Do you trust your bank to not steal your money?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don't have a lot of money so, I am not afraid and I trust my bank to make a safety of my tiny money. I mean banks are there to protect our money and income no matter how small or big it is. I believe it is not the bank itself who will steal the money but those people who have dark motives.And also, if you are careless to give your bank details to strangers you meet online,yes that's is probably the most possible that they will steal your money but, not the bank. When you open a bank account you have to look up the type of bank that it's been there operating for a long time and not the new one, mostly new one is not stab\ilized enough to stand what's ahead. Strategically, for me to have a bank account even my money is juts coins, I will choose the one that is trustworthy enough.

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