Why is there no punishment for killing the python?

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Last Answer : People voted for a dead gorilla instead of taking it seriously and we got what we got.

Description : What's the appropriate punishment for the parents who bribed their kids' admission to those elite colleges?

Last Answer : Besides jail time, fines should be four years full tuition for 5 deserving students, plus their kid should have to do two years study at a community college to re-qualify.

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Last Answer : Good for dad!

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Last Answer : I’m aware many of the perpetrators are already suicidal…

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Last Answer : Nope. Weinstein is one of the Hollywood insiders. Nassar wasn’t. You don’t really believe that one of the liberal elites will see any jail time, do you?

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Last Answer : A rope and the nearest available lamp post.

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Last Answer : Let’s hope so! Justice? 2 appointments with death deserves 2 meals.

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Last Answer : I think that AT&T bears some of the blame for groping. For years, they had the advertisement Read Out and Touch Someone , which may have tacitly implied that unwanted touching was an acceptable ... start getting into penalties, let's try and classify the offenses in some cogent and consistent way.

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Last Answer : I don’t support the death penalty. He should get life in prison, but it should be life. Not 20 years and then he can apply for parole. He should die in prison. I imagine there will be a few people in there who would love to have a chat with him about his ideas and desire for a race riot.

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Last Answer : answer:I am pro choice, not pro abortion. I am against capital punishment. Whole countries (Canada for example) run on that combination and it makes sense to me. ___ Abortion/miscarriage is not a ... find a polite way to explain how I feel about attempts to conflate abortion and a capital crime.

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Last Answer : A time or two, but that’s between me and the dominatrix.

Description : What countries still have corporal punishment for adults?

Last Answer : answer: What countries still have corporal punishment for adults? Aside from the United States mostly 3rd world shitholes. Does corporal punishment work? No. Or is it a barbaric practice that ... ? It's an antiquated practice that no nation which regards itself as civilized should engage in.

Description : If you were being put to death tonight - capital punishment - what would you want to eat for your last meal?

Last Answer : Maybe, but I don’t think I would be able to eat much at that time. Eating wouldn’t take my mind away.

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Last Answer : Community service In a vet.

Description : "Friend" encourages suicide - what should her punishment be?

Last Answer : answer:It's creepy, I'll give you that. She's clearly got problems, but my thoughts beyond that are summed up here: I can't understand why they brought the charge, Cataldo said. They're trying ... she just encouraged it. I just don't think she'll be prosecuted for that. Bitch is crazy, though.

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Last Answer : answer:“Once video visitation systems are in place, most jails eliminate in-person family visits, securing a captive market for private firms.” More like an egregious example of abuse. Every day this country comes up with a new way to disgust me.

Description : For those who belive in corporal punishment towards children do you think the reverse is the same (Details inside)

Last Answer : It isn’t comparable.

Description : What is your opinion of capital punishment?

Last Answer : answer:This subject has been debated to death on every Q+A site I can remember, while no I am not for capital punishment, you put one innocent person to death your no better than they are. BUT ... put down. As a deterrent, nope not at all people will still kill each other for whatever damn reason.

Description : If a child did something deliberately awful to you, and the parents were light or even skipped punishment, what would you do?

Last Answer : answer:First of all, big difference between the two scenarios. If the kid broke or stole something, the parents don't get to shrug it off, they have to pay to fix or replace it ... things right the parents would need to apologize and also demonstrate that the child was appropriately disciplined.

Description : Do you think that solitary confinement is an apt punishment for crimes comitted while in prison?

Last Answer : Sometimes solitary is more for the inmate’s safety than for the breaking of the rules.

Description : Do you think that prison rape is a form of cruel and unusual punishment?

Last Answer : I’m amazed people think otherwise.

Description : Would you say ”lumping” is an abusive way to punish a child, better or worse than corporal punishment?

Last Answer : No.. you would lose your children's trust I would at least have them do something meaningful like volunteer at a soup kitchen and help some one . I had a math teacher who made grade 7 students write math ... 1 , 2 times 1 = 2 until you got to a magnitude of 10's and double for each infraction.

Description : Is not giving the Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Breivik , a ps4 grounds to declare for cruel and unusual punishment?

Last Answer : Could you please post a link supporting this story?

Description : Should corporal punishment be banned in schools?

Last Answer : Are these homework questions? Maybe designed to get some inputs you are supposed to discuss for an essay?

Description : What is a "cruel and unusual" punishment you know of?

Last Answer : Keeping prisoners from interacting with other prisoners is ‘cruel & unusual’ punishment.

Description : What do you think about mass punishment over the actions of a few?

Last Answer : It's not fair at all, but it is very effective in bringing order to disorder. It's often a ham-fisted, last ditch effort of a leader who senses they are losing control of the troops. It's ... you feel it expedient to do so, make your complaints to your parent, and upon their advice, or principal.

Description : Is using exercise as punishment for your kids a good idea?

Last Answer : answer:Is using exercise as a punishment likely to create negative associations with being active or working out? That is what I was thinking.

Description : What punishment would you recommend for an undergraduate who admits to having plagiarized?

Last Answer : I think they still should be expelled. When I was in college, it was known that if you cheated or plagiarized in any way, you were expelled. Why is it different today?

Description : What's the punishment for a user who uses their alternate account to self-lurve?

Last Answer : Blindess.

Description : When was corporal punishment finally banned on prisoners in Germany?

Last Answer : January 1, 2001, the German Parliament banned corporal punishment for children. Judicial corporal punishment in Germany was abolished after the revolution of 1848. The article said this is because ... protections, until finally adults got around to treating them as well as prisoners were treated.

Description : If you were the Judge and the Jury, and it were totally up to your judgement and opinion, what would be the punishment for the kid whose webcam spying caused his roommate Tyler Clemente to commit suicide?

Last Answer : He's 18? And he caused another person's death because of his thoughtless douchebaggery? Hmmmm. I'd likely sentence him to a long prison sentence. That other boy is dead because of him; that' ... prison sentence. With a gay cellmate nicknamed Shirley who gets really lonely in the middle of the night.

Description : Should a custodial parent expect a non-custodial parent to enforce their punishment?

Last Answer : If you expect the other parent to enforce your punishments, I think it’s only reasonable that the other parent be involved in deciding upon the punishment, before it’s announced to the child, just as if you were all living together.

Description : How difficult would it be, and what would the punishment for getting caught be, for successfully throwing a tomato or similar missile against the "persecuted" members of the 1%?

Last Answer : I think attacking anyone with any kind of missile negates the concept of a “peaceful demonstration”.