Unfortunately I fell asleep just during the show yesterday. :)

1 Answer

Answer :

Radio Mobster, or a team, dropped out for the first time, which I think was expected. Teams always have the hardest thing on this show. I would add that I didn’t like Radio Mobster’s performance too much either. [img alt_text = '' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/10/20171015ezuttal-is-csapat-esett-ki.jpg [/ img]

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Last Answer : answer:Dr. Patricia Meinhardt, a scientist, Dr. Thomas Burke, John Hopkins Source

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Last Answer : You need to strrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttch.and stop hanging from the table lamp XD

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Last Answer : Being a major douchebag.

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Last Answer : answer:I shower every morning, brush my teeth twice a day, and wash my hands before dealing with food and, of course, each time I use the bathroom. I detest smelly shower gels, lotions, and ... smell like humans. I'm not talking offensive BO here, but I find most artificial scents quite offensive.