What are the best camping food ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Packing things up is not that hard for campers. It is best to have canned goods. If they are real campers, catching fish is what makes it enjoyable to do and eat by them.

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Last Answer : I would think you’d be subsisting on two bites of a burger and a half a biscuit each day – the way you say you eat. :-D

Description : What kind of food should I take on a camping trip?

Last Answer : marshmallows! no camping trip is complete with marshmallows!

Description : Yummy camping recipes? good campfire food?

Last Answer : curry coucous with veggies and nuts

Description : Do you have any tips or recommendations for tent camping and hiking in black bear territory?

Last Answer : An M4 with a tac-light and several mags of hollow point ammunition.

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Last Answer : There's no right or wrong here and your parents get to ultimately decide. Only you know the relationship you have with your parents but I think it's great that you stood up for your sister.. However, ... so I would drop it after expressing your views. There may be factors that you aren't aware of.

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Last Answer : I like camping in a water proof military surplus tent.

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Last Answer : For view, of course. Edit: ok, now I confused. Are you asking what makes the title misleading, or why the magazine makes the misleading title?

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Last Answer : Because when you are camping your body is much more in tune with the natural world, including the amount of light. People camping tend to go to bed much earlier than they do at home, so they get a good night’s rest, and wake up earlier than normal.

Description : Would you rather go camping at the beach, or in the woods?

Last Answer : Woods for sure. I actually live about 60 minutes between the beach and a sweet spot on a old logging road with a nice creek. The woods every single time. I hate sand when camping. It gets all over ... more firewood if needed. I am so bad at estimating the amount of wood needed to keep a fire going.

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Last Answer : Here in B.C they are not required to have any such license, but there is talk of it.

Description : Do you know any good camping recipes?

Last Answer : answer:You could have prepared shish kabobs of meat and veggies. Sirloin cubes or chicken breast, green peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and onion. Some people like to marinate them before grilling. Skewer of ... salt. I wouldn't want to be cleaning pots and pans much. Don't forget aluminum foil.

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Last Answer : I swear I was at a campground once where a pizza was delivered to one of the campsites.

Description : When someone says they are going camping, what comes to your imagination?

Last Answer : answer:I’d assume they mean a regular car camping site, unless they suggested otherwise or I knew they had an RV. Usually the follow up question “where are you going?” will allow me to paint a clear picture in my head of the type of camping they are doing.

Description : We are going camping, and my dad really wants to go fishing as well.

Last Answer : answer:If there is a sporting goods or bait store in the area where you are camping, they can give you advice. In general, worms work. Also, here’s a site that says carp like creamed corn.

Description : What kind of bat did we see/hear while camping near Flagstaff, AZ?

Last Answer : answer:Assuming it was the bat making these sounds, you might have been hearing social calls. Apparently these occur with every 10 or 20 chirps in some species. I'm having trouble finding examples ... any nearby university profs who study bats, and send a query by email. They would probably know.

Description : Do you have any books to recommend or advice to give to people that want to start amateur camping?

Last Answer : If you get an air mattress upon which to sleep, be sure to get a foot pump or battery operated pump. Do bring a pillow. If rainy season, an extra tarp tied down over the tent (staked to ground) will ... all your gear at home 1st, so you know what you are doing at your campsite. Bring flashlight(s).

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Last Answer : My wife and I camped frequently prior to having kids. When we first camped with kids, my daughter was about 9 months old (so, I guess, this doesn't qualify as infant). In the middle of the night, ... warned us about. She was so nervous, she sat up all night listening for the bear that would eat us.

Description : The flint for the gas fire in my camping car is broken - any ideas on repairs?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like a piezoelectric ignitor like those on a gas grill. (Not a flint.) Does it look like this? You might be able to save it. Might! The units are glued shut and are supposedly not able to come ... you spray it with carb cleaner DO NOT CLICK IT WHILE IT IS WET!!!! GET IT?!?!? CAR.

Description : Camping (tent) in Tobermory, Ontario in early December; have we lost our mind?

Last Answer : answer:You’re missing me. Please take me with you! Also, pack dry kindling. Your life will utterly suck if the ground is wet when you get there.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t bother. We may as well all get stinky together. I week isn’t really a long time to have to wear clothes that haven’t been washed. If it was longer than a week then I’d search out a water source to do a PTA.

Description : Why do you feel that personal hygeine is out the window, for some, when they're camping or up at the cottage?

Last Answer : I think a possible cause is not that people aren’t washing but they insist on wearing “technical clothes” such polypropelene base layers when camping that tend to smell much more noticably than natural materials.

Description : Good hiking/camping spots in UT and CO?

Last Answer : Gotta hit Bryce or Zion in Utah for sure! Both are spectacular. Look into reservations for camping online first, you may need to reserve a night now with the summer tourist hub kicking into high gear. Colorado I am less sure of, traveled through but didn’t camp anywhere.

Description : For my birthday in May, my girlfriend and I will be camping in the Upper Peninsula (Michigan). This is non-campground camping. What do we need?

Last Answer : I wish this was in social.

Description : What are the laws now days in the UK regarding camping?

Last Answer : answer:Overly legislated?... If you are careful, the only real problem with what you suggest is the fire in a forest. Free camping is easier in more remote places, you just need to use your nouse to ... that worry their livestock - including dogs - and it wouldn't be an idea to be mistaken as one!

Description : What's the best way to find free camping spots?

Last Answer : I just googled free camping and found a lot of web sites. Some are by state and some are by GPS. It looks like there are a lot of camping sites that are free.

Description : Why do people go camping or go to the lake?

Last Answer : Because people are thoughtless idiots.

Description : Do you feel bad for people who lost everything following Harold Camping?

Last Answer : It is too bad they fell for that but as they say…caveat emptor….there’s a sucker born every minute….don’t believe everything you hear….etc,etc,etc….

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Last Answer : answer:Freedom of religion gives him the right to say anything he chooses. It also gives people the right to choose to associate with him or not. He did not do anything illegal. (Sadly)

Description : Do black people go camping?

Last Answer : answer:One of my close friends and intellectual comrade is a black man who is a Pan-Africanist who goes camping. Another good friend of mine is a hardcore survivalist and primitive skills ... advocates, usually overlaps with survivalist community)? It's an issue worth asking about, certainly.

Description : Where should I go camping in Queensland now?

Last Answer : Depends what your after as the Sunshine coast can offer a temperate climate while still being close to inland regions .. that are less full on with rainfall.

Description : Is it okay to take a suitcase on a camping trip?

Last Answer : It’s going to be a pain in the ass to carry.

Description : Need help selecting a camping knife?

Last Answer : Visit a sporting goods store and discuss your needs with the sales clerk. They can demonstrate several choices for you.

Description : Does anyone know of good, dog-friendly TENT camping near Denver, CO?

Last Answer : How far out of Denver are you willing to go?

Description : What experiences are not to miss while camping in Yosemite?

Last Answer : Check that you will not be downwind of the controlled fires they are setting to thin the trees.

Description : Great camping spots near Austin Texas?

Last Answer : As hot as it gets in Austin, the best camping spot is a nice hotel.

Description : What would you say would be the average price of one of those camping outdoor lawn chairs?

Last Answer : kmart 17.99 have seen them for 10.00 at Walmart. Edited to show kmart chair.

Description : Any favorite camping spots along the coast of California?

Last Answer : Up along the Russian River, where the redwoods are. I used to love Big Sur, but I haven’t camped there for over 40 years, so I don’t know what the rules are any more. We used to hike over to Lime Kiln, or Palo Colorado.

Description : What is a good place to go camping near New York City?

Last Answer : I don’t know if Bear Mountain has camping, but I know they used to have a nice inn. It’s about half an hour north of NYC.

Description : Camping tips needed for Australia?

Last Answer : Stay away from poisonous spiders, snakes, frogs, fish, butterflies, centipedes, and the dreaded platypus.

Description : Ladies, if you're ever primitive camping or just hanging out in the woods without access to a loo, do you ever get a tad jealous of how that's not really a problem for a man?

Last Answer : a resounding YES!! I literally have nothing else to add. lol

Description : Where is a good place to go camping this weekend near San Francisco?

Last Answer : Yosemite

Description : Do you know anything about camping without a car in Northern California?

Last Answer : Sorry, nothing that is easy to get to by bus is beautiful. You could take a ferry across to Marin, rent some bikes and ride up to Mount Tam. It’s gorgeous there, absolutely worth it.

Description : Where should I go camping next?

Last Answer : Last year I camped at Potrero with my brother-in-law and some friends. We spent a day in Tecade. It was very nice.

Description : Does anybody go camping any more?

Last Answer : Holiday Inn is about as rustic as I will get any more. !0 years as a campfire girl and living in a tent for 2 months with a baby and while pregnant in the early 80’s was enough for me. NOT camping is the Four Seasons.

Description : When you go tent camping, what would be a useful item that one would not think of bringing off the top of one's head?

Last Answer : Always bring the freakin’ spatula. Also, work glove are nice for tending to the fire or looking for sticks or moving rocks or picking up dead things.

Description : Any useful tips for camping en route on the Lycian Way?

Last Answer : Bring camping gear. ;-) Specifically, what kind of information are you looking for?

Description : If plastic water bottles will kill you, are there any non-plastic water bottles that connect with camping water filters like the MSR Waterworks?

Last Answer : plastic water bottles definitely won't kill you, so don't stay awake at night worrying about your nalgene. especially if you're only using cold water. Your best bet is just not to use the nalgene for tea or other hot beverages.

Description : Favorite car camping within a two-hour drive of SF?

Last Answer : big basin. also, a few lighthouses down the coast have youth hostels *and* camping.

Description : What is the best cooler to take camping?

Last Answer : Go with block ice and a cooler which keeps the food raised and above the block asnd melted water. Had one but don’t recall the brand.

Description : What is the best place for a sunny car camping spot near a swimming hole within a couple of hours of San Francisco?

Last Answer : oh yeah and no RVs, or at least far from RVs