What are 5 important beliefs of Confucianism?

1 Answer

Answer :

Here are four:o People must maintain a sense of doing what is righto Must serve their superiors diligently and loyallyo Must display benevolence towards otherso An ideal ruler should influence others by moral example

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Last Answer : answer:If they are capricious, harmful, without merit or foundation, incorrect etc. the answer is no. In fact it would be immoral to respect such. We may have to tolerate them, but respect, no.

Description : Do you have any strongly held beliefs?

Last Answer : Yes I do, so much so that I see red when someone else belittles those beliefs. I won’t detail them, but a few such beliefs fall into the categories of religion, politics, and parenting.

Description : Have you ever struggled to align your feelings on a topic with your beliefs/values on the same topic?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. In general, I'm not a believer in most people with addiction issues overcoming them. This was a huge obstacle in a relationship of mine I discovered addiction and substances abuse ... trying to get away. I totally sucked at bringing the two things into something emotionally workable.

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Last Answer : answer:For one example: If you were morally against stealing and someone approached you and told you that you could get away with it, it would hurt no one, no loss would be felt by ... , or completely retain your values against it and never bat an eyelash? Psychology and Behavioral science question

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Last Answer : Yes.Living life led to that. I know how I think and why I think the way I do. I am confident in my beliefs.;)

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Last Answer : I always thought I would be a physician. Sometime in college, I realized that was not going to be my path. Instead, I will be a college professor. Also, I never knew I’d be living in the U.S. or know how to speak English.

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Last Answer : What do you think religion is? Yes, memetics has an influence on our moral beliefs. Great question, too.

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Last Answer : They tend to vary in their beliefs, same as the rest of us. And most IQ tests only go up to 160…

Description : In your opinion, should children follow the beliefs of their parents?

Last Answer : I think children should be allowed to form their own beliefs for themselves. Certainly, parents have a great amount of influence in what they expose their children to, and in the beliefs they follow, but ultimately children should be allowed to choose for themselves.

Description : Do you tailor your condolences to the beliefs of the person you're giving them to?

Last Answer : Sometimes, I do. If I think I can give a bit more comfort that way, I try to remember how the person feels. If I'm not sure, I tell them that they are in my thoughts, and that I hope ... to do is express the sentiment, that is what will be appreciated, probably not so much exactly what was said.

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Last Answer : People put corpses in wooden boxes, bury them in the ground, mark the spot with a rock (sometimes with carvings on it) and return to the place to “talk with” the dead.

Description : Should we be tolerant of beliefs if they are demonstrably false?

Last Answer : We should be tolerant of others beliefs until and unless they cause harm

Description : Do you know where your beliefs came from?

Last Answer : answer:At this point in my life, most of what I believe is my own. What comes after death, how I feel about religion, politics, etc. is all developed over many years of thinking about ... for you. As you go through life and experience particular things, your beliefs will be tweaked naturally.

Description : Do you like having your beliefs challenged?

Last Answer : Depends on my mood. Every now and then I like discussing my beliefs with someone that has a conflicting viewpoint. Keeps me on my toes. For the most part, I’d rather not bother. Just have to catch me when I’m feeling feisty.

Description : What are your beliefs or knowledge about the Bilderbergs?

Last Answer : Just be sure to watch Alex Jones with a grain of salt.

Description : How do you change old, damaging beliefs?

Last Answer : answer:I just force myself to remember that I only get this one life. This is it. I need to be as happy as I can be now, because I don't get another whack at it. I'd much rather ... , than the group that is so miserable in their own situation that they find satisfaction trying to drag others down.

Description : Do you hold any beliefs that you refuse to reconsider? Why?

Last Answer : That animals have rights just like we do? I don't think anything can ever make me change my mind here. They're living beings that deserve to be treated with respect and humanely at all ... and masters over everything and the most important living beings on the planet is just arrogant and wrong.