What causes mountains to shrink in height?

1 Answer

Answer :

Weathering and erosion

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Last Answer : Answer: Option A

Description : Did not using laundry soap shrink my shirts?

Last Answer : Just not using soap can’t cause shrinking, Hot water depending on the material can though. There is no tag with the instructions I guess?

Description : How to shrink machine knitted clothing material?

Last Answer : Wool? Or cotton? Wash in hot water, dry on high heat.

Description : What medical condition could make you shrink this much?

Last Answer : Spinal disk degeneration is a major issue.

Description : How can I shrink a shirt on purpose?

Last Answer : Hot water if it is not polyester and if it hadn’t been pre shrunk. Just know that fabrics like wool could over shrink and it might not shrink in the proportions you want it to. If it’s something you love I would see a tailor instead.

Description : Why won't my screen shrink?

Last Answer : In Chrome, go to settings -> accessibility, and move “text scaling” slider.

Description : When did a Trillion shrink?

Last Answer : You’re remembering wrong. To move up the -illions scale, you’ve always multiplied by 1,000. That’s what moves the comma over 3 places.

Description : Is there a way to permanently shrink pants a bit?

Last Answer : Other than drying them on high heat and dependent on the material used, the only other option is to gain a few pounds. lol

Description : Can I get this polyester rayon blend to shrink in the wash?

Last Answer : answer:Polyestere does not shrink. Rayon usually shrinks like crazy. I have a feeling with that ratio the garment won't shrink much, not sure. Throw it in the dryer after you wash it, see what happens. ... a lot, deoending on the rayon, but I doubt that will be a problem with all that polyester.

Description : How do I shrink my canvas shoes?

Last Answer : From what I’ve read around the internet. Soak them. And put them in the dryer for 15 minutes. Repeat until desired fit. I think if you over dry them the soles might begin to crack up.

Description : How do I shrink a pre-shrunk T-shirt with a decal on it?

Last Answer : If you put it through a super hot laundry load and then put it through the dryer on high a couple of times it should shrink a little.

Description : Why don't sheep shrink in the rain?

Last Answer : They do but you’re probably blinking too fast and miss the event.

Description : Seeing a shrink, damn if you do or damned if you don't?

Last Answer : I think it goes both ways, the way society is these days, but hopefully and I would think it would be, in a court of law - more fair and picked apart. I think they would want the ... to the reason for the visits and to analyze possible motive and capabilities to do whatever would make you unfit.

Description : Can muscle shrink by injecting it with some kind of substance like botox?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Can my stomach shrink?

Last Answer : This is definitely something that you need to have checked out by a doctor. Your stomach shrinking would not be doing what you are describing.

Description : How to shrink video file and save it to HDD ?

Last Answer : answer:I would split the file. This guide should show you how. http://www.linglom.com/2008/10/12/how-to-split-a-large-file-using-7-zip/

Description : Does organic cotton shrink?

Last Answer : After the hot water, put it in the dryer, and it will shrink, unless the fabric was pre-shrunk before it was made into a garment.

Description : I received a bunch of Threadless t-shirts. Unfortunately, I ordered a size too big and now I'm going to toss them all into the wash to shrink. Will the colors run?

Last Answer : Why not return them for the right size? But if you want to wash them, check whether the label says the dyes are colorfast or not. If the washing instructions sound fnicky, I would wash them one at a time in cold water, then you could dry them all together for the shrinkage.

Description : Is it a common occurence in the USA (as depicted in movies) for ordinary middle class people to have a shrink they visit regularly?

Last Answer : I don’t know of many,but there are alot I’d like to send to one ;)

Description : Have you ever seen a shrink?

Last Answer : I’ve seen several but only in the wild.

Description : Would I be able to safely shrink an 50/50 acryllic/cotton sweater in the mircowave?

Last Answer : This sounds like a bad idea. I doubt it will work and you run the unnecessary risk of damaging your sweater and the microwave. Find a few quarters and go to the laundromat.

Description : When knit tops shrink in the dryer, why do they always shrink in the same direction?

Last Answer : What is this obsession you have with dryers lately, Jeruba? I think you’ve been hanging out in the laundry room too long. (And please return Sandydog’s black sock to him.)

Description : How can I shrink a black and white photo (.pdf and 238 KB) sent unzipped by email?

Last Answer : I would take a screen shot of the image (which saves it as an image instead of .pdf) and upload the screen shot. Alternately you could email it to me and I could do it for you.

Description : Anyway to un-shrink a wool sweater?

Last Answer : aklouie : You and your sweater are lumbered, I am sorry to say. Will it fit a pet? Or your neighbor's kids? Or the scarecrow in your field next fall? I wash all my (2) cashmere sweaters in ... perfectly. I hate the horrible stuff that the cleaners use. Just going in the door gives me a head-ache.

Description : Do you tell your shrink everything, or do you save some for fluther?

Last Answer : I have a strong dislike for seeing psychologists. Or even therapists. I was forced to go when I was a kid, and it left a bad taste in my mouth… I prefer to bottle all my emotions. :D

Description : What would "you" shrink-wrap?

Last Answer : Toilet paper

Description : I can't shrink my partition more than a few MB yet I have plenty of hardrive space(40 GB)e?

Last Answer : Why would you want to? Partitions just use up HD space, and don’t provide any benefit over what you can get with a directory. Most HD’s are preset with a minimum partition size, you are probably trying to go below the minimum.

Description : Why does your brain shrink?

Last Answer : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/06/050611153907.htm http://www.webmd.com/search/search_results/default.aspx?query=brain%20shrinkage&sourceType=undefined

Description : Where does the word 'Shrink' come from?

Last Answer : It used to be thought that going to a Psychiatrist to tell them everything was a bad thing and it would shrink your brain. I think. edit :: I think where I heard this was in Rebel Without A ... you're interested. I think the character Plato says something about not wanting to go to a head shrinker.

Description : Is there way to shrink swim suits?

Last Answer : I find washing them repeatedly actually makes them more loose. Gain some weight, I guess.

Description : Does wash temperature shrink laundry?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. My experience has been that hot water shrinks things, and fades colors. Particulalry with cotton. Warm water shrinks things slightly, but I suck that up in order to get things “cleaner.” Cold water preserves size the best, which is why it’s used for delicates.

Description : How can I shrink a to its content, while still having it centered?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe you should try a instead of a div… that should shrink to it’s width by default. (Or you could give your div display:inline;). To make a div not stretch, I think you need to give it a width, in either px or %, but that doesn’t sound like what you want.

Description : What would be the best way to shrink a t-shirt?

Last Answer : Hot wash, high heat does the shrinking for me.

Description : Free application to shrink PDFs?

Last Answer : answer:Preview will do it to a certain extent. If you go to: save as>quartz filter> Reduce file size. this is with Preview V 4.1

Description : What's the best way to deliberately shrink a t-shirt?

Last Answer : Wash in hot water then put it in the hot dryer. Be sure to turn it inside out first to protect the print. If that doesn’t work find Rick Moranis and see if you can use his shrinking machine. Or just do what I do when I have something to big to wear- eat more.

Description : Why do squash shrink on the vine?

Last Answer : Squash require a lot of water, if they are shrinking, then they are dying of thirst. -Birdy

Description : I shrink smaller every time I take a bath. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Soap.

Description : Many things can create one, it can be of any shape or size, it is created for various reasons, and it can shrink or grow with time. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Hole

Last Answer : Solids do not shrink under pressure

Description : Does anyone know how to reduce the icons on the screen of Huawei Y5 2019? I tried searching in settings and some applications but without success thanks.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I know they can be enlarged, but they can also be reduced?

Last Answer : Yeah - but only operatively ... Why?

Description : http://www.zamalopenez.cz/1450-zahradni-super-smrstovaci-hadice-22-5m/ I mean something like that. If you have it at home, write me how satisfied you are. Thank you. (sun)

Last Answer : I don't have - in principle I don't believe what is sold (perhaps exclusively) through TV advertising (or - I haven't met this hose anywhere in the store - at least for now, I haven't met). So - if you decide to buy, I hope you will share your experience later. :O

Description : Hello. I'd like to buy that shrink hose. Mine is very good, but it is heavy and difficult to handle. Now I was looking at the offers and reviews and I was quite hesitant. When they offer, they ... hose. I have studied the function and what it is good for. Thank you very much for your answers. Suzy

Last Answer : I have been using shrink hoses for two years now, so far they serve without problems. It is well stored, it is lighter than ordinary garden hoses, I appreciate the possibility of easy extension.

Description : how do you defeat poptropica shrink ray island

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Description : Will rayon shrink when washed?

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Description : Why would a balloon filled with air in a freezer shrink?

Last Answer : The low temperature inside the freezer causes the air inside theballoon to contract.

Description : How do you shrink a photo in incoming email?

Last Answer : If you copy the photo into MS-Word for example, you can show itsmaller. This won't reduce the file size of the photo, and no imagequality will be lost.You can also use an image viewing ... : convert allimages in a specified folder, for example, reducing their hight andwidth to 50% of the original.

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