What is the difference between spider monkey and monkey?

1 Answer

Answer :

Gorillas are much bigger than a spider monkey

Related questions

Description : What is the difference between spider monkey and monkey?

Last Answer : Gorillas are much bigger than a spider monkey

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Is there really a difference between a cob web and a spider web?

Last Answer : I thought they were just abandoned webs, too…. that have collected dust. I guess they could be just dust. Dust bunnies are sticky like cobwebs, but they don’t have that webby shape.

Description : How can you tell the difference between a spider bite and a flea bite?

Last Answer : From my experience, spider bites become much more raised and last longer. Plus, coinciding with what you mentioned, I don’t think spiders tend to leave a bunch of bites at once, but bed bugs do!!!

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Last Answer : answer:Quick! Suck the poison out! I have no idea

Description : What is the difference between spider webs and cobwebs?

Last Answer : Both Cobweb and Spider web refer to the silken threads spun by a spider. The meanings are identical. However the word "cobweb" can also be used to mean a single thread spun by a spider, whereas spider ... is no longer in use by the spider that made it for what ever reason the spider has moved on.

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Last Answer : Don’t Fluther within two hours of sleeping. No tv either. Make your bed only for sleeping. I like Having a glass of tapwater, and an ensure. I used to listen to coast to coast am on the radio from 1–5am when ever I can’t sleep.

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Last Answer : No. I am trapped by desire, like a cookie without a glass of milk.

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Last Answer : No that is not true.

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Last Answer : No. I oppose slavery of any kind.

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Last Answer : Congratulations, @the100thmonkey, and welcome to the mansion!

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Last Answer : answer:The chimpanzee and human genome diverged 6 million years ago. They have 98% identity and many conserved regulatory regions. Humans and macaques apparently share about 93% of their DNA sequence and shared a common ancestor roughly 25 million years ago. [Source]

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Last Answer : A “monkey” is cockney slang for the grand sum of £500. Also, the residents of a town just 5 miles from me are known as “monkey hangers” It’s a long story which I can’t be bothered to go into.

Description : Is it an insult in China to be called an old man and/or a monkey?

Last Answer : answer:It is true that the elderly are much more revered and respected in Chinese ( Asian ) culture and monkeys are seen as wise, sooo, I wouldn't read too deeply into it. I am fairly well ... IF, you continue to feel insulted then, pay attention, but watch for your own insecurities to arise.

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Last Answer : answer:Hot primal jungle lovin. “Want a whole lot o’ love tonight Treat your monkey right Want a whole lot o’ love tonight Monkey time tonight”

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Last Answer : I don’t think it’s a coincidence or even 100th monkey. Nowadays the great shortener seems to be just that, the most convenient first syllables. But, speaking as an O-Wo I’ll let you guess which one :-P I kinda like it!

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Last Answer : Clint Eastwood in Outlaw Josie Wales

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Last Answer : I think that sometimes it’s not so much to soda or taste, but the carbonation. Try flavored sparkling waters. Though that won’t give you your caffeine fix.

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Last Answer : Gosh… Interesting Question….. I suppose it was justified… If it attacked my I would want it… removed…

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Last Answer : I know you can purchase photo off this website and they come in all sizes, good luck and hope it helps. http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/snow-monkey.html

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Last Answer : I think they will get sucked in to it or stuck to the screen..Wait, is it an under sand or gravel filter?

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Last Answer : Hard to find - family secrets.

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Last Answer : I'm not sure about this monkey vs. bear, but I have previously tackled the question of general between a penguin and a lemur: http://kev.elbowroomdesign.com/26/who-would-win-in-a-fight-between-a-penguin-and-a-lemur/

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Last Answer : He’s already the Governator.

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Last Answer : yes you are doing something wrong. you are spending wayyy too much time on the iPhone :P “it was several hours before i realised….” tsk tsk rich!

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Last Answer : No, and I don’t believe it’s legal, either.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Laws governing pet ownership are different state by state. You would have to check with your State laws to know if it is legal. Please keep in mind that monkeys are wild animals. Although they appear to be lots of fun, they can be difficult and dangerous as pets in someone's home.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : A hot air baboon.

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Last Answer : Monkey see monkey do.

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Last Answer : Because it is far fetched and full of nonsense.

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Last Answer : So, the answer is 2 eyes. if 'we' is considered to be the total of all the eyes of Giraffe, Monkey and Elephant, then we have 2 eyes of the giraffe, 2 of the monkey, and 2 of the elephant. So, the answer is 6 eyes.

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Last Answer : 35 million years ago. Old World monkeys and Hominoidea emerged within the catarrhine monkeys some 25 million years ago. Extinct basal simians such as Aegyptopithecus or Parapithecus [35-32 million years ... may be taken to mean the Cercopithecoidea or the Catarrhini. That apes are monkeys was alread

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Last Answer : This depends on what kind of mutation occurs. You don't say whatthe mutation/result of the mutation is, so who knows what willhappen to the monkey

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Last Answer : need answer

Description : how long a monkey live?

Last Answer : 35-40 years. thanks. almost like a human