Why are kids to young for adult content?

1 Answer

Answer :

Exposure to adult content teaches children the wrong behaviors.They are too young to understand and it is sexual abuse to show orteach children adult content in any format.

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Last Answer : 1 adult… 100 pounds per month 3 young kids 150 pounds per month total=250 pounds per month. final total= 250 pm + 50 pm (extra) = 300pm

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Last Answer : Because 19-21 are smaller numbers than 28-30

Description : Let's say a young adult today, early 40's, has never heard of the Holocaust: What do you think their reaction would be to movies like Schindler's List?

Last Answer : I think trying to educate people is wonderful, but if I thought the person was going to be a closed-minded ignoramus about it, I wouldn't bother. That's just my opinion. Others may feel it's worth while ... She must really live in a bubble if she's in her 40's and has never heard of the Holocaust.

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Last Answer : Not quite. My grandfather met my grandmother when she was only 14, and was orphaned. He wanted to adopt her, but the delays took 5 years, so he married her. They were married for the rest of their lives, and had 5 boys.

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Last Answer : I would say eight or nine, possibly ten depending upon the maturity level of the child.

Description : Examples of Young Adult mystery versus thriller novel?

Last Answer : This one isn’t a real young adult mystery, but I liked Mystic River, by Dennis Lehane. And welcome to ask-public.

Description : Effects of divorce on young children vs adult children?

Last Answer : From what I’ve been reading, it is easier on the kids if the parents divorce when the kids are young. Of course, this is a broad generalization because there are so many factors – like money – that enter into it.

Description : As a young adult living at home, what did your parents do for you/provide for you, and what was expected of you in return? For parents of young adults, how does that differ from what you do for/expect from your young adult children?

Last Answer : answer:My kids are all grown and are employed. One is living at home to pay off her education faster. Each of them are far more together than I ever was. When I was living at home they provided almost everything (food and shelter free of charge).

Description : Why do people like adult shows depicting teenagers and young adults as morons?

Last Answer : They aren’t “adult” shows; they are shows for teens and young adults. They are designed for the 16— 24 demographic, and that’s who watches them.

Description : Implications of young adult having birth control implant?

Last Answer : The implant can be taken out at any time if you request removal. It loses its effect immediately after being removed. She can get it removed at a contraception or sexual health (GUM) clinic ... GP or practice nurse. Only a specially trained doctor or nurse can fit or remove contraceptive implants.

Description : Some teenage/ young adult drama - how to go about it?

Last Answer : Block the cousins on Facebook until they can grow the fuck up. And if Lucas won’t do that Alicia should consider finding a man that will.

Description : Filling out Christmas cards as a young, single adult woman?

Last Answer : I think that would be a great idea. Even things as simple as a card (especially to parents) can have sentimental value and I would suggest writing a peronal messege in each because, Happy Holidays or just Merry Christmas can come off as lazy. Welcome to Fluther

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Last Answer : At 13, friends and I passed out chocolate covered Milk Bones for a Halloween “trick.” My little mastermind plot. lol Parents were not happy at all inspite of the health benefits of whiter teeth and fresher breath.

Description : Do you let your teens or young adult children smoke or do illegal drugs in your home?

Last Answer : Good god no. I’m the house that all the my son’s friends come to as well. We often have 6 or 7 teenage boys in our basement. They don’t seem to mind my rules. Actually, those are their rules. They all made a pact to not smoke, do drugs or drink and, so far, they’ve all stuck to it.

Description : How often did you "go out" in your young adult days?

Last Answer : There are many places I know of with drink specials for almost every day of the week. I used to go out a lot, but now only thurs, fri, and sometimes sat.

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Last Answer : No. Read anything you want and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Description : Can a responsible young-adult do poorly in college?

Last Answer : answer:yes, how well you do in school depends a lot on how well you can take test. I once had a student that knew the information forward, backward and sideways, but could not pass a written test with the answer key. He was very responsible, just no testing ability.

Description : What are some good Young Adult books for the upcoming winter break?

Last Answer : I had a YA Lit. class this summer and was pleasantly surprised by The Book Thief. Outside of the YA section have you read the Wheel of Time? Now that’s some good fantasy.* *People talk and such, and there are actually women who kick ass and are more than tits and damsels in distress. Amen.

Description : What defines a young adult novel?

Last Answer : I've been wondering this myself. I'm reading I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett, which is a Tiffany Aching story, and those have usually been classified as young adult. This one starts ... a long, frequently referenced, detailed description of a large carving of a man with a humongous dong.

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Last Answer : Sorry, I meant this to be a social question, not meta.

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Last Answer : If your urine was clear, it may not be dehydration. Dehydration would make the urine quite strong. Perhaps your problem involves low salt levels. That is common while exercising in the heat.

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Last Answer : tragic loss, redemption, retold , well, in modern day vernacular. an intense original story told within that framework.

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Last Answer : Anastasia Krupnik, by Lois Lowry. It's a series, but it's one of those.

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Last Answer : Gravity Falls

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Last Answer : 17. Suzanne Collins

Description : Assertion :- The young one of cockroach does not look like adult cockroach. Reason :- the mouth parts of young cockroach are not well developed like a

Last Answer : Assertion :- The young one of cockroach does not look like adult cockroach. Reason :- the mouth parts of young ... cockroach. A. A B. B C. C D. D

Description : Their is a six month program that the national guard offers for young adult males. What is the website for this program.?

Last Answer : www.ngb.army.mil is the official site

Description : Transitioning from Adolescent to Young Adult?

Last Answer : Dealing with Change: Your Teenager’s Transition to AdulthoodAs teenagers become adults, sometimes the line between childhood and adulthood can seem blurred. For teens, this change can be difficult, but for ... adult, you will allow yourself to see and accept the changes your teen is experiencing.

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Last Answer : Answer : C

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Last Answer : Maturing and adult birds

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Last Answer : (d) Echinodermata.

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Last Answer : a) Middle adult The middle adult’s tasks also include launching children, and refocusing on one’s marital relationship.

Description : The teaching is not thought as a process of (a) Listening the recitation of pupils (b) Directing the activities of pupils (c) Indoctrinating adult ideas to young pupils (d) None of the above

Last Answer : (c) Indoctrinating adult ideas to young pupils

Description : Is quora filled with adult content nowadays?

Last Answer : I belong to Quora and I haven't found it so. There may indeed be certain questions/answers that relate to adult content but as long as the question asker is writing in an appropriate manner I think it is ... it's fine. I answer lots of other questions there and most of it isn't of an adult nature.

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Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : Iodine content of thyroid gland in an adult is about (A) 1–3 mg (B) 4–8 mg (C) 10–15 mg (D) 25–30 mg

Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : Brown adipose tissue is characterized by which of the following? (A) Present in large quantities in adult humans (B) Mitochondrial content higher than white adipose tissue (C) Oxidation and phosphorylation are tightly coupled (D) Absent in hibernating animals

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning oxygen delivery? a. The amount of oxygen delivered to peripheral tissues is dependent upon the oxygen content in arterial blood and cardiac ... O2/dL d. Normal systemic oxygen delivery for a typical adult is approximately 1000 cc/min

Last Answer : Answer: a, c, d The amount of oxygen that is delivered to peripheral tissues is the product of the oxygen content in arterial blood times the cardiac output. Normally, oxygen content of arterial blood is ... of venous blood is 16 cc/dL. Hence, the normal arterial-venous difference is 4 cc O2/dL

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Last Answer : Answer: b, d The transition from the proliferative phase to the remodeling phase of wound healing is defined by reaching collagen equilibrium. Collagen accumulation within the wound becomes maximal by ... in strength for six months or more, eventually reaching 70% of the strength of unwounded skin

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Last Answer : (d) 12 - 16 gm.

Description : What is your favorite adult joke in a kids TV show?

Last Answer : Spongebob watching the dancing sea anemone and changing the channel

Description : Okay to be friends or even best friends with your adult kids? Should one stay the parent?

Last Answer : Adult kids? Friends is great. Children? Friends is a quick path to horribly behaved monsters, usually.

Description : Do kids really catch on to many of the adult themes in Futurama?

Last Answer : answer:They’re probably more aware than you realize. You’re obviously not aware of the smut televised daily on The Disney Channel.

Description : Am I too young to be this content?

Last Answer : Being happy does not prevent a person from being goal oriented in any way. As long as you re-assess your goals on a regular basis, you can move on.

Description : Daycare workers and elementary school teachers, how are the young kids doing with mask mandates?

Last Answer : I’m only in schools part time but I do have young kids, and I’ve noticed that kids are generally more dilligent and accepting of mask rules, distancing, and handwashing than adults. The demo skews lefty middle class, but that diverges into antivax too, and the kids all seem to do rather well.

Description : For teachers, parents of young kids and playful folks: Can you tell me how to make and use invisible ink?

Last Answer : I did this as a kid. Water and lemon juice. Heat the paper with a hair dryer after the juice dries and it will show what’s written.

Description : Has anyone ever been a Soccer coach for young kids?

Last Answer : Are you thinking of coaching? I haven’t coached soccer. I know a few fundamentals but not a lot of them. John Wooden was a legendary basketball coach in the US. He was all about fundamentals. Get those down and the rest is easy.

Description : Do you have any advice for parents of young kids with eyeglasses?

Last Answer : Get two pairs, at least. I know that’s a cost, but it’s worth it.

Description : How young is too young to teach kids how to shoot a gun?

Last Answer : I’m 27, and so far as I’m concerned, nobody my age should legitimately have access to a firearm. If your kid is younger than 50, there’s no reason to teach them how to kill another person with a firearm.

Description : Can you see the future for some kids at a very young age?

Last Answer : And then there’s this girl who turned her lemonade stand into a franchise for charity.