If i have a bat with spikes on it do I need a concelled carry to have it in my car?

1 Answer

Answer :

Conceal Carry Permits are specifically for handguns; not justweapons in general.You need to refer to your state and local laws to find outwhether keeping a deadly weapon in your vehicle is legal (or, atthe very least, create a new question that specifies which stateyou're in).

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Last Answer : I’m not too sure, but by the sounds of this, I don’t think so

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Last Answer : My mother had a bat get into her house at night. She wasn’t sure if it bit her, so she had to get the full course of rabies shots. They hurt. Kill it if you need to with a tennis racket.

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Last Answer : answer:Eh, I understand it, but don’t really get it XD Is it that some people insist on the wrong answer for some reason? Alo, that’s really cheap stuff.

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Last Answer : HippHipppHooRay and Congratulations!! I can’t believe I’m first to the partay

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Last Answer : Assuming you have Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7, try the following: cscript /nologo filename.vbs If your script uses WScript.Echo or simular subroutines, you’ll want to use cscript rather than wscript, otherwise I seem to recall that you get message boxes for each Echo subroutine call.

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Last Answer : Step-by-step explanation: Let x be the cost of 1 bat Let y be the cost of 1 ball Cost of 3 bats = 3x Cost of 6 balls = 6y Cost of 3 balls = 3y The coach of a cricket team buys 3 ... 6 balls for ₹ 3900 She buys another bat and 3 more balls of the same kind for ₹1300. So, situation algebraically :