What do you think about that? In my opinion, it's all very strange, and because it's been investigated for so long, there's almost nothing to investigate. VOTE (for registered users): I think he was murdered (5 points, 63%) Definitely innocent (0 points) I don't know (3 points, 38%)

1 Answer

Answer :

To think means *** to know. We see the world as it is shown on TV. If I knew him personally, I might have thought of something, but I only know him from TV - and you know it: According to TV, Dr. Rath, they discovered a submachine gun at home, and in the end it was just a registered hunting rifle.

Related questions

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Last Answer : And what should he admit if he didn't do it? It is his right to deny it. The purpose of the lawsuit is to prove his guilt.

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Last Answer : I think I would get caught up with people who drive the cars with the family stickers on the back. Take one out, then remove the sticker.

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Last Answer : My guess is that they report it as a hate crime because there’s evidence indicating it was a hate crime. If the evidence was inconclusive, or pointing in a different direction, they’d say that instead.

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Last Answer : answer:Leaving all my victims alive. Don't ask how.

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Last Answer : Tulsa comes to mind as expendable. Or Dallas/Fort Worth.

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Last Answer : I bet one virtual sausage that it is a viral marketing campaign for the 2017 remake of “It”.

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Last Answer : answer:It’s hot as fuck Florida and he wants his presentations to stay frozen. So, I’m going to say that he stole the ice truck for obvious reasons.

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Last Answer : The psychiatrist from the Fort Hood massacre Nidal Malik Hasan. I would like to find out how someone who is supposed to be mentally stable could go on a shooting spree.

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Last Answer : Because you can use the same countermeasures for drones as you can for normal aircraft.

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Last Answer : One thing I heard is that a scumbag GOP politician said it was a good thing that he had a 100 round mag. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By9cFZjS9G0

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Last Answer : Yes, Serial Murder is an accurate term for referring to several related murder cases at once. It is still multiple cases, though.

Description : What is your formula for a killer milkshake?

Last Answer : answer:Normally I would just say really good vanilla bean ice cream and milk blended with ice, and optional frozen strawberries or whatever. At one coffeehouse where I worked, they did the above like ... like six shots of espresso. Their most popular one was that with a couple oreos blended in.

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Last Answer : Hobby vs. serious intent.

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Last Answer : Bring back the old fashioned chain gang, Put them to work as they have done before, as long as we (taxpayers) are providing shelter, food, etc., make them work on helping repair roads, buildings, etc., away from the general population under severe guard. This has to be more humane than killing them…

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Last Answer : Hitler

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Last Answer : A broken heart can kill you, but yours is telling you that it’s ok. You are lovable even if your heart is broken.

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Last Answer : answer:OK, Sweetie, this Q is just a little creepy. And in General, so I’ll say Not that I know of….

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Last Answer : answer:No. It doesn’t kill logic but it does tend to cloud vision. Unless you are a Vulcan, emotion is a part of your thought process whether you like it or not. I know there will be a shit ton of folks that would like to disagree with that but, you know, that’s just because their dander is up.

Description : Norwegian Killer part deux: His father was interviewed and said that his son should have killed himself instead. I can't imagine saying or even thinking this, can you?

Last Answer : If there ever was a situation then it would be after they went on a murderous rampage like his son did.

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Last Answer : answer: Anders Behring Breivik could be jailed in one of the world's most progressive prisons, where inmates enjoys cells equipped with flat screen televisions, minifridges and designer-style furniture Seems a little much ... 't do anything about it. As long as he dies in there, that'd be awesome.

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Last Answer : Let’s just say, hypothetically I do snap one day, I’m not capable of murder. Bat-shit nuts or not.

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Last Answer : Whiners.

Description : Natural mosquito killer for standing water?

Last Answer : Summit Mosquito Dunks are suppose to be good. I use bleach.

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Last Answer : answer:Won’t help since he won’t live long enough for all th sentences. I’m not a big fan of death penalty because everyone deserves a second chance. Though for saving money he can be sentenced to fulfill his sentence at home [ eating his own money ]

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Last Answer : Execution. You’d never have to worry about him again.

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Last Answer : I recently found out that a guy I went to high school with (he wasn't really a friend, but we had some mutual friends) has been committed because he's seriously out of touch with reality. I ... but he's convinced that he can communicate with aliens and is severely paranoid. It didn't surprise me.

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Last Answer : It sounds like you might enjoy Samurai Kittens Pretty comical, and a lot of fun to play.

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Last Answer : Your moniker is kind of a clue as to how you would do it.

Description : What are the basics when building my own killer BBQ sauce?

Last Answer : Balance the tastes Salt, Sweet, Hot, Bitter and Sour.

Description : State of Utah uses firing squad to execute a killer. any comments?

Last Answer : All methods of capital punishment are very distressing. I’m from PA so Utah seems like a very strange place to begin with. We apparently have the death penalty but according to deathpenaltyinfo.org, the state has only executed three people since 1976. Super creepy. At least he got to choose, huh?

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Last Answer : I liked the 8-bit video game. The movies are meh. Zelda would kick his undead ass.

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Last Answer : answer:Not an ad agency, but the absolutely most fabulous web site I've ever seen. It is a demo, and I cannot believe the client never launched it, considering what their real web site looks like ... the millions. I cannot believe they never launched it. http://demo.fb.se/s/jc/thestore/force.html

Description : What's the best homemade weed killer recipe?

Last Answer : Boiling water.

Description : What device out there is the iPad Killer? I heard HP Slate and/or Notion Ink Adam is.

Last Answer : The iPad is the iPad killer !

Description : Suppose the next global influenza is a real killer - Should we deploy mosquitoes to distribute the vaccine more efficiently?

Last Answer : I do not like it, for the listed reasons. Also, there is no guarantee that the little buggers do not pick up other diseases before they sting the next person. Also I hate being stung by insects.

Description : Should the "Killer Whales" be returned to their natural habitat?

Last Answer : Whales that have been in captivity do not have the skills needed to survive in the wild. It is possible (but unproven) that with a protracted period of retraining and support, they might be able to reintegrate in to the wild. It would be a long and expensive program.

Description : Why am I obsessed with finding video of Tillikum the killer whale attacking and killing his trainer at SeaWorld?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think there was video of the attack. It is an unfortunate desire, but a human one.

Description : What do you think about Shamu, the killer whales, and the occurrence of injuries and deaths?

Last Answer : Serial killer whales. Current score: Whales, 3 Humans, 0.

Description : Would killer whales be gentler if they didn't have a name to live up to?

Last Answer : “If we started calling them fairy whales or soft cotton whales…” Or seapanda’s.

Description : What if you erase the memory of a killer?

Last Answer : Wasn’t there a movie like that? It isn’t possible – yet. GQ!

Description : Have you ever bought a miracle exercise gadget with a written guarantee to give you a killer body in just a few weeks ?

Last Answer : I did. Once. Next time, like the proverbial slap, it will be my fault.

Description : Does anyone have a killer recipe for baby back pork ribs?

Last Answer : Check your Comments for DrBill’s secret to great ribs recipe….

Description : What would your opinion be of a friend who had a killer virus but refused to take proven precautions to prevent them from spreading the disease?

Last Answer : I don't know. Someone I know just found out their boyfriend gave them the herp. Then I found out she's still with him. He claims he didn't know. I'm basically gob-smacked that she's still with him ... that I would turn them into the police. But unless I was in the actual situation, it's hard to say.

Description : What is the best locally applied pain killer for tooth aches?

Last Answer : Try dipping a q-tip in a small glass of Scotch, then apply to the tooth area (seriously). It works for many, including myself.

Description : How long after putting down pre-emergent weed killer should I wait before broadcasting grass seed?

Last Answer : I don't know what the experts say, but I suggest you reverse the process. Pre-emergent weed killer prevents all seeds from sprouting so your grass would not grow and you would have wasted your money. A better ... weed killers seem to last up to two years. At least, that is how it is in my yard.

Description : Where to get killer vegan/vegetarian food in NYC?

Last Answer : Zen Palate‘s pretty good!

Description : Killer cravings for sugar/salt?

Last Answer : I have the same cravings whether I exercise or not. A nurse told me something like my pancreas is now used to these sugar hits and wants more. I want to go cold turkey and get off the sugar but it is a hard thing to do. Must be extra hard for you if you are surrounded by good stuff all the time.

Description : Thoughts on woman claiming father was Zodiac killer?

Last Answer : This is all long in the past. Any information that was credible with the zodiac killer died with him.

Description : If someone were to kill the President, or Prime Minister, or leader of your country, and he'd be up for parole after 25-50 (x amount) of years, would you want the killer to be realeased?

Last Answer : This is an issue for the state that sentenced him.

Description : "Safe" Weed Killer?

Last Answer : I use teakettles filled w. boiling water for poison ivy, but that is no solution for a large area. Yr gardener should have some answers.