : It sounds like you just accidentally came up with a neat kids school science project. As far as the fruit goes, there’s got to be some sort of chemical breakdown that would explain it. It’s interesting though, I’ll give you that.

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Last Answer : I have no clue, but wanted to send you speedy-recovery thoughts. And if you do get that thing bronzed, we will want pictures! :)

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Last Answer : I believe you should throw the shirt away, and get a new one. Cheaper and less work put in. Hope this helps.

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Last Answer : Yes, yellow split peas are basically the same as the green ones. There may be some minor differences in taste but that is about it.

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Last Answer : I doubt it. I think instant is probably freeze dried concentrated tea. Meaning the tea is made, and then concentrated and turned into a powder. Coffee grounds from coffee beans are not instant coffee. ... tea and freeze it for later probably. Freeze the liquid like you would popsicles or ice cubes.

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Last Answer : answer:Here is the nutritional breakdown of dates Considering one date has 16 grams of sugar and is considered a high glycemic food, I'd say there are healthier choices for you if you are really trying to cut ... If you chop the dates and add them to a handful of nuts, that can be a tasty treat.

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Last Answer : Is there a lot of bug poop on those herbs?

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Last Answer : My washer has a buzzer that reminds me. Does yours have one that you have turned off?

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Last Answer : My mother did this with the roses given to her by her (now) husband when he asked her to marry him. She let them dry for about two weeks and then stored them a flower box. She now brings them out on the anniversary of their engagement every year, tied together with a red satin ribbon.

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Last Answer : My mom swears by cold water, but that might just be for fresh blood. Wal-Mart Inc. does not consider blood to be cleaned up until somebody’s washed the area with a 10:1 water:bleach solution. You might try a chemical made especially for carpets. Or go rent a rug doctor.

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Last Answer : Nope.

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Last Answer : answer:What exactly do you mean by “scratchy”? I think it has to do with wet clothes holding creases in the fabric together. When the clothes dry, the creases remain, making your clothes appear “stiff”. I’ve had this happen to me before.

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Last Answer : They get smaller right? Same with shirts…I think…Not really sure GQ :)

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Last Answer : Try using a product called, Resolve. Or hydrogen peroxide.

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Last Answer : What kind of cheese are we talking about?

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Last Answer : answer:Hmm, your difficulty in finding a recipe seems to be because it is not easily done: III - Thou Shalt Not Make Thine Own Dry Pasta In Italy, you have pasta fresca (fresh pasta) and ... pasta machines do a horrible job. Home-extruded pasta is an abomination before the culinary gods. Source

Description : Have you ever really dried out your hair from straightening it to much?

Last Answer : I used to straighten my wavy/curly hair every day and it got really dried out. Get regular trims and invest in a good conditioner. (I like Neutrogena's deep therapy stuff. Not too expensive, and really, ... most of the off-days, and don't straighten it daily. I'm amazed how much healthier it is.

Description : Can I mix dried yeast with other dry ingredients for a recipe beforehand? If so is there a time it will be good for?

Last Answer : While I am not any where near expert in this field, I know that yeast must be activated and growing to make bread. If you mix it into the dry ingredients, I don’t belive this would properly activate it or give the yeast time to do it’s thing before baking.

Description : What can I do with dried roses that I want to keep intact?

Last Answer : Are they long stem or short? Assuming the former, this article from Suite 1010 suggests this along with its other nifty ideas: For large bundles of flowers like wheat stalks, avena or bromus I cover the ... flowers lengthwise in a large box with a lid. Store in a cool, dry place when not using.

Description : What is the best way to get dried wax off of a plate?

Last Answer : Take plate outside, wear rubber gloves and pour boiling (or almost-boiling if you fear that the plate may crack) water over it. You can buy little gadgets called Bobeches for just that purpose.

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Last Answer : Drink more water. Seriously. Drink a lot of it. It will help you to not lick your lips.

Description : Anyone tasted conpoy or dried scallops?

Last Answer : You can eat it as it. Just pop it into your mouth and after letting your saliva hydrate it, start chewing. Or you can start chewing immediately. It can be tough and it is slightly saltish. To say ... more expensive kind. But I know she will use it cos it gives the dish a better and fuller flavour.

Description : Where can I find dried fruit like oranges and apples for crafts?

Last Answer : Easiest thing to do probably is just dry your own. I've done it in a food dehydrator and it can be done in an oven as well on low temperatures. This link is referring to drying fruit for eating ... but you should be able to apply it to your crafts as well: http://www.seasonalchef.com/preserves21.htm

Description : Are you as addicted to dried cranberries as I am?

Last Answer : …no

Description : How long can I keep my dried herbs?

Last Answer : The herb packagers will tell you six months to a year, but I think that’s partly self-interest. Trust your nose. If they’re waning in strength, you can add more volume than you did when they were brand new. Old ones won’t hurt you, just won’t be as poignant.

Description : On my Kalanchoe, some of the leaves are dried, crispy and yellow. Any idea as to what I'm doing wrong?

Last Answer : your best bet is to Google the plant you have and see what other gardeners say about it. Personally, I am not familiar with that particular plant.

Description : I accidentally put my cellphone through the washing machine, hidden in my pants pocket. I have taken it apart and dried it all out. But it just statics at me when I try to use it.

Last Answer : Your "chip" is called your SIM chip. You could try

Description : Ideas for getting a dog to not fear getting dried off before coming into the house?

Last Answer : answer:Seems like there are two associations you need to tackle: coming back from creek = towelling and towelling = bad. Try changing up the routine... take her to the creek, then go for a long walk so ... tolerate) the towelling. How does she she react if you just try to towel her when she's dry?

Description : Hypothetically speaking: Can the cell phone company really tell if a phone has suffered water damage, if it's all dried out?

Last Answer : Yes. My sister’s phone was water damaged and we called to see if we could get a new one. We didn’t tell them it was water damaged. They had us take the back of the phone off, and then the battery. There was a tiny pink spot there. That’s how they knew.

Description : When did "sun dried tomatoes" get in vogue?

Last Answer : great question, I love the little guys myself. I suspect that sundried tomatoes have been around as long as the sun and tomatoes have been around. Just goes to show, good taste never goes out of style!

Description : why are the new leaves on my mango tree is curling and the edges turning brown then became dried

Last Answer : Need Answer