... I need advice: who plays with whom ...

1 Answer

Answer :

(fubar) I probably won't advise you (tmi) I'm all sweaty about it (whew) and is it chess at all ??

Related questions

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Last Answer : Of course he should. He bought it. It is his property, and as long as he does not damage it, what does it matter? Besides, it may be listed for 1000$, but does it sell for that? Honestly, this just sounds like envy.

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Last Answer : What is this “relaxing competition”? I play tournament chess and tournament Scrabble, and there is nothing relaxing about it.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Where can one learn to play chess online?

Last Answer : There are a considerable number across the internet some aremulti play others are against computers

Description : Where can I play chess games online?

Last Answer : I assume there are many people who go online to challenge others in Chess games. www.chess.com is a good website for playing chess against opponents.

Description : Where can I learn to play the game of chess?

Last Answer : You can learn the rules of Chess on this website: www.chess.com/learn-how-to-play-chess.html. You can also see if there is a local chess club that is open to beginners.

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Description : For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and (1) indulge in vigorous mental activities (2) play games like carrom, chess and cards (3) do right amount of physical exercise (4) do sedentary work

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Description : In a hostel, 40% of the students play cricket, 20% play chess and 10% both. If a student is selected at random, then the probability that he plays cricket or chess is: a) 1/2 b) 3/5 c) 1/4 d) 4/7

Last Answer : Answer: A) Given that, 40% play cricket; that is, P(C) = 40/100=4/10 20% play chess; that is, P(c) = 20/100 =2/10 And, 10% play both cricket and chess; that is, P(C And c) = 10/100 = 1/10 Now, we have ... P(C) + P(c) - P(C And c) = 4/20+2/10-1/10 =5/10=1/2 Hence, the required probability 1/2

Description : IN A BIT OF A HURRY - games for kids, anyone? (chess players, also...)

Last Answer : oh – non-computer related I must add :)

Description : How does the AlphaZero chess playing computer evaluate positions?

Last Answer : It does have a database of positions. It got that database by playing millions of games against itself, building up a memory of probabilities of which position likely leads to a win, and selecting the next move accordingly.

Description : If you knew ALL the possible moves of chess, would you never lose?

Last Answer : In theory it is possible to consider all possible moves in chess then all possible replies by the opponent right down to the end of the game. There are so many possibilities however that it would ... but physical constraints mean the first move could never be made before the universe came to an end.

Description : Might be trite, but why is chess not a sport entered in the Olympics?

Last Answer : Chess is not an athletic activity or contest of physical prowess. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sport https://www.dictionary.com/browse/game

Description : Do you think that to beat someone at chess, you have to replay, hypothetically, all the possible combinations of the board, or to cold read the person in front of you?

Last Answer : Certainly not. The first choice quickly becomes impossible, and depending on tricks such as reading your opponent is stupid. It’s the quality of your opponent’s play that you must read.

Description : How do chess playing computers evaluate a position?

Last Answer : During training, they build their own database of what move resulted in a loss/win in each given position. Essentially, they have experience.

Description : How would board games like Chess and Go change if you introduced the gameplay mechanic known as "fog of war"?

Last Answer : Not sure how this would work if it was a real (physical) board game. How do you un-see the person's king if it's on the chessboard? If it's an electronic game, I think it would be pretty awful. ... , narrow decisions. I don't think chess would be a better game as a result of that. No more strategy.

Description : Have you played unorthodox versions of chess?

Last Answer : For years I played standard and upside down because my brother and I did not know white was supposed to be at the bottom. We flipped sides randomly. I had no idea there were so many variants.

Description : Whats a good app for playing chess?

Last Answer : The Google store has an android chess app and its free.

Description : What's a good free online Chess app for iPhone?

Last Answer : answer:Chess With Friends by Zynga who does Words With Friends https://itun.es/us/UOI6t.i I played one game years ago… so I can’t speak to its reliability, though.

Description : Mob Intelligence: Could the world defeat a chess grand master?

Last Answer : answer:I don't see how it would be possible. Six billion non chess players ? By definition, then, most of their proposed moves would be illegal, bordering on random. How could they even vote ... outcomes are not necessarily straight-line functions of the moves made, either, as they are in chess.

Description : How good is your endgame playing chess?

Last Answer : answer:Back when I played routinely, it was awesome. I did not often lose if I went into the endgame with a pawn advantage. Today, I am pretty sure it would suck. It's been ages since I ... endgames and knew how to force checkmate. I've now forgotten them. But the first three are no-brainers.

Description : A stimulating game for the mind, do you go with chess, Scrabble, Othello, or backgammon?

Last Answer : Othello is my favourite but I can rarely find anyone who is willing to play it with me.

Description : How many squares are there on a standard chess board?

Last Answer : 64

Description : Can I get some advice on the endgame in chess?

Last Answer : Keep your eye on the final objective: checkmate. Taking pieces, while it may let you feel victorious in the sense of “capture” and “getting ahead” (and can help in mid-game to achieve the final objective) does not necessarily win the game. Focus on the King. Sacrifice anything to get the King.

Description : Can one still sell antique ivory chess set?

Last Answer : answer:Only if you can find a willing buyer. Se How to sell ivory artifacts

Description : Where would be a good spot to find chess partners?

Last Answer : You can spar with me…..I am on flyordie chess and my nickname there is Manicou_22. If you want my email address its [email protected].

Description : How do I win games in chess by pawn promotion?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not an avid chess player myself, but I do know the game and play it occasionally. I would recommend that you not devote a lot of playing time to a particular strategy to the exclusion of ... at the second rank, and not give them up easily - they must be strongly defended at that point.

Description : Where can I find video from the PBS broadcast of the 1972 Chess Championships with Shelby Lyman as the broadcaster?

Last Answer : I’d try contacing PBS headquarters and seeing which local station produced it, then calling them. Or perhaps PBS has it in their archives, or know where it might be archived.

Description : What's a good way to get started learning chess strategy?

Last Answer : Chess Guru

Description : How can I learn Chess?

Last Answer : The game “Chessmaster” is a great pc game to learn and improve your chess skills….. and is cheaper than lessons…lol

Description : Can a strategy game like chess could be applied to your life?

Last Answer : Some of the principles of play could ( and ARE ) easily applied to life, but the game as a whole doesn’t allow for the impact of the sort of chaos life can sometimes throw at you. In life, planning is great, and necessary if you have serious goals, but flexibility is mandatory.

Description : Chess question (please read details).

Last Answer : I thought it was a stalemate…

Description : In a game of chess, how do You think the knight moves?

Last Answer : I think the horsey makes an “L.” Or a “7.”

Description : Is there a story behind how chess men move?

Last Answer : answer:According to the United States Chess Federation, the game of chess started in India. Others argue that it began thousands of years before. Whatever its origin, the game has always pinned two ... Way They Do? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5367497_do-pieces-move-way-do.html#ixzz12MJM2zcw

Description : What is the most important/most studied single game of Chess?

Last Answer : Fischer v Spassky

Description : Can you figure out why 3 knights on a chess board can't mutually attack one another?

Last Answer : Knights move to the opposite-colored square. Knight A on a white square can attack knight B on a black square, while knight B can attack knight C on a white square, but knights A and C are on the same-colored squares, so cannot attack each other.

Description : Any Chess strategy among us?

Last Answer : Develop your pieces. That is, move a larger number of pieces in the beginning, rather than moving the same one over and over again. You get your guys in a good position that way. Also, aim for the center of the board. Get control of that as much as you can.

Description : Your chess strategy?

Last Answer : i like to tend to develop my pieces towards the middle. usually move one of the two middle pawns up two and then a knight covering that one. you want to develop good control of the board in the first 5 moves, and try to limit your opponent’s moves (in the first 5 moves) -amateur chess player ^____^

Description : How do you improve your chess skills?

Last Answer : Practice.

Description : How do you become a chess grandmaster?

Last Answer : Play chess , play more chess . Beat some folks , play more chess . You could always just lie . Since clearly you just wanna reap the benefits of being chess master , they always get laid

Description : In chess, what piece has more value, the Bishop or the Knight?

Last Answer : If you're very good at chess andcan be very shady about plans, the knights and rooks are the best. It's always a good idea to use your knights often. But if you are just good playing the game ... that emphasizes use of the bishop, then go ahead and use it. Still the knight is much more valuable.

Description : Why does my Mac decide to hang when I start winning in Chess?

Last Answer : I’ve noticed the same thing!

Description : What is the name of a piece of art with a chess board in it?

Last Answer : It it’s not here, I don’t know where else you might find it. Whoa! That link is NSFW! There’s boobs in the later pages!

Description : What do you think about chess?

Last Answer : It’s just a board game.

Description : Why is chess regarded as a geek's sport?

Last Answer : Because it requires IQ and not brute strength. And because its more fun than (chaste) tackling will ever be.

Description : What is the best chess computer program out there?

Last Answer : Without a shadow of a doubt Chessmaster is the best. Fritz is a fairly intelligent engine but I found if overly messy to look at. The teaching elements in Chessmaster are far superior in my humble opinion also.

Description : Chess tournament rules...timing? increments?

Last Answer : answer:got it….whoops :) http://www.jaderiver.com/chess/controls.html

Description : What's your Chess Elo rating?

Last Answer : 200

Description : All 5 sisters are busy. Ann is reading, Rose is cooking, Katie is playing chess and Mary is doing laundry. What is the fifth sister doing? -Riddles

Last Answer : She is playing chess with Katie.

Description : Two men are playing chess. They've already played 5 games, yet each have won 3. How is that possible? -Riddles

Last Answer : They are not playing each other.