What is the percentof questions if a person had 4 wrong answers out of 27 questions?

1 Answer

Answer :

85.19% right

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Last Answer : 1

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Last Answer : To my knowledge there isn’t a way. I think it would be cool to have a way to see unanswered questions sorted by time or something. Orphaned jellies need love too.

Last Answer : The system of answering one's own questions is currently running in Ans Bangla! So he will be rewarded if he is in the first three of the list of best point gurus. But if someone opens a fake ID and votes in the answer, then his ID will be blocked. Thanks , stay with Ans Bangla ...

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Last Answer : D)reliability

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Last Answer : answer:Charlie Rose was pretty direct with Putin and threw a few softballs but most questions were pointed direct and interesting. Charlie Rose: There are many people who are critical of Russia, as you know ... say that's true, yes. Scott Pelley: How are you going to get anything through Congress?

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Last Answer : 1. Thomas was a baseball player and was stealing bases. 2. The truck driver was walking. 3. The teacher was in an orphanage school.

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Last Answer : Answer: B The series is decreese with order 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Therefore expected series will be 52, 51, 48, 43, 36, 27, 16. Hence 34 is wrong in seriese there must be 36.

Description : Did you know there are really just two answers to all our "Important" questions?

Last Answer : And that's basically why there's so little I take seriously. No offense, but have you stepped back lately and looked at how busy we are blaming everyone but ourselves for everything that's gone wrong?And how much ... . And weak. And strange. And human. And so are you. And so am I. You're welcome.

Description : Do you often feel as though users who enter your questions feel limited to answers by the fact that you give a lurve for best answer to other users?

Last Answer : I don’t think so, I don’t know anyone that seems to really care about lurve. Faux awards in a faux mansion is not much to spark competition…lol

Description : What questions do you not want answers to?

Last Answer :

Description : Have you ever looked back on your questions and answers and thought, I can’t believe I wrote that?

Last Answer : Sometimes!

Description : Do you enjoy hearing the answers when you ask children open ended questions?

Last Answer : answer:Oh yes! Children are often wiser than grownups simply because they think simple and honest. Answers can be everything from hilarious to a wake up call.

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Last Answer : It’s not something I’ve ever noticed.

Description : When you were growing up into adulthood, where did you turn for answers to the questions that arose?

Last Answer : My parents pretty much were my compass for becoming an adult. Since the internet and pretty much computers did not yest exist….the rest I learned on the streets of Chicago.

Description : When it comes to questions on ethics, are people honest in their answers, or do they lean more towards answering in a vague PC way so as to not appear in an unflattering way?

Last Answer : Most people would knock him off the bike and pound him. And not feel bad about it.

Description : Do you find it annoying when your answers to questions are off topic?

Last Answer : I don't mind as long as the answers had a natural progression and it is still somewhat related and interesting. It depends what type of question it is. Some are very matter of fact and ... cut answer. While others are more discussion oriented and discussions naturally tend to drift around a little.

Description : Should we post follow-up answers to questions we asked in the past?

Last Answer : Yeah, I wonder if that kid ever showed up, the one apparently lost in the frizzer!!

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Last Answer : answer:Some of the security questions asked by my AT&T account involved some really obscure crap to which I never gave any thought. E.g., what style are your favorite shoes, or what color are your father’s favorite socks?

Description : Do you like to go over past questions and answers?

Last Answer : Sometimes I'll see that someone has lurved an old answer that I don't even remember giving, so I'll go back and read it out of curiosity. That's about the extent of it. The only benefit I ... I say here sticks around for a long time. Sure makes me more careful about clicking that Answer button.

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Last Answer : What happens when you die? Is uranus really that big? What will santa bring me this xmas?

Description : Who answers these questions ,are there any specialised employees or are they just answered by users of this site?

Last Answer : answer:99.9% of the answers are by other users of the site. But dang, if they gave me an opportunity to do this for money, I would be all over it.

Description : How much planning do you put into questions and answers here?

Last Answer : answer:I surf Fluther like I surf through life; If we had a plan, we'd be screwed! . The way I see it, doing anything other than stream of consciousness is dishonest, and I am too honest to abide ... you read is what I think, fucks, shits,, and all. The only real planning I do is spell-checking.

Description : Does it count as spam on Fluther if someone answers the questions but keeps putting their business website at the end of their answer?

Last Answer : I guess they’d just view it as advertising…but if they’re consistently doing it, then I’d class it as spam.

Description : I need the name of a website that was mentioned on the BBC program Click. The website asks you questions on it and it then gives recommendations based on your answers.

Last Answer : If any one is interested… and I guess you may not be as no one answered:( the website is called hunch.com… its quite fun. I found it on my facebook status update from November.

Description : Do you know of any questions with no real answers?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll start… Do stairs go up or down? How come you never hear father-in-law jokes? If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

Description : Are your best questions or answers all from point parties?

Last Answer : None of mine. However, many of my high-rated answers are more joke responses – more than I’d like.

Description : What non socially positive answers would you give to the typical questions? (details below)

Last Answer : answer:Non socially positive responses if it’s a ridiculous statement/question. —I couldn’t give a flying fig out of a rolling donut, time to grow up and move out of your parents basement, & it’s not her, it’s you… Grow a pair?

Description : Is ask-public supposed to notify me when someone answers one of my questions?

Last Answer : Only if you have asked them to.

Description : Can questions/answers not be edited after a certain point?

Last Answer : I think you have about ten minutes to edit a question or answer. You can change a question once it has been answered, and you can edit an answer when you’ve been given a ‘great answer’.

Description : "NF" Suffix on answers to "General" questions?

Last Answer : I think it is unnecessary. If you are not following a question or not makes no difference to me. If I want a response and don’t get one, I’ll PM you.

Description : Suggested answers for interview questions?

Last Answer : Practice those questions. For any interview, “umm” and “uhh” should never come of out your mouth ever. Basically if you can speak well and seem interested in being there you’ll do well.

Description : Are you annoyed with people who have smartass first-answers to questions?

Last Answer : As tempting as it was to make a smart-ass first answer, there is a general rule that you save smart-ass answers or jokes until after the question has been answered for real =)

Description : Do the responses to your questions and/or your answers ever upset you?

Last Answer : answer:Somebody made a reference to me yesterday and I cried all day long. But, other than that, I try and get something out of everything that’s said. It doesn’t hurt to see something from a different view point.

Description : When you read questions on Fluther, do you find yourself popping off quick sarcastic answers in your mind before really thinking the question through?

Last Answer : No. I don’t go into questions like that.

Description : How long should questions, details, (Oxford comma) and answers be?

Last Answer : I don’t mind if a question or answer is long as long as it’s readable. Breaks and paragraphs are nice and readable. When someone just writes on and on in one big block then I give up.

Description : Where on the internet can I take practise binomial theorem questions with the answers so I can check if I'm doing it right?

Last Answer : Why not use past papers? Not only can you see exactly how they would be marked, the questions will be 100% relevant to your course.

Description : How do you feel about jellies who ask numerous amounts of questions, but never once acknowledge anybody who answers them or give you a GA?

Last Answer : People have heard this before, so it bears repeating When someone annoys me it takes 42 muscles in my face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend my arm and bitch-slap that that thoughtless AH ... really bother me, my family and pets lurve me all the time. That's all the lurve I need!

Description : If you were guaranteed honest answers to three specific questions, of whom would you ask them and which three questions would you ask?

Last Answer : Always be careful of asking questions which require a truthful answer. The kindly ones are notorious for answering (truly) with answers that cause more harm than good. Heck, the Scottish Play was at least ⅔ trouble caused by the Erinyes’s answers.

Description : Does Fluther support embedding videos in questions or answers?

Last Answer : You can’t embed them, but you can link to them easily.

Description : How much could someone learn about your personal life from your questions and answers on Fluther?

Last Answer : I think that if someone I knew stumbeld across Fluther they would figure me out. Also, if I met someone new and told them I'm on Fluther, they could get nearly my whole life story. I am ... resourceful stalker might be able to dig up more but then again, that's probably true of nearly everyone.

Description : Lurve Limits, Great Questions, Answers, and Awards: How does it all work?

Last Answer : You can give as many GA's and GQ's as you like and the number of GA's and GQ's will always go up. However their lurve score will not go up as a result if you have already maxed out on them. ... receive, a person maxed out on their lurve to you can still apply their GA's and GQ's toward these awards.

Description : Does it bother you when people profit from your questions and answers?

Last Answer : Yes, bendrew wrote a blog about some of the issues they’ve been dealing with.

Description : I have read several questions and answers on fluther about not washing one's hair at all (or very rarely). To people who practice this, do you exercise?

Last Answer : Yes, but I have incredibly, incredibly dry hair. I mostly wash to combat any stinky hair thing going on, and when I do, I wash with conditioner.

Description : Can you think of questions that call for creative answers?

Last Answer : I used to work for chacha.com I gave factual answers and would be a smartass with smartass questions.

Description : Are the questions and answers on fluther way too long?

Last Answer : No.

Description : All of the sudden I'm seeing Google ads in between questions and answers on ask-public. When did this start happening and why?

Last Answer : That only happens to me when I am not signed in.

Description : What are your answers to James Lipton's famous questions?

Last Answer : 1. What is your favorite word? cacophony 2. What is your least favorite word? cunt 3. What turns you on? librarians 4. What turns you off? frat boys 5. What's your favorite curse word? fuck 6. ... would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? The keg is next to the hookers.

Description : Do you try to respond to most of the answers to your questions and give everybody a "great answer," for just trying?

Last Answer : I always give a great answer if someone takes the time to answer one of my questions. I don’t always have the time to respond to every answer though. My five year old daughter takes up most of my time.

Description : How do you personally rate questions and answers?

Last Answer : when i say to myself, “damn! that’s smart!” then i rate it. not any more scientific than that.

Description : I know you can search for a users questions but how can you search for a users answers of Ask-public?

Last Answer : answer:You can’t do it in the search box, as far as I know, but if you want to see all posts of a given user, you can use google to limit your search to Ask-public and search for the user’s name like so. The process is kind of tedious, though.