What Is the basic belief about Confucianism?

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Last Answer : This is boring

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Last Answer : the neo-

Description : What are 5 important beliefs of Confucianism?

Last Answer : Here are four:o People must maintain a sense of doing what is righto Must serve their superiors diligently and loyallyo Must display benevolence towards otherso An ideal ruler should influence others by moral example

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How was neo Confucianism a response to Buddhism popularity and what did it teach?

Last Answer : This new Confucianism was created, in part, to reduce Buddhism'spopularity. It taught that life in this world was just as importantas the after life.

Description : How did empress Wu zetians reign relate to the ideals and teachings of Confucianism?

Last Answer : APEX: Confucianism taught that women were below men, so Wu Zetian's reign was an exception to Confucianism.

Description : What year was Confucianism founded?

Last Answer : Confucianism is a moral code of conduct on how to live a good life, advising on correct personal behaviour as an individual or as a part of society. It has huge influences in Chinese government, ... (551-479 AC). His precepts and principles were incorporated into the Chinese Law in 210 BC.

Description : What is the holy book of Confucianism?

Last Answer : Analects

Description : Is Confucianism universalizing or ethnic?

Last Answer : Confucianism is an ethnic religion. This means it has not spread out from China to other countries. Confucianism was founded on Chinese values and traditions.

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Last Answer : C) Respect for the enlightened individual 

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Last Answer : "Being a conservative"?

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Last Answer : Holland codes. I.Q. tests. Multiple intelligences, Emotional intelligence E.Q.. McDonald’s restaurants job placement test.

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Last Answer : You know those crosses people put on the side of the road when someone dies in a crash? I used to think those were gravemarkers, and when the ambulance crew found the occupant(s) deceased, they’d just pull the bodies from the wreckage and bury them right there.

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Last Answer : Everyone still only lives once the next time around your something else so technically "you" will only live once next time you will be something different since the you that is now would have ended to be ... 've died that's it. More or less once this live reaches completion the next new one begins.

Description : Could a belief in God somehow drain some of the good in the world?

Last Answer : Nope, it expands the possibility of kindness. While I don't ascribe gifts from others to God bestowing things upon me directly, I do see it as part of the Divine working through people, and ... limited supply; it is multiplicative, and the more kindness that gets out there, the more it spreads.

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Last Answer : Dude.. People can believe all sorts of things. The great gift that Western civilization got from Aristotle is a method of proving your beliefs have some reasonable chance of being coincident with reality. A ... when it comes to Santa, I wish I had never heard of Aristotle. I loved that delusion!

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Last Answer : My field is softwares and related stuff. You just said it yourself. Your expertise is computer related.

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Last Answer : I am gonna go with A.

Description : What are your thoughts on belief system(details inside)?

Last Answer : The second sentence states, Your belief-system will determine whether you’re depressed, happy, sad, excited, or bored. That’s not true. I am living example of a person with mental illness who’s beliefs had no effect on my mood.

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Last Answer : answer:The closest thing to an actual horned helm that comes closest to the Viking area was probably the Vikso Helmet Unfortunately for fans of Hagar the Horrible, it predates the Viking age by over ... of people grow up thinking Vikings wear helmets while they sing about trying to kill the wabbit.

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Last Answer : The belief that I have no beliefs. I rely only on facts, data, and good science.

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Last Answer : I always think Buddism was the creator of such. Karma was the centre of their belief anyway. Or did they adapt it from another belief system?

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Last Answer : I was 10 I was having Catholic last Rites read to me and I saw my grandpa who died a year before I was born. We talked for a couple minutes before I was sucked back into the land of the living.

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Last Answer : What are you saying there’s no Santa?

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Last Answer : answer:First, this isn't an IF' question. It almost assuredly is truly happening today. Second, I think that the underlying question is how and what the are doing. Terror is generally described as activities ... nowadays in the name of national security'. We do not live in a moral or fair world.

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Last Answer : answer:No one was chased away - they were asked to be respectful of other members and chose to take their balls and go home instead. The flame wars are largely doused, and what you see now is ... sought refuge at Fluther and were ground to dust. Drama is not always a valid substitute for mundane.

Description : Do you ever make a friend on fb (or in real life) who you respect and like tremendously...but then they come out of left field with some wacky statement or belief that completely changes your opinion of them?

Last Answer : It doesn’t sound wacky to me.

Description : Is belief (or disbelief) in God even a choice?

Last Answer : It takes massive talent in self delusion to simply decide to believe something. Also, I wanted that “scientist” to be the first to die.

Description : Why does it seem that many people who cannot get into the spirit of questions about God and answer on the belief He exist?

Last Answer : answer:Those answers are on point. That’s the point. If the question is based on a faulty premise, it is impossible to answer it directly, in the context in which it is asked. So the premise is what needs to be addressed.

Description : If you are debating with someone, and you come to realize that they are far more intelligent than you and far better informed on the topic, does that impact your belief that you are right?

Last Answer : For me, intelligence isn't usually a factor, but I do find myself in conversations all the time with people who at, or at least seem, better informed on certain topics than I am. (I think there are ... to do more research and to examine my own position more closely. This is never a bad thing to do.

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Last Answer : Everyone has some superstition. When I play cards I always wait until they’ve all been dealt before I pick them up and fan them out. I can’t get past the notion that if I pick them up before they’re all dealt, they won’t be as good. I lose nothing by doing this. It’s only weird if it doesn’t work.

Description : Do you think that, a person, happy with their belief system would need to attack others?

Last Answer : answer:Even if you are happy in your belief system, if people are attacking your beliefs and trying to change your beliefs often enough people tend to change their strategies from defending their beliefs into ... a belief constantly. That's my belief anyway, and I'll attack you if you disagree.

Description : Is belief equivalent to knowledge?

Last Answer : answer:I do not believe in the tooth fairy but I know the little guys in my family will enjoy the illusion of her existence for several more years. I know that people with a multitude of different belief systems co-exist, sometimes badly and sometime surprisingly harmoniously

Description : If someone is opposed to abortion based on their belief in the sanctity of human life, does this mean they must also oppose acts of warfare that result in the loss of human lives?

Last Answer : Not necessarily. Say the other guy wants to kill you, for instance.

Description : What parts of your own belief system do you have trouble accepting as true?

Last Answer : None. I have no doubts in any or all of my beliefs and I have the scars to prove it.

Description : Is believing in the Universe a belief in a higher power?

Last Answer : I think the phrase higher power was a cop-out word used to placate people who do not want to have to believe in God to follow the twelve steps program.

Description : What movement centered around studies of classics and belief in individual accomplishments (multiple choice)

Last Answer : answer:I’m pretty sure the answer is C: Humanism Edit: Renaissance humanism to be exact.

Description : Holocaust Denial: Rhetoric or Actual Belief?

Last Answer : I don't understand any of the conspiracy therorists. Like, Elvis is still alive, we didn't really go to the moon, the government had President Kenndy shot, we blew up the trade center ... psychiatrists say is true - people just want to believe that they know something that no one else knows.

Description : What is the Mormon belief?

Last Answer : Joseph Smith is generally creditted with putting the belief forward. I don’t get the rest of it.

Description : Is "a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction” justification for bullying gays at school?

Last Answer : What the fuck.

Description : Is belief in a "higher power" a "spiritual strength"?

Last Answer : Regardless of the existence of a deity, I think that belief makes people stronger. It’s not a “reliance”.. more like a foundation.

Description : What helps maintain your belief in God?

Last Answer : I have been near that line many times, I question my faith pretty critically at times. I think the experience I feel when worshiping is the biggest help. The feeling of His presence.

Description : What are your thoughts on this ethical dilemma regarding discrepancies between belief and behavior?

Last Answer : I don’t see an ethical dilemma at all. Simply because I don’t think a behavior is morally wrong, does not mean I should be required to indulge in it, it just means I have no problem with others doing it.

Description : What do you think of these belief statements?

Last Answer : Excellent job. If you stick be those for your whole life, you will do well.

Description : What would satisfy you beyond the shadow of a doubt that belief in a higher form of Being was justified?

Last Answer : answer:If a burning bush spoke to me, I'd suspect some sort of hoax or theatrical trick. If a spaceship landed on the White House lawn, I'd also be suspicious. It IS possible to make a craft fly ... to admit that reality is seriously effed up at that point (or we're really living in The Matrix)...

Description : What if your most cherished belief turned out to be false?

Last Answer : Then I would be wrong, and I’d have to find another religion either come to terms with it, ignore the facts.

Description : Do you enforce the belief in Santa Claus to your kids?

Last Answer : When my stepsons stopped believing in Santa, I just went with the flow. If, someday, I happen to have children of my own.. I don’t intend to ever tell them about Santa in the first place.

Description : What do you think are the best aspects of your belief systems, or the way you approach the world?

Last Answer : One that isn’t inflexible.

Description : How, if possible, can you determine the moral or spiritual validity of any belief system?

Last Answer : There is no objective criteria that can be used otherwise we would all believe the same thing. I would simply ask what harm might result from believing this and is it uplifting or beautiful.

Description : Do you have an experience, belief, or characteristic you were once unwilling to share that you now discuss openly? What made you willing to share?

Last Answer : I used to be afraid to saying I was an atheist or really expressing any type of secular thought. I was also afraid of revealing my liberal beliefs since I am in the military. I started not caring because I realized ... if I'm ostracized (which I haven't so that's good), I'm not letting them' win.