Where did the Pied Piper make his offer to get rid of the rats?

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Description : Where did the Pied Piper play

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Description : How should I rid my neighbor's vacant yard of rats?

Last Answer : Call the city animal control or health board. You will not be able to control them if the food source is not eliminated. I would not toss the poison blocks into the neighbors yard, you would leave yourself open to some serious game law violations if your poison killed a raptor.

Description : How do you get rid of rats on your yard?

Last Answer : Look everywhere around to see why they may be there in the area. An exterminator may be worth the money. There are all kinds of traps. even throw away ones that poison the rat inside and you ... they work for gophers) electric sound wave emitters. It just chases them away. Hope this is some help.

Description : How to get rid of mice/rats in my house?

Last Answer : Mouse traps. This will work at first but they'll wise up to it if they see you put one down. In my opinion snap traps are more humane where as the sticky traps don't kill them . then you ... at least they won't be showing their faces, just leaving you little presents all over the place. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Two things attract rats: 1) Food scraps - especially meat and dairy products. Never put food in your yard waste compost pile or bin - rats will chew right in. Instead use the more rodent-resistant worm ... to a fence or building. Keep you pile moist enough to compost, and it won't attract them.

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Last Answer : Sooner or later, everyone is faced with such a problem as the presence of rodents in the house or in the garden. Mice and rats live not only in private and country houses, occasionally ... . Therefore, this device is one of the most demanded, popular products on the innovative technology market.

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Last Answer : Are you asking what is dangerous to mice/rats the way that chocolate is dangerous to dogs, or are you asking what chocolate does to mice/rats?

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Last Answer : Haha…well…I don’t know, but I assume some die, yes, of course. I DO know that there are rat fanciers that raise and sell wild NYC rats bred with domestics as hybridized pets. I am sure the cities rat population will not be decimated. Rats breed like rats you know. lol

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Last Answer : I just made my husband help me to tackle our own bundle of dusty insanity a few weeks ago. We used a lot of zip ties and a bit of electrical tape, and now it's much more manageable. I can't really ... (I'm sure someone else will come along and do so), but it is a million times better back there.

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Last Answer : Sorry to break it to you, but rats are generally nocturnal (yes, I know you know that). There is really little you can do about it as it is a part of their nature.

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Last Answer : very smart

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Last Answer : I would assume it belongs to a type of water rat, for their tails are much much longer than their bodies. Side-note… a rat-tail is in no way considered a ‘fancy’ haircut. :)

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Last Answer : He’s acting normal and runs around, but he is just warm feeling. Like he has a fever.

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Last Answer : People care when you’re radical [hint: double meaning]. The Wikipedia quoting crap don’t cut it.

Description : What shavings are harmful to hamsters, rats, bunnies etc?

Last Answer : Pine and cedar are harmful. Aspen is good. Here is an article.

Description : Why are rats and mice associated with cheese?

Last Answer : I was told by a pest control professional that they do not even like cheese. But they do love peanut butter They also like food with high sugar content.

Description : What can I do about rats coming around my bird cage?

Last Answer : Terminator and burn down your neighbor’s house lol

Description : Rats chewing car wiring- any ideas on preventing it?

Last Answer : Coyote urine placed on the ground below where you park your car might help. Also, there are ultrasonic devices that give rats headaches, and they abandon the area after a day or two.

Description : Do we feel that the announced success of growing a rat's heart in a lab setting will advance the human state?

Last Answer : Yes, though I am concerned that we seem to have more technology than we have wisdom…

Description : Are rats good pets to have?

Last Answer : Of all the easily available rodent pets, rats are the most intelligent and most trainable. As to their interactions with other species, I have no idea.

Description : I know there is rat food that I can buy. Is there something special about it? You see rats eating from the garbage on TV. Can I feed my rat leftovers?

Last Answer : It's best to feed rats the commercial mixes made specifically for them. They are available in most pet shops. You can add a variety of fruits and vegetables along with cooked meat, ... foods, anything that contains caffeine, carbonated beverages or dried corn. Always check food for freshness.

Description : I have a guinea pig and I'm thinking about getting a rat. Can they be put in the same cage?

Last Answer : No. They can become aggressive with each other and you would wind up losing one. They also have different diet and cage requirements. They are best left each in his own cage.

Description : I have a rat and I let him out of his cage on a regular basis. He can still get into his cage to get food and water. Is there any way to get him to use his cage as a bathroom too? I'd be happy to set up a seperate litter box if that would work. I really don't like him going where ever it suits him.

Last Answer : Rats are usually clean animals and will choose one area of the cage as a bathroom. Place a shallow litter pan in that area. Use recycled paper as litter unless you're using it for bedding. Then choose from ... ll get the idea. When you see him using the pan, praise him lavishly and give him a treat.

Description : I have a pet rat and I'd like to get him some toys for him to play with while I'm not around. What do you suggest?

Last Answer : Like all rodents, rats are chewers. They need to chew hard objects to wear down their teeth. Non-toxic, untreated wooden blocks make great toys as well as other chew toys. Mazes, boxes, digging areas ... , they don't present any dangers of choking or causing obstructions if you're not there to help.

Description : I have a pet rat. I know that people say and neuter cats and dogs all the time and it helps their longevity. Is the same true for rats? Should I be spaying mine?

Last Answer : No, I don't think you should spay and neuter them. You should do it for larger animals like rabbits and sometimes guinea pigs, but not rats. :)

Description : If seven cats kill seven rats in 7 minutes, how many would be needed to kill one hundred rats in 50 minutes? -Riddles

Last Answer : 14

Description : If it takes four rat catchers four minutes to kill fourrats, how many rat catchers would be needed to catch 50 rats in 50 minutes? -Riddles

Last Answer : The same number of rat catchers- Four.