What is the patch of dark hair on the male turkeys' chest called?

1 Answer

Answer :

Turkeys being birds do not have any hair, they have feathers.Only mammals have hair.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : That’s something for a doctor to decide.

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Last Answer : It’s not any code I know of.

Description : What is the red thing on a turkey's neck called ?

Last Answer : The feathers

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Last Answer : I believe you are referring to a turk-herd.

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Last Answer : They aren’t turkeys, they’re hams. Did you see how they were posing for the cameras?

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Last Answer : 1) Kosher killed, meaning instantaneous for the bird. 2) examined by the mashgiach (Kosher inspector) to make sure no bad or blemished areas, or diseased areas on the bird, So probably a slightly better quality of turkey meat. What’s the difference in price?

Description : Are you alowed to fight the giant turkeys in the states? (details inside)

Last Answer : As far as I know, yes, you may, as long as you don't break other laws such as disturbing the peace, and certainly as long as you're defending yourself. I've never met a hostile wild turkey though. ... I hear there's even a wild peacock in the gang. I've heard bad things about wild peacock behavior.

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Last Answer : The Butter Ball.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What sounds do turkeys make?

Last Answer : Gobble, gobble.

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Last Answer : around 90 eggs a year

Description : How many Turkeys live in Turkey?

Last Answer : 3-4 million Albanians live in Turkey

Description : Why can't turkeys fly?

Last Answer : They are too heavy for their relatively short wingspan.

Description : Why are domesticated turkeys white?

Last Answer : They are not, some are colored like the wild version.

Description : Are chickens and turkeys related?

Last Answer : yes

Description : Are Turkeys from Turkey?

Last Answer : Ummmmm, no. And linguistically, etymologically, they are different, as well. For example, in Spanish, the country is Turquía, The bird is pavo. (Interestingly, a peacock is a pavo real.) And the birds are American. Remember: Ben Franklin lobbied fiercely for the turkey to be the US national bird.

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Last Answer : Damn, if I could get away with that, I’d be doing it all the time!

Description : years old male complaining from scaly lesion in his chest , then become hypopigmented , last 2 months in winter he spend his time neat to sea, by examination showed hypopigmented lesion over chest & arms Dx : Vitiligo taenia versicolor

Last Answer : taenia versicolor

Description : why do we only grow hair were we do (top of head, chest face) why not the forehead?

Last Answer : we have hair every where

Description : (a) Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label the following: (i) part where air is filtered by fine hair and mucus (ii) part which terminates in balloon - like structures (iii) ... (b) Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms much faster than in terrestrial organisms? -Biology

Last Answer : (a) (b) Quantity of dissolved oxygen is fairly low in water as compared to the amount of oxygen in air. Aquatic organisms therefore have to breath faster than terrestrial organisms to absorb the required amount of oxygen from the water.

Description : Can breast hair be cut ? My question is , if the chest hair is too much, can it be cut ? I will be benefited if you inform me with documents.

Last Answer : : Cutting the hair on the chest is not haraam but it is not good either. وفي حلق شعر الصدر والظهر ترك الأدب (رد المحتار ، كتاب الحظر والاباحة ، فصل فى البيع -9 / 583 ) (Raddul Muhtar 9/563)

Description : The hair on my hands, feet and chest is growing in excess. What to do now ?

Last Answer : Brother, these hairs are due to hormones which are also in the case of most of my men, but these hairs cannot be cut or removed in Islam. Only unwanted hair can be cut or trimmed with a ... hands and feet. Otherwise if you belong to another religion then you can pick them up with remover cream.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : If it is a 24 hour patch, it is recommended that you not smoke for 24 hours after applying it. 12 for 12 and so on.

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Last Answer : The patch may work for others, but the way I quit smoking many years ago was cold turkey. I had a good medical reason to stop which caused me to start thinking about stopping. But the real ... been a smoker for years, I found cold turkey easier than I thought it would be-and immensely gratifying.

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Last Answer : With the dryer venting into the house all the energy stays indoors. You are drying your clothes and humidifying your house for free.

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Last Answer : Only an idiot would do this and too much nicotine will kill you.

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Last Answer : I wonder if a Lidocain patch would help. It worked well for the pain between my shoulderblades before I started yoga.

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Last Answer : answer:Gorilla Glue claims it can adhere anything to anything. Give it a shot. Its at WalMart. I use it for just about anything.

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Last Answer : Yes, it is still there. Out in the open ocean a tsunami is almost unnoticeable. The amplitude (height) of the wave is many times lower, and it has a much longer wavelength. If you were ... movement of water in shallow areas. The plastic atlantis will hardly budge when a tsunami goes through it.

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Last Answer : Could it be thrush?

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Last Answer : Contact them on their website and ask.

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Last Answer : answer:When you install a patch for a game (I'm not familiar with how Spore does it), it can either include all previous patches/bug fixes, or you download them in succession until ... patch update (including the exoskeleton limbs you asked about). http://www.spore.com/patch/archivedsporepatches

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, the mousing over of the pumpkin in HH has caused freeze ups with many people, including myself. The reason apparently has something to do with tooltips. You can sift through the 18 pages of this thread on ... dead and can't port out of it lol). All we can do really is wait .. and wait.

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Last Answer : Mushrooms are the reproductive fruit of a fungus. They come from spores, and spores are everywhere. They like to grow where it is dark, damp, and fertile. The best way to get rid of them is to ... all else fails, spread a fungicide that you get at the same place you buy other plant and lawn products

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Last Answer : That was Bre’r Rabbit’s way of tricking Bre’r Fox and Bre’r Bear into actually throwing him into the briar patch, where he then makes good his getaway… Didn’t you listen when Uncle Remus was explaining all this?

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Last Answer : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Description : Ran out of medical tape. How can I secure this transdermal nicotine patch in place?

Last Answer : You could lightly wrap gauze around. A rubber band (or two) if it's on the inside of the wrist. Place it on the inside of your waistline so the elastic of your underwear can help hold it in place for ... was my upper arm, and even then only for about two hours. The gum works a lot better for me.

Description : Do you know any smokers who abuse The Patch in order to not have to smoke outside?

Last Answer : I know some smokers who use nicotine gum to get through the day, but not the patch.

Description : What's the correct way to iron on a patch to an NFL jersey?

Last Answer : Steaming it onto the shirt. Also, don’t apply direct heat to the shirt, it can burn.

Description : Do I need primer before I paint a patch of my wall?

Last Answer : Paint should be fine. Just be prepared for multiple coats.

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Last Answer : My brother once fixed a wall with wood filler. By accident. Idiot. I’m sure it’d be fine, other than a difference in texture?

Description : How do you cheer up a friend going through a rough patch?

Last Answer : Tea, jumping in leaf piles, Eddie Izzard’s stand-up comedy (probably some of the best I’ve ever seen), and playing either old video games (Mario Kart especially) or LittleBigPlanet. Just make sure they’re surrounded by friends and people who care about them.

Description : What is the best way to store and recall presets in a Max/MSP patch?

Last Answer : This forum sounds very very similar to what you are asking. http://www.cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=25257

Description : Does the nicotine patch/gum really work?

Last Answer : I’ve tried the patch. It’s great as a nic replacement, but it does nothing for the habit part- the actual process of getting a cigarette lit, blowing out smoke, having something in your fingers, etc.

Description : Is 21 mg of nicotine in a patch too much for me to start with?

Last Answer : The patch website should be able to help you. I’m not gonna research for you, but you should follow the guidelines and start with what the company suggests. And congrats on quitting!!!

Description : How can I patch the polyurethane on pine floors?

Last Answer : I have to do a polyurethane repair on the oak floor in my kitchen as well. I don't want to have to sand the entire kitchen floor in order repair a 6 sq ft area. I'm going to use my belt sander ... in a mixture of turpentine and varnish. Ring it out and then keep it stored in a jar when not in use.