What was the purpose of emmitt till story?

1 Answer

Answer :

So we won't forget!!!!!!!

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Last Answer : carefully seperate the plants and plant them in the ground where it gets sun all year long, water and ph 5.0-6.5 you can mulch around them or hay around them.

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Last Answer : They are slow growers.............it is going to take years to get that high. But they are one of my favorites.

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Last Answer : Do you have a very cool place where they will not freeze.......store them there and check them.

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Last Answer : Wait until the flower dies off & dries out......then take paper plate and let them sit in a warm dry place to totally dry out.....store them in a paper envelope in a dry cool place out of the sun.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I just dug my Elephant Garlic. ok How do I keep till e nd of Sept. or oct. to plant ?

Last Answer : Net says to hang them in an onion bag in a cool dry place.......not the refrigerator....................don't seperate them until you plant them..............give them lots of room and plant in a amended soil with the point up.................water

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Last Answer : white birch is very soft and is subject to boring insects...you could look for holes in the bark your forrester will know exacting what needs to be done.

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Last Answer : green peppers have a stronger taste......red peppers are sweeter..............you could do both.................chop some of mixed together for making egg/pepper breakfast items.