1 Answer

Answer :

Of course. Stress or other mental stress is often a starting factor for a heart attack.

Related questions

Description : Have you, or someone you know, had a heart attack or other serious illness, and then thought a lot about dying months after?

Last Answer : I had cancer 20 years ago, it was years before I stopped having the concept of my own mortality often front and center. I believe it’s very normal. We don’t really tend to think of such things unless we have reason to believe that it could happen in an untimely fashion.

Description : I think I had a silent heart attack a few days ago! What's your knowledge of this topic?

Last Answer : My wife just had an episode 2 months ago. Started off with pressure in the chest which she attributed to heat and humidity (90's of both). Her neck and arms were sore which she attributed to exercising ... no damage to the heart. When you feel these things, go for medical help ASAP. Do not wait.

Description : Is it possible to prevent or avoid heart attack, after you notice the symptoms of it?

Last Answer : You could try taking 1 baby aspirin per day (or at the onslaught of heart attack symptoms) if you’re not already taking a blood thinner.

Description : Time for fluff; what are the top five worse places for one to have a heart attack?

Last Answer : answer:While shaving with a straight razor While administering CPR. While on stage at a community theater during a death scene. Changing the lightbulb at the top of a television tower. Anywhere you are working alone and nobody would find you for several days.

Description : Is congestive heart failure the same thing as a heart attack?

Last Answer : answer:No. Congestive heart failure is used to describe a progression of the heart losing its ability to pump. It can be from several reasons, but basically the blood is not being pumped well and ... not pumping well also. It depends on the specific situation and severity. A heart attack is sudden.

Description : Can a spider have a heart attack?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but probably what happened is that each time you opened the shades in the morning, it would pull on its web (and probably destroy it). That’s what made it “spaz and shake”. The spider may have moved on to greener pastures, or another predator could have eaten it.

Description : How upset would you be if an immediate family member got a heart attack (especially at a young age) and the only way you and everyone else in your immediate family found out was because of a third party source?

Last Answer : I would be confused and want to know more information. I would want to know what happened, how it happened, and why I wasn’t notified (if I was next of kin) by someone at the hospital.

Description : What was the best "heart attack on a plate" you've ever had?

Last Answer : Chocolate-chip-and-brown-sugar pancakes with bananas, brown sugar, butter, syrup, and more chocolate chips. No regrets.

Description : What does a heart attack feel like and is it an agonising way to die?

Last Answer : Heart attack symptoms vary from person to person. Some people even have silent heart attacks (i.e. they don't even know they've had one). The symptoms can range from chest tightness, to ... from the consequences of the heart attack, primarily heart failure and pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs).

Description : If someone dies on a plane due to a heart attack, can the spouse sue the airlines for accidental death?

Last Answer : I suppose it’s possible, but the case would probably get thrown out almost immediately.

Description : Those who have had a heart attack, what did it feel like?

Last Answer : it felt like there was a strong, lively fish in there flopping around, then I saw sparklies and my ears were ringing

Description : Youre on an asprin regimen. Youve decreased your likelihood of having a heart attack, havent you increased your chances of bleeding out in an accident?

Last Answer : Only a negligible amount. Aspirin is no Coumadin or Plavix (prescription blood thinners/anti-coagulants), so I doubt there’s any serious risk of bleeding out.

Description : If you have a heart attack and they say your heart muscles weakened from a 60 to a 30 does this mean it can not be strengthened to a 60 again?

Last Answer : I had a heart attack in June of 2008. My heart measured 38 when I was released from the hospital. I'm in a cardiac rehab program and attend two times one week, one the next (due to my work schedule). ... 153 for 5 minutes. That's too high to do for 20 minutes straight (hence the term stress test ).

Description : What is the best way to prevent another heart attack?

Last Answer : I don’t have any advice to offer, but I do offer my sympathies and best wishes. Hope it all turns out well.

Description : A woman has a heart attack. She dials 911 for help, but nobody comes to help and she dies. Why did nobody come? -Riddles

Last Answer : She dialed 911, but she didn't really call 911 because she didn't press the Call button.

Description : Why Heart Attack ?

Last Answer : The heart is located in the middle of the chest and on the left side. Blood circulates throughout the body through contraction and expansion. The heart , the only organ that works all the time , ... their branches. Most of the deaths in the world are due to blockage of these three blood vessels.

Description : How does a heart attack happen ?

Last Answer : If any one of the three blood vessels is completely blocked , then heart attack occurs. If the blood vessels are closed slowly for a long time , then heart attack may not occur , but if it ... together. Insomnia.  Excessive anxiety.  Sudden excitement or anger. Any kind of infection in the body.

Description : Which fruit cures heart attack ?

Last Answer : Heart attack is eliminated by eating cashew and nuts.

Description : What is the difference between a heart attack and a stroke ?

Last Answer : Heart attack is a disease of the heart. The coronary arteries supply blood and oxygen to the heart. When the coronary artery closes for any reason, the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart ... excess blood accumulates or the blood flow to the brain is obstructed , that condition is called stroke.

Description : Why is a heart attack ?

Last Answer : When blood flow is stopped or blocked due to blood clotting in any part of one's heart , it damages the heart cells or heart muscle. This can lead to myocardial infarction or heart attack.

Description : What are the steps to take in case of heart attack ?

Last Answer : The patient should be put to bed first. Then place an aspirin tablet under the tongue. If available, a sorbitrate tablet should be taken along with aspirin. Then you have to take him to the hospital quickly. Because the most damage is done in the first hour.

Description : Can anyone take first aid if they have a heart attack ?

Last Answer : Absolutely. He must first lie down and place an aspirin tablet under his tongue. Then quickly tell someone in the neighborhood to take him to the hospital. I don't think it's right to wait for an ambulance. Because in most cases the ambulance does not show up on time.

Last Answer : - Take a deep breath. Now cough. Give a long cough for a long time. This will produce sputum / mucus in your lungs. -Breathe-cough , breath-cough 'Do this process once every two seconds , until ... rid of this deadly problem. How are you thinking ? Find out in a very simple way proven by research.

Last Answer : There are probably no people in the world who are not afraid of heart attack . This deadly disease is the cause of many deaths even in this modern medical age. Heart attacks are the leading cause ... the symptoms of girls are such that they are ignored. Many people think that normal body feels bad.

Last Answer : In that case the first advice is not to panic. If you panic, the situation will get worse. You will get about 10 seconds before you lose consciousness , you have to try to save yourself in ... coughing loudly ... these two things will give you a chance to protect yourself during a heart attack.

Last Answer : Men are more at risk of heart attack. That is the physical constitution of men. They have high cholesterol in their heart. They have high levels of cholesterol in their blood. In addition, high ... increase the risk of heart attack. Women also have heart attacks. However, it is comparatively less.

Last Answer : The remedy is not to smoke , to exercise regularly , not to eat fatty foods , to eat raw fruits.

Last Answer : Heart attack is a silent killer. Anyone can be a victim of it at any time. Irregular exercise , unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle increase the risk of heart attack. It is possible to save a life if ... is shortness of breath , nausea , and pain in the jaw and spine. Symptoms of a heart attack

Last Answer : Patient If Sweat Yes , in the chest Pressed Pain Yes , of course With If His High Blood pressure Or Diabetes From If so , then So A lot More Hold on Taken Goes That His Heart Attack Done. Then At ... The time Us Near A lot More Important. So Fast To the patient At the hospital To take Will be

Description : When is the greatest risk of heart attack? Is it during physical activity?

Last Answer : No, it's highly unlikely.

Description : Does a heart attack only affect older people or can it hit a younger person? Maybe in your thirties?

Last Answer : It's clear yes, just the wrong lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, stress and it's right away ...

Description : I'm watching and she is blue death! But I immediately realized that ell. they create something again.

Last Answer : go to his profile ... and click on the asterisk ..or a cross depending on what you look like ... just add it to your favorites .... I will add a page history like ..oblibench ... ☢ ☠ ☣ ☢ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

Description : Someone is still scaring and scaring me.

Last Answer : Yes - stress is one of the factors causing a heart attack - but to reassure you, it is far from the most common trigger.

Description : Or can't a person move?

Last Answer : If you are not directly "ex", you will usually not even notice that the heart attack took place. Something else is a stroke, you often can't move there, and at the same time you need to seek help within two hours.

Description : How to differentiate a pain caused by Heart attack and GERD?

Last Answer : Heart attack pain happens when one of the arteries supplying the heart becomes blocked. GERD is heartburn is burning pain often in the upper belly or lower chest. Heart attack You may feel like you have ... choking or your throat is tight. It is caused by stomach acid going back up the food pipe.

Description : what are the signs for a mild heart attack?

Last Answer : what are the signs for a mild heart attack?

Description : How often does high LDL contribute to heart attack risk?

Last Answer : what percentage of time does high LDL contribute to heart attacks?

Description : I may suffered a heart attack that in my opinion was work related. Would this be covered under workmans comp. ?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, only "tangible" damage is covered under workers

Description : How much cholesterol does it take to get a heart attack?

Last Answer : Another complication is that the body needs cholesterol to build healthy nerves and to make several important hormones. There is also evidence that the "bad" cholesterol rich plaques that form in arteries ... and solving this may prevent the so called "cholesterol" problem from ever being an issue.

Description : Can sweating, nausea, and dizziness be signs of a heart attack?

Last Answer : Yes sweating and nausea and dizziness can be a sign of a stroke or heart problem in people . Here are some sites that can help you out with this www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guide/heart-disease-symptoms

Description : Where can I find the signs of a heart attack online?

Last Answer : Signs for heart attacks include; dizziness, nausea, chest pain, double vision, weariness, headaches and pain. Consult a doctoral website for symptoms list.

Description : What factors can increase the chances of having a heart attack?

Last Answer : Heart conditions are genetic. Your friend could have inherited from his father. He could have had a silent heart attack yet appear in perfect condition before suffering this major one. Factors like high blood pressure, over intake of salt, and over exercise can increase your risk.

Description : What different symptoms do men vs. women experience when having a heart attack.?

Last Answer : Women and men experience different symptoms of heart attack. Usually many women shortness of breath, fatigue and dizziness at the onset and during heart attack. Chest pain and high blood pressure are also some of the other indications.

Description : What foods reduce the risk of a Heart Attack?

Last Answer : There are lots of foods that can reduce the risk of heart attacks.Eating a balanced diet is he best advice i can give you.Foods such as fruits and vegetables are good along with fiber and fish.Remember to avoid fatty foods such as red meat and anything containing saturated fats.

Description : Is a fast heart rate a sign of a heart attack?

Last Answer : That can be a symptom, but by itself it could be numerous things from a panic attack to and adrenaline rush. You should see a medical professional if your worried.

Description : heart attack in woman ?

Last Answer : I have pain in the center of my chest and have been sweating and had nusea really tired and some pin down the upper right arm area and some indegesttion

Description : Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms by Gender?

Last Answer : Most people are knowledgeable about the more common signs of a heart attack such as chest pain, pain radiating down the left arm and shortness of breath. However, there are many other subtle ... can be deadly for you and others. With prompt and proper treatment your survival rate greatly improves.

Description : What are the difference in symptoms for heartburn vs. a heart attack?

Last Answer : Stomach acid radiating up your throat is a sign of heartburn and it can last for a short while or even up to a few hours. It tends to occur more right after eating, bending over, or lying down. There ... it's just heartburn or a heart attack is to go to your nearest emergency room just to be safe.

Description : Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and Women?

Last Answer : Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and WomenHeart attack is one of the major killers of both men and women. The sooner treatment is received after the onset, the better chance an individual has of ... that anyone experiencing them seek prompt medical attention, as doing so could save his or her life.

Description : It has been said that a person feels something unusual before a heart attack, what are the symptoms that a person is going to have a heart attack?

Last Answer : Symptoms of a heart attack vary from person to person and from women to men. The classic signs of a heart attack are chest pain more on the left side than the right, a shooting pain down the left arm, difficulty breathing and sudden weakness.