in a village or town?

1 Answer

Answer :

I'm in the village. And I loved it.

Related questions

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Last Answer : [deleted]

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Last Answer : A ½ stick of Dynamite? haha

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Last Answer : Growing up in the pre-internet era a lot of time was spent outside playing. Did not have rooms filled with toys like kids do now.

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Last Answer : When I was little people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I can astutely remember saying A mental nurse ! I obviously had the components in my mind but had not worded it ... in our childhood our true selves dwell, and self actualization is when we match that passion in the now.

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Last Answer : Don’t have a cow – said to someone pitching a fit Slug Bug – slang for a Volkswagen Beetle car (and if you spotted one on the road, you’d punch the arm of the person next to you and yell, “Slug Bug!”)

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Last Answer : I think that this relates to my response to your previous question. I wouldn't necessarily say that I was raised in a very safe environment, however, my parents were always extremely honest when ... in my life where people who normally will not honestly open up feel comfortable doing so with me.

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Last Answer : That’s quite a sweeping generalization there.

Description : Why do I always dream about where I grew up and not about where I live now?

Last Answer : Part of you may still see your childhood home as your real home and thus where you belong.

Description : For the men of fluther, were you reckless when you were young and how old were you when you 'grew up'?

Last Answer : Only when I had kids. Now that they have grown up – I’m sliding back to my youthful recklessness again.

Description : What is "hiding" inside you? A child that never grew up, a talent/skill waiting to burst out? An unfulfilled dream?

Last Answer : Motivation and a desire to work so I can make some monies!

Description : How do i find out where he grew up?

Last Answer : Is this spam?

Description : What are some things that may be different about yourself if you grew up somewhere else?

Last Answer : I grew up in Arkansas and didn't learn what weed was until I was about 16. When I moved to California, my younger brother went to high school out here. Everyday he'd tell me about drug sniffing dogs that had ... the kids. It just blew my mind cause I never had to deal with that when I was a kid.

Description : What are some of the things that, as a child, you wanted to be when you grew up?

Last Answer : I wanted to be a ballerina just like every other little girl. Now i’m into forensics.

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Last Answer : Where you grew up.

Description : Do you currently live in the same neighborhood or general area where you grew up?

Last Answer : I live pretty much in the same area.

Description : What are the psychological effects on a those who grew up without a mother and/or father?

Last Answer : At the end of this article there are several links: I don’t have any personal experience.

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Last Answer : Not what I turned out to be. Little boys never aspire to be accountants. SRM

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Last Answer : All through my childhood, I had a fascination with aviation and I always wanted to be a commerical airline pilot. Life had a different plan for me though and I ended up being a career military member instead and it is something that I have never regretted.

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Last Answer : An Astronaut. I became too tall, too blind, and had motion sickness. I still think they are the studs of the planet.

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Last Answer : Tell them early [as in, like 5 or 6] – but reassure them that they are loved and seriously reassure them that they are your child no matter what. Source: I was adopted.

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Last Answer : I think it’s wrong. Just wrong.

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Last Answer : I am irreparably damaged, how are you?

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Last Answer : I wanted to be a lawyer or a stock broker when I grew up but my mother encouraged me to be something more respectable like a piano player in a whore house so that’s what I did. Mother is so proud.

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Last Answer : In progress!

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Last Answer : If the ping-pong ball rolls flush against the wall, the cast-iron ball cannot crush it. Those who know geometry can determine that if the diameter of a large ball is at least 5.83 (3+2(square root of ... is larger than a soccer ball is more than 4.83 times as large in diameter as a ping-pong ball.

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Last Answer : 1. Jack is not the murderer, because he is the brother of the murderer. 2. Dan can't be the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg amputated, and wouldn't ... must also be alive since Jeff plans to install Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Many of the people in that time went to coffeehouses, listened to jazz, and read the beat poets like Ginsberg. It was started by a group of authors whose work explored American culture. It’s center was San Francisco’s North Beach.

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Last Answer : True(apex)

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Last Answer : How quickly?

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Last Answer : No I haven’t. I actually know more adult bullies than I did childhood bullies.

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Last Answer : Grew is correct, raise is not, but it is probably better to say “Her business grew,” rather than “She grew her business,” since growing a business is not usually a one-person effort. Even with a sole proprietorship, the customers, for instance, play a role in the growth as well.

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Last Answer : Easy question. “Friends”. Used to love it. Now it repulses me.

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Last Answer : I believe it was a mulberry tree.

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Last Answer : initially it was word-of-mouth and most importantly kevin rose presented digg on "the screen savers" which helped all of his fan base to join digg. But they obviously had more marketing tactics that i am unaware of

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Last Answer : I WANT ONE!

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Maybe a cardoon?

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : This is probably Jeruselum Artichoke.

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Last Answer : rainbow pepper-- very hot --