Or if I shave my chest, I'll have peace forever?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not forever, only until the next shave.

Related questions

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Last Answer : You could not be born again, since there would be no place for the umbilical cord to attach,

Description : [SFW] Shaved or hirsute?

Last Answer : You’re giving us a dichotomic A. or B. option. What about C., D., or most importantly, E. None of the above? :D

Description : I shaved my pubic hair... and then saw bumps for weeks after. What are they?

Last Answer : Ingrowns? They can often last quite a while… Was this your first time shaving there ever? Welcome to Fluther, by the way.

Description : Have you ever shaved your face in a weird way?

Last Answer : My brother does the same thing as Pitbull used to do when he has time and gets bored. My boyfriend just does the weirdest things..he likes to make shapes with it haha :)

Description : Do you shampoo your shaved head?

Last Answer : Back when I shaved my head I used to just condition the skin with lotion or oil with sunscreen. I never had a problem.

Description : Is it true that your hair will be different after you have shaved your head?

Last Answer : It wasn’t my experience. I would have to say no unless you are genetically predisposed towards hair loss and don’t grow it back for many years. You cut your hair, not the genetic code.

Description : Is it mandatory to get your head shaved in the US Army?

Last Answer : Yes, it is mandatory to shave your head. If you don’t they will cut it for you as soon as you report to boot camp.

Description : How do you feel about shaved heads on women?

Last Answer : I think immediately .. cancer patient. As a guy, hair is one of the beautiful things about women. If you shave it off it’s one less trait to be attracted to imho. That said, lots of guys just might dig it.. who knows?

Description : Is there any truth to the myth of shaved hair growing back faster and thicker?

Last Answer : After two decades of serving in the military and cutting / shaving my hair very short on dozens of occasions, I haven’t yet seen it grow back in faster and thicker than any other time. For me individually, it certainly seems there is no truth to that myth.

Description : Could you make a shaved ice treat with snow?

Last Answer : A traditional treat is maple syrup poured on clean snow. It is edible and not bad. Here’s how it’s done in Vermont.

Description : Women who shaved their head why did you do it and how did you feel?

Last Answer : I didnt feel like detangling my afro. I was having a mental breakdown because of my hair so i just cut it. I also have been wondering what i looked like without hair for a while. I felt like i ... wouldn't end. I also stopped caring as much about appearance as much. I still do but not as much.

Description : A River Birch root was shaved by a company to lay landscaping bricks will that hurt tree?

Last Answer : Spectricide has a spray that I use on our tree called prune & spray.....it sprays a product that seal any gaps called by cuts. May need to spray again next year as the tree grows.....some people ... toss the cardboard....it would be easier to clean off the tip of the can now before it hardens up.

Description : What chins are never shaved? -Riddles

Last Answer : Sea Urchins.

Description : a boy had just got out of the shower and gettin ready for his prom,shaved,and with cologne and there was going to be a after party and his mom, and dad said be home for the next sunrise and was home for the next sunrise but with a full grown beard how can this be? -Riddles

Last Answer : he lives in alaska and sunrise's are every six months.

Description : A logician with some time to kill in a small town decided to get a haircut. The town had only two barbers, each with his own shop. The logician glanced into one shop and saw that it was ... dressed, his hair neatly trimmed. Why did the logician return to the first shop for his haircut? -Riddles

Last Answer : Each barber must have cut the other's hair. The logician picked the barber who had given his rival the better haircut.

Description : Hi, I have enough hair, but I would like to try shaving my head. But I'm afraid when I'm a little tanned, if I shave my head and where my hair grows, if you can't see much. Does anyone have experience with this?

Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Depilation. (giggle)

Description : recomended care of shaved head.

Last Answer : I will. Definitely apply moistures. And make sure you use sunscreen as well.

Description : Do you like your hair shaved off completely?

Last Answer : If I am a man then I would like my hair to cut off completely once in a while and let it grow a new one. Because if you cut your hair completely it will grow a fresh one. I wish I could dare ... off completely and they look good at it. For myself, I don't see myself cutting or shaving my hair off.

Description : I want to buy a new maytag refrigerator. Do they make any that have a shaved ice option?

Last Answer : The 25.1 Cubic Foot option of Maytag refridgerator offers a shaved ice option. You can see this online at the Maytag site or in most of your local appliance stores such as a Sears.

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Last Answer : Some do so for religious reasons; some of thése beards can look (a bit) ungroomed. I've had a lengthy beard a few times in my life due to lack of wanting to take care of my self/appearance, caused ... . Others still, might like the look of one, and make sure there's no left-over foods in there.

Description : why do we only grow hair were we do (top of head, chest face) why not the forehead?

Last Answer : we have hair every where

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Last Answer : His son.

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Last Answer : The father going to see his son on death row

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Last Answer : the man had waited on a ice cube and the ice cube had melted and left a puddle

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Last Answer : The victim was in a convertible. He was shot when the top was down.

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Last Answer : answer:No, it's through the injection into the inferior or superior vena cava, to the right atrium, then the mitral valve, then to the right ventricle. After that it goes through the pulmonic ... there is the stomach wall, the fascia, the diaphragm, the pericardium, and then finally the myocardium.

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Last Answer : answer:There have been plenty of devices to help women stand-up-to-pee on the market for years. They haven't seem to have taken the world by storm, I don;t know of any women that have used ... wilderness or on road trips with only gas station bathrooms. So to answer your question: Slim to none.

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Last Answer : I can’t see the picture. Website comes up, picture is blank

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Last Answer : answer:I've heard that. It wouldn't surprise me. I've also heard that some of our fruits and veggies have lost flavor having been bred to look more perfect and bruise less. Oh, and there are ... have breasts so big they can barely stand up. Maybe some people prefer roses that are not as fragrant??

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Last Answer : Just a guess: A million?

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Last Answer : Nah, it’s probably all your fault. ~

Description : Can a man's penis size be compared the same way as a woman's breast size?

Last Answer : I think I know what you're asking. But you might have over thought it and tried to use numbers and science haha. In the same way some men go, Oh my goodness look at those tits. You're asking if ... with dudes. I'm an attractive guy, but I don't look for the biggest and fattest tits out there. I

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Last Answer : JLeslie Hey lady this cuts both ways. :)

Description : Do you take care of a man's dress shirts?

Last Answer : For years my husband ironed his own shirts, no starch. For a couple years his mom did it for him, even while we were married. Once in a very great while I would iron one or two, but ... work in casual clothes, and so he wore dress shirts only about half the time while employed at those companies.

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Last Answer : Have they thought their reasoning through and come up with a logical reason as to why they believe this to be the case? If so then that is fine by me even if I do think they’re wrong.

Description : What do I need to know when buying a man's suit?

Last Answer : answer:Determine if he's a short, med. or long fit for the suit jacket. There's A LOT of inconsistency in the cut of clothes, even with expensive stores so don't let that be your determining ... or adjustments we've ever needed have been done at no cost by going into a physical store later.

Description : Do you agree with the statement: "the biggest fuss in the making of man's history is the notion that war are fought to save civilization"?

Last Answer : Honestly, I don’t think the “save civilization” rationale has been invoked nearly as often as the “God wants us to snuff those bastards” rationale.

Description : Is it better ettiquite for a man's name or woman's name to go first?

Last Answer : answer:This is, at least what emilypost.com says about the business of addressing correspondence, including couples, including the order of names, where it states the following: NOTE: Traditionally, a man's ... of the couple outranks' the other-the one with the higher rank is always listed first.

Description : Does wearing a hat or cap make a man's hair thin or fall out?

Last Answer : answer:Your wife is correct. Wearing hats in any form are not a cause for hair to thin or fall out. From what I've read, the main cause is due to hormonal changes. Some hormonal changes may be ... there are many other factors that can cause hair loss. Here is a list put together by the Mayo Clinic.

Description : What is the best way to cut hair in a man's ear?

Last Answer : Not sure if he should do it by himself but get him one of these :http://www.amazon.co.uk/Groom-Mate-Platinum-Nose-Trimmer/dp/B000EBFJXS

Description : What are acceptable colors for a man's umbrella if you go by stereotypes?

Last Answer : Well, I guess you can’t go wrong with a traditional black one, but I think it’s better to have one with a little more character. I don’t know how practical that type would be in heavy rain, though.

Description : "The Young Man's Guide To Bachelorly Domestic Tasks" would include...

Last Answer : For some reason I want to say that the pepper grinder must be filled when it stops grinding pepper. It requires real peppercorns. It can not be bought in one of those little boxes. Only fresh pepper will do. It goes really well with potatoes.

Description : Ideas for a mans outfit for a 80s theme club party?

Last Answer : IZOD polo shirt those leather slip on shoes sweater pulled over shoulder

Description : What's the difference in a man's size XXL and 2XL shirt?

Last Answer : The wearers of each need slightly different diets.

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Last Answer : answer:Who knows? What is the origin of man’s innate goodness and impulses toward empathy and doing good for others?