How many days can you take advil in a row?

1 Answer

Answer :

Advil contains ibuprofen which can have some major side effects if taken too long. Furthermore, you shouldn't be taking this more than twice a day or two tablets every 6 to 8 hours. If you take this over a long period of time you risk the chance of: Stomachaches Heartburn Dizziness Rash Drowsiness Nausea Vomiting Constipation Ringing in your ears Over a long period of time you will have other medical problems that could lead to or cause: Liver failure or inflammation in the liver Low platelet count Blood in your urine Stroke Heart attacks Sever or life-threatening skin reactions Blood pressure Kidney damage If you are looking for a painkiller to help ease the pain don't take this more than a few days before switching over to Tylenol or another type of painkiller that doesn't have ibuprofen in it. Furthermore, if you are taking this for a long-time and have any of the symptoms listed above, then you need to see a doctor immediately. This isn't safe to take for an extended period of time. Most doctors will tell you to limit this or stop taking it after 5 to 7 days and won't advise you to continue taking this after that time frame.

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Last Answer : Yes. Too much advil (or ibuprofen) can result in gastritis (irritation of the stomach lining) or kidney failure if taken at high doses or for an extended period of time. Gastritis is the most ... more dangerous. At minimum, you should take it with food to try and minimize the risk of gastritis.

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Last Answer : Don't take more than 2 every four hours (unless the pain is really bad). Then you can take three.

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Last Answer : One serving of wine isn't going to hurt, no. Getting drunk isn'ta good idea with any medication.

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Last Answer : One serving of wine isn't going to hurt, no. Getting drunk isn'ta good idea with any medication.

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Last Answer : answer:4-6 a week doesn't sound like a lot to me. I have absolutely no idea if they could be related. It might be interesting for you to keep a log for some data to support or deny ... burning during urination, assuming that it is not an infectious cause (which you will find out sooner or later).

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Last Answer : answer:Not a good idea. Ibuprofen may impair the ability of the kidney to cope with low renal blood flow states due to inhibition of prostaglandin-dependent afferent arteriolar ... acute renal failure due to tubulointerstitial nephritis, papillary necrosis, and acute tubular necrosis. Source

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Last Answer : Yes take him to the vet. Ibuporfen can be toxic to dogs.

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Last Answer : i’ve a bad hip and take Aleve when i play golf…will be interested to see the answers on this question! Have been taking Aleve and Advil for a longtime and have not had any problems, that i know about!

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Last Answer : That’s really a question you should ask your doctor, who I’m assuming prescribed both the SNRIs and the benzodiazepines. If they were prescribed by different doctors, you might want to inform both of them what you are taking. Then ask how the over the counter stuff fits in or affects the balance.

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Last Answer : There are lots of good ideas from this similar question:

Description : Do advil contain aspirin?

Last Answer : No. Advil is ibuprofen. But if you have a sensitivity toaspirin, you probably shouldn't take Advil either.

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