Which one of the following couple were suggested by Doctors to not have more than one child

1 Answer

Answer :

Which one of the following couple were suggested by Doctors to not have more than one child A. `Rh^(+)` male ... D. `Rh^(-)` male and `Rh^(-)` female

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Description : After examining the blood group of husband and wife ,the doctor advised them not to have more than one child ,the blood group of the couple are likely

Last Answer : After examining the blood group of husband and wife ,the doctor advised them not to have more than one child , ... Male `Rh^(-)` and female `Rh^(-)`

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Last Answer : *Boycott of Foreign goods. *Boycott of Government schools of students and teachers. *Boycott of law practice by lawyers. NCM was non violent with consists of the Indians resigning titles with the boycotting government educational institutions foreign goods and more.

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by our moderators...

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Last Answer : The massive weight of marriage with an insensitive man has ruined Aunt’s life and happiness. The marriage has been like an iron band to curtail her freedom. She felt like a bird in cage, like a slave. This told badly upon her health.

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