What happens to the boy in Iord of the flies?

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Description : What happens to relocated flies?

Last Answer : I think exactly one second after leaving your car, it starts heading toward any bit of poop or carrion in the area. You ever-so-slightly increased the genetic diversity of the fly population.

Description : What happens if a fly/mosquito/whatever harmful insect flies through your mouth and into your stomach?

Last Answer : answer:It gets into your stomach and dies in all the acid in your stomach. Then microbes in your gut digest it. Most of those bugs get coughed up though.

Description : What happens to the fire are their reactions appropriate lord of the flies?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What happens in chapter 3 of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?

Last Answer : The Hopeless CaseBruno thinks they should have left Gretel-whom he lovingly refers to as the Hopeless Case-in Berlin to watch the house.Despite this, though, he goes to her room and they talk about their ... What the heck is Bruno talking about?He takes her to his room and she looks out his window.

Description : Do the fruit flies come with the bananas, or do the bananas attract them?

Last Answer : From what I have read a year ago, they come with the banana. I thought that the eggs are in the peel already. But, coincidentally, yesterday I saw a headline, which I didn’t click to read further, that said that we also eat them… So that would mean they (eggs) are in the banana itself too?

Description : If kids in the US start dropping dead like flies due to a Covid19 variant, would there be less anti-mask and anti-vaccine efforts?

Last Answer : A guy mowed down a classroom full of kids, and right wingers did not care. They even went so far as to deny that it happened, and harassed the survivors, accusing them of being “actors”.

Description : Do you ever list things that have four legs and flies?

Last Answer : Rocket J Squirrel Wiley Coyote A Horse

Description : So Trump declares a national emergency, and to prove it, flies off to a weekend of golf. Is that how it shoild work?

Last Answer : Yupper. Nobody wants to be around when shit hits a fan.

Description : Do flies think they're dogs?

Last Answer : maybe you should…. https://www.orkin.com/flies/what-attracts-flies/

Description : Do house flies read Darwin?

Last Answer : Strength in numbers!

Description : Where are the garbage flies until the garbage comes out?

Last Answer : Seriously, they’re attracted to the smell. Even if your garbage doesn’t smell to you, it’s attractive to the fries. Trash cans can become extremely smelly (and attractive) in the heat. A little moisture is all that will clinch it for them.

Description : How did Flies get the honor? (Details )

Last Answer : answer:It's actually a case convergent evolution. The noun comes from the Middle High German word Flügel, which means wing. It entered Old English as the word flȳge or flēoge, which referred ... -called true flies, which are distinguished by their use of a single pair of wings for flying).

Description : Do house flies fly in a certain pattern?

Last Answer : I have these small black flies that congregate on my carport, or any other dead air spaces. They dart back and forth, to and fro. They don't gather where the dog poop is, so they're not looking ... out and force them to fly into the shower where they are limited in flight and I can liberally spay.

Description : Where did all my dead flies come from? [Details]?

Last Answer : They swarm together for warmth when the temps. drop, just before they drop, like flies of course. lol We had the same thing here in our horse barn a few weeks ago. Gazillions on the ceiling of the tack room and we sprayed them and shop vacced up the carcasses the next day.

Description : How do you get rid of fruit flies?

Last Answer : I always would use a vacuum cleaner wand. Suck ‘em out of mid air flight.

Description : Is there anything I can use to repel flies?

Last Answer : Fly swatter and then a small hand-held vacuum. It is all pretty disgusting. Speaking of which, there is always flypaper, but I am guessing that the Dept. of Health would take a pretty dim view of it in a restaurant.

Description : Why aren't there more flies in Zombie movies?

Last Answer : Hard to keep them still for the camera. Also a gross out factor would take effect.

Description : Question about the ending in Lord of the Flies (details inside)

Last Answer : Aster good point, in my opinion, though, it really depends on his personality, and given how we only meet him in that scene, it is believeable enough, at least to me it is, that he could ask that – especially since he has really no idea what horrors have been playing out on that island…

Description : Where could a bunch of flies in my house be coming from?

Last Answer : Since you mentioned cats, perhaps there is a dead mouse cleverly hidden or even entombed inside a wall.

Description : I know that time flies no matter how old you are, but which decade of life did you feel went by the fastest?

Last Answer : I’m only 40, and I suspect things are accelerating. My 20s seemed to disappear 10 times faster than my teens. My 30s were gone 20 times faster than my 20s. My 60s will likely fly by in a mere 3 hours.

Description : Do fruit flies have feelings [see details]?

Last Answer : answer:In the words of Groucho Marx: Time Flies Like An Arrow. Fruit Flies Like A Banana.

Description : What is the best way to deal with black flies?

Last Answer : Avon Skin so Soft works somewhat but in my experience, Black Fly season is bad news.

Description : Why are people so afraid of flies, spiders, and bugs?

Last Answer : answer:For me I think it's the (perceived) sensation of spiders on my skin . Despite being so much larger than a spider, if there is one in my room I am convinced it is going to end up crawling on me, ... as fact online Course, that doesn't mean we don't eat 8, or even 28 spiders a year . yeaurgh!

Description : What are the things you could do to possibly forget that time flies fast?

Last Answer : answer:I am so going to follow this. I had thought of asking a Q wondering at what age the Jellies suddenly noticed that the phrase “the slow unfolding of years” no longer applied…. Totally unhelpful answer, but you got a GQ out of it!

Description : How do you convince someone that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?

Last Answer : I don’t know that you can. Control freaks have their own systems and it’s rare that any thing will change them. Approaching softly isn’t going to work any better than ranting and raving. Maybe a family intervention would help, if you have a professional person moderate it.

Description : Are flies more cunning than I gave them credit for?

Last Answer : yes…yes they are.

Description : Fountain of youth and people celebrating their 200th birthday - How promising are Methuselah fruit flies?

Last Answer : answer:Well we won;t see 200 yr. old people in this century, they'd have to be 100 already which is probably a little late for this therapy. They don't say what the quality of life extension is. Will ... we need people living to 200 unless they work to 150, and I would not want to work that long.

Description : In your opinion which makes worse pest, ants, flies, roaches, rats, or wasp/yellow jackets?

Last Answer : Are these four the only choices, or can another option be thrown into the hat?

Description : What's the best (and least toxic) way to get rid of fruit flies?

Last Answer : Probably fungus gnats… yellow sticky traps are supposed to work, although I haven’t had great luck w/them.

Description : How do I say "he flies through the skies" in Latin?

Last Answer : answer:“volat per caelum” That’s my “I took 2 years of Latin courses about 4 years ago” translation.

Description : How to get rid of those pesky little flies?

Last Answer : Are you talking about fruit flies or drain flies, or bigger house flies?

Description : Do gnats, fruit flies, and those other types of tiny flies die out in the winter?

Last Answer : I’d like to know, too. I wouldn’t leave any real ripe bananas sitting out !

Description : Why don't flies ever go to sleep?

Last Answer : answer:According to this, flies do sleep. They live around 15 to 30 days. If I was only going to live for 30 days, I probably wouldn’t sleep much.

Description : Do flies really poop everytime they land?

Last Answer : I don’t know about the pooping, but if it does i would still eat my food.

Description : How come time flies when we're having fun?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. It is a well known fact that fun generates lift. Some things that fun can induce flight in include your spirits, and your common sense.

Description : Is it okay if I use a paper bowl for the fruit flies to fall in with my home remedy ingredient or does that only work with using glass products like a regular bowl and glass cup?

Last Answer : answer:Fruit flys are everywhere this year. I have not used a paper bowl, but a coffee cup half-filled with old coffee works wornders overnight.

Description : Why are flies called flies?

Last Answer : they dont crawl and they dont bite often…..

Description : Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it seem like ants aren't nasty-gross like cockroaches and flies?

Last Answer : It’s their PR firm. They do a great job with keeping their image pristine. Cockroaches are, well, cockroaches. The ones in the south are really horrible. They’re mostly outside, but are so big that they can either knock on the door or open it themselves. That’s a big yuck.

Description : Why do flies orbit you and then disappear?

Last Answer : Their eyes have almost 360 degree vision, they see you get the fly swatter so they fly away and wait, when they see you put it down, they come back. They are phkin with you for fun.

Description : The well worn phrase time flies by when you're having fun, does this ring true to you, why do you think this is the case?

Last Answer : answer:Haven't you noticed how quickly the time goes when you're at a fun event compared to when you are work looking at the clock and the day is dragging by because you don';t have enough to do? ... true. I think it because when we are engaged and busy, we are not conscious of the passage of time.

Description : Where do those annoying fruit flies come from?

Last Answer : SPONTANEOUS GENERATION!!!!!! Just kidding. :) (Science jokes: symptom of too much lab time!) They come from the environment - their eggs are usually carried in on fruit you buy in the store (I ... on the counter. They'll fly in because it smells like rotting fruit, but they drown in the vinegar.

Description : What are the flies called that live under pigeon's wings?

Last Answer : I hope you washed your hands. Click.

Description : Where do fruit flies come from?

Last Answer : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosophila The fruit flies at their homes or the grocery store, probably laid eggs on the food beforehand.

Description : Why do some wines and not others attract fruit flies?

Last Answer : was it the sweet wines that attracted them, or the dry wines? Seems sweet wines would be more fruity' and therefore, more likely to attract fruit flies. This would help in figuring out what was going ... those pesky fruit flies. by the way, my favorite wine is pinot grigio, what is your favorite?

Description : I need advice on how to get rid of the flies in my apartment?

Last Answer : Do you have fresh fruit sitting out on the counter?

Description : What's the most effiective bug spray against sand flies?

Last Answer : DEET, in my experience.

Description : How do you get rid of fruit flies?

Last Answer : oh darn. i found some siblings to this question… any NEW ideas though?? especially since i have NO kind of food lying around?

Description : If a bee flies on to a train and exits 10 miles away, can the little worker find its way back home?

Last Answer : wait what? does this mean something else from what you’re asking?

Description : What do I do about the fruit flies in my indoor compost?

Last Answer : Fruit lies are inevitable if you have decomposing vegetative matter inside. I have a hole in the ground where I dump my compost during the winter, and I have to do it every day to avoid the insects If you ... a robin fodder. What's a can of new worms cost? Can you just replace them in the spring?

Description : Do flies take a crap every 30 seconds?

Last Answer : Yes, it's an average 27.3 seconds to be exact. Boeing funded a study of this while designing in-flight toilets, so there was not actually any taxpayer money used. Kidding I'm one of those Dads that ... I believed it for decades. My kids thought it was hilarious when I got caught out at my own game.