What Significant details about happiness?

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Last Answer : Long term goal rule the world. Short term goals develop more super powers pay off credit card and eat better.

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Last Answer : answer:Of course you can be friends.( And you are different, not opposite genders.) And nowhere do you describe someone who is your significant other. You dated twice and had the good sense to both see ... you his sister. It sounds like the start of a wonderful friendship. Why nip it in the bud?

Description : Does your spouse or significant other come to work with you? (Details inside)

Last Answer : I imagine couples working together would only speed up the separations. Couples need space.

Description : What is the best way to achieve happiness?

Last Answer : The best way to achieve happiness is different for each person, but some common ways include: cultivating positive relationships, setting and achieving goals, staying physically and mentally healthy, learning to manage stress, and finding meaning and purpose in one's life.

Description : To anyone who’s had a lot of money before ,does it buy happiness?

Last Answer : No, but it does a pretty good job of funding the search.

Description : How would you explain happiness to a person who doesn't understand feelings?

Last Answer : Describe it as simply a really good feeling

Description : Where do you express your happiness?

Last Answer : Hyping up other ppl when I'm feelin myself

Description : What is the path to happiness?

Last Answer : This is a pure personal thing. What allows one person to feel a sense of deep happiness can be completely different than another person. I feel it is not about money or possessions. Finding out what ... start on a lifelong journey. Life also injects many things that can move of out of this space.

Description : Is “happiness a cookie which the brain bakes itself?”?

Last Answer : What are you putting in your cookies?

Description : What is something you do in your free time that brings imense value/happiness/relaxation to your life?

Last Answer : answer:farming sims must pet chicken

Description : What usually comes first to mind after you feel a sudden rush of happiness?

Last Answer : Gratefulness.

Description : Do you think suicidal patients, especially when treated, could follow through, not only because they're depressed, but also because the happiness at life takes away their fear of death?

Last Answer : ….” especially when treated” ? Would mean that they would see that life has more to offer them and thus No.

Description : How do you obtain true happiness?

Last Answer : You die I suppose.

Description : Complete this sentence... "Happiness to me is..."?

Last Answer : A pain-free, healthy life.

Description : Does your hate compromise your ability to achieve happiness?

Last Answer : probably. How would I know?

Description : Would anyone like to participate in this self-assessment of happiness?

Last Answer : answer:That sounds great, but I won’t last for a whole year. I wish you the best of luck, though. Hope you’ll have a lot to write about. Welcome to ask-public.

Description : Is it ok to do something in a wrong way but for a good reason for a person's happiness?

Last Answer : answer:If you're doing something you don't want to in order to please something else and trying to justify it with the thought that you'll be happy in the long term then you're probably going ... your discomfort by telling yourself that everything will be all peachy and happy in the end. It won't.

Description : In your best guess, do you believe someone can be happy but not have happiness?

Last Answer : answer:Can someone feel hunger yet not be hungry? I think so. I feel hunger is a temporary state, easily remedied, while being hungry implies a more permanent state. The comedian Louis C.K. ... recommends talking with a person who truly doesn't have food and, due to necessity, hasn't eaten.

Description : What is the real threshold for money and happiness?

Last Answer : San Francisco – Manhattan, 110–120 grand for a single guy or gal & you’re still gonna need a roommate. This amount assumes the definition of happiness is an abscence of struggle.

Description : Have you ever relied way too much on someone else for your happiness?

Last Answer : No, I don’t rely enough on all those someone-elses in my life, which is unfortunate. Friends and family can bring so much joy, but I always look to myself for my own happiness.

Description : Are you looking for happiness in life?

Last Answer : If you don't belong then you are free to be yourself (no rules ). Enjoy what you have. If you were to get what you want would you really be happy? Or would you want more? Be happy that you don't have ... follow you. Sure you can move out of New York. Deep down it's who you are and not where you are.

Description : What is your secret to happiness?

Last Answer : a faulty long term memory allows me to be happy most of the time.

Description : Have you found happiness simply by moving out of state?

Last Answer : I lived in one state that I was more than happy to leave. It’s been much better in my new place. And I never want to go back either.

Description : Do you think happiness is harder to achieve as our lives get more complicated?

Last Answer : For some people it’s a case of “can’t see the woods, for the trees” My grandma used to say that, okay, she drank a bit, what of it?

Description : In your life, is there anyone whose happiness you work toward?

Last Answer : Everyone on ask-public and Answerbag. The people around me.

Description : Do you wish happiness on everyone?

Last Answer : answer:What a 1st question! I thought you were going to test the waters first? Everyone deserves to be happy.

Description : Could you imagine slapping your colleagues butt or jumping piggy back on him/her to express happiness?

Last Answer : Uh NO! could you imagine a fifty something, hundred pound over weight truck driver jumping on you, it would get me arrested.

Description : What are the different types of happiness?

Last Answer : The pleasure derived from watching the success or happiness of others. An example is celebrating when your son gets accepted to the college of his choice or the girl he likes accepts a date.

Description : Is your pursuit of physical pleasure (sexual and non-sexual) tied to your happiness?

Last Answer : answer:Not particularly. I search for creative fulfillment and intellectual stimulation much more than physical pleasure.

Description : Do you believe that attaining pleasure and happiness are the only things which give life any intrinsic value?

Last Answer : I don’t think hedonism is where it’s at. I’d much rather share pleasure with another. That fulfills me.

Description : Would the concept of "Having to do nothing and worrying about nothing" bring about happiness in our lives?

Last Answer : If you like emptiness maybe that would work. Sometimes you have to put your butt on the line to find happiness. It can be scary but it also can be great. Happiness is up to the individual.

Description : How do you gain more happiness in life?

Last Answer : 1. Confidence 2. Optimism. 3. Good personalities (kindness, honest…) 4. Humor. 5. A firmly set goal.

Description : How do you deal with relatives or friends who can suck all the happiness out of you?

Last Answer : Smile and move on, that’s what I do. If they can’t be polite and mature, I’m not wasting my time and energy on them.

Description : Do you think that its possible to not realize how unhappy you are until you achieve actual happiness?

Last Answer : answer:No, unhappiness is a state of mind just as happiness is. The do not co exist, but fluctuate one to the next. Happiness is being content Some thinks that happiness comes according to what state you ... you in you can be happy by being content, that way you are sure you will never be unhappy.

Description : Can moving back to a town you've missed for five years bring happiness?

Last Answer : In my hometown is the only place to find crispy moist BBQ duck with secret sauce and beef and broccoli with special sauce. Maybe I can just visit and get my cake and eat it too. I would try all the ... new town has some hidden gems you can discover, you might miss your new town when you go to visit.

Description : It's Independence Day in the U.S. How are you pursuing Happiness?

Last Answer : I’m watching The Devil’s Disciple and getting ready to prepare a supper of knockwursts, sour sauerkraut and beans with rye bread (preceded by some Beano).

Description : Why is society so obsessed with happiness?

Last Answer : I think if you’re just as happy with things being not-so-happy.. then you’re still happy.

Description : Where can I find out more on happiness on a nonscientific level ?

Last Answer : Stumbling on Happiness

Description : Do you fear happiness?

Last Answer : answer:It is an interesting question really. Personally I often look at things that would make me happy and I see this amazing thing ahead of me, but then I kind of fear more how to get there than the ... aspect? You are used to the bedlam and chaos that for that to suddenly change it can be scary.

Description : Is being happy synonymous with happiness?

Last Answer : They are separate, but can also be synonymous. I’ve been on a rollercoaster in a state of indifference because it wasn’t thrilling, and I’ve had a very happy time on a rollercoaster.

Description : What brings you joy and happiness in life?

Last Answer : My life itself, my kids, my wife, my personality/outlook & yeah, i’m going to say it….... a good, hard shag!!

Description : Are you content? If so share your happiness xxx?

Last Answer : I am at college, having my mind stimulated on a daily basis. And I am reasonably healthy.

Description : Has anyone returned to their childhood town to live and found happiness?

Last Answer : I’ve returned home to visit multiple times and each visit only solidified my decision to never go back there lol.

Description : Happiness is...?

Last Answer : temporary

Description : Where do you find happiness?

Last Answer : In caring.

Description : If you were to graph your happiness in life over time what would it look like?

Last Answer : A roller coaster

Description : Have you ever compromised your own happiness to make someone else happy?

Last Answer : Yes. I give up on the things I love at certain times because she hates them! For example, she loves to watch the kardashians and I can't even stand that show to be honest. She usually asks me to watch it ... choice.. It's all about perspectives. The way I see it, if she's happy? Hell I'm happy!

Description : Which is the greater emotion: happiness or sadness?

Last Answer : I think that it depends on what the happiness is or what the sadness is. Either can be greater than the other.

Description : People in their late 30's and beyond: When you reached your late 30's or 40's, did you start re-evaluating your life, i.e. happiness, career, relationship, housing situation?

Last Answer : Fuck, I’m 26 and I’m re-evaluating my happiness, career and housing situation.

Description : Are delusions as necessary to happiness as reality is?

Last Answer : I too am obsessed with Criminal Minds. A friend of mine who doesn't date much and is lonely once told me that she wouldn't mind the loneliness so much if the wanting to be loved feeling would ... delusion? Maybe, maybe not, but I think that is what keeps her positive attitude most of the time .