Abdominal breathing refers to

1 Answer

Answer :

Abdominal breathing refers to A. Normal breathing B. Slow breathing C. Fast breathing D. Forceful breathing

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Last Answer : (a) (b) Quantity of dissolved oxygen is fairly low in water as compared to the amount of oxygen in air. Aquatic organisms therefore have to breath faster than terrestrial organisms to absorb the required amount of oxygen from the water.

Description : n assisting the client to do deep breathing, coughing and turning to the sides on the first post-operative day, which nursing action would be most helpful for the client? A. Restate ... the prescribed analgesic round the clock as prescribed D. Apply abdominal splint (pillow) while coughing

Last Answer : D. Apply abdominal splint (pillow) while coughing

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Last Answer : a) Stress Stress incontinence may occur with sneezing and coughing.

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Last Answer : a) Evisceration Evisceration is a surgical emergency.

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Last Answer : a) Intermittent claudication Intermittent claudication is leg pain that is brought on by exercise and relieved by rest.

Description : Which of the following terms is used to describe inability to breathe easily except in an upright position? a) Orthopnea Patients with orthopnea are placed in a high Fowler's position to facilitate ... blood from the respiratory tract. d) Hypoxemia Hypoxemia refers to low oxygen levels in the blood.

Last Answer : a) Orthopnea Patients with orthopnea are placed in a high Fowler’s position to facilitate breathing.

Description : Please explain "Exercise-Related Transient Abdominal Pain (ETAP)? See detail.

Last Answer : Well. I used to get them in the 60s when I did The Twist. I sometimes got them doing sit ups. They are muscle spasms along your rib cage from excercise.

Description : Do they measure organs on an abdominal ultrasound?

Last Answer : Not trying to sound like a smart ass, but I would imagine they would have to measure to know an organ is enlarged. I have seen medical records come across my desk with diagnosis saying “slightly enlarged liver, etc.”. At only being slightly enlarged, it would have to be measured, IMHO.

Description : What does doing the abdominal plank do for you?

Last Answer : A plank doesn't look like much, but it's an amazing workout. Planking tones and strengthens all the muscles in your core - abdominals, obliques, hips, and back. It also works your glutes and ... But, eight hours? Nope. Planks should be measured in seconds, not minutes, and certainly not hours.

Description : Is it normal for abdominal pain to go away after gagging?

Last Answer : Maybe you had a lot if gas, or acid. The gagging may have released it…

Description : Do you have abdominal pain when you have to poo?

Last Answer : I’ve had it it’s gone though for the most part. I cut out all spicy foods, cut my dairy virtually to only milk with cereal and no late night eating… Also I try to include a lot of soluble fiber in my diet.

Description : Abdominal pain associated with gastroenteritis... why does it come in fresh waves whenever I change my position/roll over in bed?

Last Answer : answer:Five days is a very long time for a classic stomach bug. Perhaps you need an MD. to double-check your diagnosis. As to the positional agony, I daren't guess anything. Here are some causes ( ... At the very least, keep yourself well-hydratred. Do you have someone there to keep an eye on you?

Description : Why might a doctor order a pelvic/abdominal CT scan after a colonoscopy?

Last Answer : It could be any irregularity that they saw in your blood work. You could call your doctor and ask.

Description : Upper middle abdominal pain?

Last Answer : Never screw with anything like that. Get to your Dr or ER immediately. it could be all manner of things, all of them bad.

Description : How do I solve constant gas, diarrhea, gurgling, and abdominal pain?

Last Answer : I’m all about home remedies, but when things get serious and it’s not something obvious, you should definitely see a doctor. The Internet, unfortunately, does not have a degree in bariatric medicine.

Description : What are some effective abdominal excercises?

Last Answer : Incline crunches.

Description : High white cell count, abdominal pain & high temp?

Last Answer : Wow, I would be very upset at not being listened to. These symptoms can mean anything from kidney stones to an ectopic pregnancy. You need to get a second opinion.

Description : What could cause severe abdominal pain?

Last Answer : Have you been having regular bowel movements?

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Last Answer : answer:Go to a different vet. Have them run some bloodwork and take x-rays. Go immediately. If the regular vets are closed, find an emergency clinic. You don't mention if there are any ... is also a concern. Almost every possible cause of a painful, distended abdomen is a serious medical concern.

Description : Give reasons for the following (i)The human testes are located outside the abdominal cavity. (ii)Some organisms like honeybees are called parthenogenetic animals -Biology

Last Answer : Testes are located outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called scrotum. Scrotum maintains low temperature of the testes (2-2.5°C lower than normal body temp­erature) ... from unfertilised diploid eggs (and do not undergo fertilisation) they are called parthenogenetic animals.

Description : What to do lose abdominal fat in 1 week?

Last Answer : You have to do sports, follow a healthy diet and sleep well, but believe me no story that you will lose weight in 1 week, that's a lie. Do you want to earn money from home without doing anything? enter this ... spaces to enter the link) htt ps : // yazi ng. com/ de als/ nor ton. com/ Gon zalo777

Description : what are the names of the core muscles of the abdominal area, back hips and pelvis?

Last Answer : Major muscles included are the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm.

Description : Can regular abdominal swimming reduce excess belly fat ?

Last Answer : Yes , belly fat is easily lost by regular swimming or swimming. Not only belly fat , but your whole body fat will be lost in a very beautiful way in the habit of swimming. The body will become ... neat. You can read this article to know more about the benefits of swimming - swimming for good health

Description : Losing weight with abdominal pain ... ?

Last Answer : Your problem seems more serious. It would not be right to be late in this condition as described by you. You quickly see a registered doctor. Be sure to seek medical advice for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Do not take any medicine for this problem without the advice of a doctor.

Last Answer : It may be due to your physical weakness and mental anxieties but also due to low consumption of fried food , stale food , loss of appetite , heartburn , flatulence, etc. It may cause problems . Food , ... of a doctor, buy 200 ml of Hepatolin Syrup and take two teaspoons in the morning and at night.

Description : Can my stomach hurt from eating a lot of onions? What should I do if I like onions?

Last Answer : Yes. My partner used to have a stomach ache. Eat less or try a variety already (if it hurts red, try garlic). If that’s not good either, you might want to leave it out of your diet.

Description : I would go next week. Can my husband be inside?

Last Answer : Well it's not just that hospital, but doctor addiction is a lot. I already had a tummy, my husband might have been inside, too, but my cousin told me that the other doc in the same hospital was still doing it with his vagina.

Description : You know some good tips, I've tried a lot but don't use it !!

Last Answer : Tip 1: heating pad or hot water bottle These two tools can help relieve pain. The heat inhibits the work of the cells that absorb the pain, meaning we feel the pain less and less. In addition, ... muscles. In sports, of course, you don't have to think of kickboxing, but yoga or pilates. SOURCE  

Description : My stomach hurts for a few days. Could it be excessive beer consumption?

Last Answer : It may or may not. There can be many reasons for abdominal pain. However, no one will give you a diagnosis here. You will need to see a doctor.

Description : Can my abdomen hurt from mineral water? I drink four liters of sparkling mineral water every day. But my stomach hurts a lot the last few days. Could it be those bubbles?

Last Answer : Of course it is. It makes me drink beer for a few days. As well as being sparkling, I have abdominal pain.

Description : Hi. Does anyone know any exercises to strengthen the abdomen? In the summer, I fly to Egypt with my sister and mother and I need to strengthen my belly a little. I have already tried a few ... me. Can anyone advise me on any exercises that could help me strengthen my stomach by July? Thank you

Last Answer : Try to eat healthy until the summer, especially not to eat sweet, do some sports, for example 2-3 weeks a week, and every evening practice some basic exercises like sitting down, and maybe after two months you will see some change. Hope it helps, good luck!

Description : I have some pain. Do you recommend any tea?

Last Answer : "Some pain" is a very broad term, it's hard to recommend anything. It can only be bloating, fennel tea or even cumin can help, but it can also be a serious disorder - for example, appendix, hernia, ... how long and where exactly the pain is, and if you haven't made a dietary mistake, see a GP.

Description : I ate too much Chilli spice in goulash and now my stomach hurts, what should I do? Drink a lot? To dilute it?

Last Answer : Chilli does not cause abdominal pain. On the contrary, chili peppers are healthy: http://www.ochilli.cz/chilli-papricky-a-zdravi/

Description : Testes are extra abdominal in position. Which of the following is the must appropriste reason

Last Answer : Testes are extra abdominal in position. Which of the following is the must appropriste reason A. ... @)C` lower than the normal body temperature.

Description : Scrotal sacs of man and rabbit are connected with the abdominal cavity by

Last Answer : Scrotal sacs of man and rabbit are connected with the abdominal cavity by A. Inguinal canal B. Haversian canal C. Vagina cavity D. Spermatic canal.

Description : Assertion : The testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within scrotum . Reason : Lower temperature for the testis is necessary for spermatog

Last Answer : Assertion : The testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within scrotum . Reason : Lower ... . If both Assertion & Reason are False.

Description : Testes are extra-abdominal in position. Which of the following is most appropriate reason?

Last Answer : Testes are extra-abdominal in position. Which of the following is most appropriate reason? ... secondary sexual feature for exhibiting the male sex.

Description : Temperature of scrotum as compared to abdominal cavity is less by

Last Answer : Temperature of scrotum as compared to abdominal cavity is less by A. `1 ^(@)C` B. `5^(@)C` C. `3^(@)C` D. `10^(@)C`

Description : Scrotal sacs of man is connected with the abdominal cavity by-

Last Answer : Scrotal sacs of man is connected with the abdominal cavity by- A. Inguinal canal B. Haversian canal C. Vaginacavity D. Spermatic canal

Description : Scrotum communicates with abdominal cavity through

Last Answer : Scrotum communicates with abdominal cavity through A. urethra B. inguinal canal C. vas deferens D. epididymis

Description : What cranial nerve that regulates most of the internal thoracic and abdominal organs?

Last Answer : X, Number 10- the Vagus Nerve is the one that is connected withabdominal organs."The vagus nerve (n. vagus) (X pair) is mixed. Itsmotor fibers from the cells start motor nucleus, and sensitive - ... bound to the organs of the head, neck, chest andabdominal cavities. "-from my Atlas of Human Anatomy

Description : What is located beneath the diaphragm in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity?

Last Answer : Liver

Description : How many minutes before abdominal organs start to be damaged irreparably without oxygen?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Do all abdominal segments have spiracles on a grasshopper?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is located beneath the diaphragm in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity?

Last Answer : Liver

Description : Abdominal sounds?

Last Answer : DefinitionAbdominal sounds are the noises made by the intestines.Alternative NamesBowel soundsConsiderationsAbdominal sounds (bowel sounds) are made by the movement of the intestines as they push food through ... condition in which there is a lack of intestinal activity. Many medical conditions may

Description : Abdominal mass?

Last Answer : DefinitionAn abdominal mass is swelling in one specific part of the belly area (abdomen).Alternative NamesMass in the abdomenConsiderationsAn abdominal mass is usually detected on routine physical examination. Most ... other qualities can provide clues as to the cause of an abdominal mass.Common Ca

Description : Abdominal rigidity?

Last Answer : DefinitionAbdominal rigidity is stiffness of the muscles in the belly area, which can be felt when touched or pressed.Alternative NamesRigidity of the ... and pain often accompany abdominal rigidity.Common CausesAppendicitisCholecystitisGastrointestinal perforationInjury to the abdomenPeritonitisH

Description : Abdominal wall surgery?

Last Answer : DefinitionAbdominal wall surgery is surgery that improves the appearance of flabby, stretched-out abdominal (belly) muscles and skin. It is often called a "tummy tuck." It can range from a simple " ... hospital for 1 to 3 days after surgery.After you receive anesthesia, your surgeon will make an