1 Answer

Answer :

Padma Jamuna The river Fallen Done.

Related questions

Description : What is the cause of creation of river Jamuna ?

Last Answer : Earthquake is the cause of creation of river Jamuna.

Last Answer : tributaries of river Jamuna: Teesta , Dharla , Karatoya , Atrai , Bengali , Dudhkumar , Jamuneshwari.

Last Answer : tributary of river Jamuna: Dhaleshwari , Buriganga.

Last Answer : Former name of river Jamuna: Jonai river.

Last Answer : The first name of the river Jamuna is Jonai.

Last Answer : Jamuna tributary river 'Dhaleshwari'

Last Answer : From the lake of Manas Sarobar in Tibet.

Description : Which of the following are alternative names for the river "Brahmaputra"? (1) Yamuna, Yarlung Zangbo and Tsangpo (2) Yamuna, Megna and Tsangpo Yamuna (3) Jamuna, Siang, Yarlung Zangbo and Tsangpo (4) Jamuna, Siang, Yarlung Zangbo, Megna and Tsangpo

Last Answer : (4) Jamuna, Siang, Yarlung Zangbo, Megna and Tsangpo Explanation: The Brahmaputra goes by a number of names during its journey from the Angst glacier in the Himalayas to the sea (Bay of Bengal). It ... and finally the Meghna. From here, it is known as Meghna before emptying into the Bay of Bengal.

Description : The river known as Padma in Bangladesh is – (1) Jamuna (2) Ganga (3) Teesta (4) Brahmaputra

Last Answer : (2) Ganga Explanation: The Padma is the name used in Bangladesh for a major trans-boundary river, known in India as the main distributary of the Ganges, the river system that originated in the western Himalayas. The Padma enters Bangladesh from India near Chapai Nababganj.

Description : What is the confluence of Padma and Jamuna ?

Last Answer : The meeting place of Padma Jamuna is called Daulatdia.

Last Answer : Karatoya, the longest and largest tributary of the Jamuna

Last Answer : Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury .

Last Answer : Abu Zafar Shamsuddin .

Description : What name does Brahmaputra take as is discharges into the Bay of Bengal? (1) Ganga (2) Jamuna (3) Padma (4) Meghna

Last Answer : (4) Meghna Explanation: The Padma is the name used in Bangladesh for a major trans-boundary river, known in India as the main distributary of the Ganges. the river system that originated in the ... with the Meghna near Chandpur and adopts the name 'Meghna' before flowing into the Bay of Bengal.

Last Answer : Bay of Bengal (Chittagong).

Description : What should be done with fallen food ?

Last Answer : Falling food should be picked up.

Description : One of the asteroids have fallen out of its place in the asteroid belt and is hurling towards the sun. Our earth is in its way and there is all likelihood of a collision. What can be done to prevent this collision?

Last Answer : Use the shock wave to deflect it away from earth. Which means attach three large remote controlled rockets to the asteroid turning it into a large space vehicle and move it away from a dangerous collision.

Description : If you don't know you fell asleep, does your body still get the benefit of having fallen asleep?

Last Answer : I am guessing with that short a final interval, you get ripped out of sleep right in the middle of the deep sleep phase, which will absolutely wreck you. Happens to me all the time. You can try to ... if you are quick about the business you need to perform, and keep the lights down while you do it.

Description : Have you ever fallen for someone you couldn't have?

Last Answer : Yes. I got confused and ended up obsessing over her. Then I failed out of university. She was perfect. Next time I won’t stay on the fence, and I would ask the next one out faster. Now she is married with three children.

Description : Am I wrong in my perception that the number of questions posted daily here has fallen drastically?

Last Answer : I noticed this a few years ago. Same thing, just a couple questions per section. It gets busy, then it dies off. I don’t believe this is something new.

Description : Have you ever fallen on hard times, and did it change you?

Last Answer : Not really. There was a period of some 6 months in my youth when I was broke, but without any dependents, and couldn't care less. I had a girl who adored me and spoiled me shamefully ... express my appreciation. By then she had a lucky husband who (unlike myself) appeared to deserve her.

Description : Have you ever literally fallen asleep before your head hit the pillow?

Last Answer : Cool story! BRAVO

Description : How do I know if I have fallen for somebody?

Last Answer : When you care more about that person’s happiness than your own, you love them.

Description : How far have you fallen?

Last Answer : I jumped off of my school gym from the outside. Got lots of grass up my mouth and nose. I was looking to reclaim discarded recess toys.

Description : Where is the most interesting place you've fallen asleep?

Last Answer : In a clothes drier and in the bath tub.

Description : Have you fallen on your ass, literally or figuratively lately, and why does it always happen to be in front of someone else?

Last Answer : There is nothing embarrassing about falling.

Description : Have you ever fallen in love with another while being married?

Last Answer : No, not even close. I’ve certainly been physically attracted to other people, but have never been emotionally caught up in that.

Description : Is the band We Are The Fallen gothic metal?

Last Answer : Yep

Description : Medical Jellies: has Amoxicillin fallen out of favor for treatment of bronchial infections?

Last Answer : answer:I'm thinking your probably take Amoxicillin Clauvanate? If so, patients and doctors tend to prescribe other drugs that don't destroy the normal flora in the intestines and vagina as much. Also, amox clauv is ... still take it, because it is so good for the rest of my body, but I request it.

Description : What has fallen out of fashion in your culture you really wish would come back into vogue?

Last Answer : Decency in politics.

Description : Is there any hidden meaning to be found in thinking about what the people you have fallen in love with say about you?

Last Answer : Not really a pattern, necessarily. They were all very different people. It showed me that early in my life I had a thing for jerks. I was always consciously aware, though, that it was the moments that those ... to me.. that made me so attracted to them. I guess I like to be made to feel special.

Description : What are the issues in buying a condo where the condo association has fallen apart?

Last Answer : I would strongly encourage you/your son to enlist the services of a Real Estate attorney for this one. There could be all sorts of hidden liabilities created in the wake of the actions and ... and other obligations a lawyer would provide much better counsel on than I can in this unique situation.

Description : What is the worst scam you've ever fallen victim to (or come close)?

Last Answer : There was that faith healer that said he could heal my std with prayer. Morning Neff. :)

Description : How can I train my dog to not sleep up against me in bed after I've fallen asleep?

Last Answer : answer:I sleep on the couch where there’s no room for invasive snuggling. How about leaving the TV on when you fall asleep or rubbing some meat on your hubby?

Description : Has anyone ever actually fallen asleep while counting sheep?

Last Answer : I’ve tried, but after 9 trillion it gets real boring.

Description : Why has pedantry fallen into disrepute?

Last Answer : answer:Being clear and writing well has not fallen into disrepute with the people who value being clear and writing well. There is a sub-culture (maybe it is peer-related or generated by ... comparing written English usage to software code. One missed punctuation mark and the coder is in trouble.

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Last Answer : …what the eff…my account has been hacked? Look at my avatar and account name above…

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Last Answer : You mean the abyss is not all there is?

Description : Have you ever fallen prey to false advertising?

Last Answer : My sources say no.

Description : Have you ever fallen in love with a complete stranger?

Last Answer : No. There are people that I love that I’ve never met in person, but I can’t imagine falling in love with a complete stranger.

Description : What do you think it costs to rescue a fallen or lost mountain climber?

Last Answer : Interesting question. My first thought was the 2009 climbers that were lost on Mt. Hood, Oregon. I couldn't find the specifics for the costs of that search, but a similar search in on Mt. Hood ... instances. Again, it all boils down to the details, and should be assessed for each individual case.

Description : Have you ever fallen in love with someone you've met on the internet?

Last Answer : Yes. Craigslist brought me my fiance.

Description : I've fallen for my best friend?

Last Answer : What’s their relationship like with the relationship they’re in? Is it a long distance relationship? How old are you both?

Description : What do I do? I think Ive fallen for my close friend?

Last Answer : First off, this is perfectly normal, and you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. I would say just be honest and straight forward with her, but I know how difficult that can be.

Description : What is the success rate of surgery to repair a fallen arch?

Last Answer : My mother has that problem; the fallen arch and the stretched soft tissue caused by aging gives her both pronation and a flat foot. We have been getting her special laced and supportive walking shoes ... resort. I would check with a really well-recommended podiatrist. He came up with our solution.

Description : Ever fallen in love with someone without feeling the "butterflies"?

Last Answer : While I might have had that feeling for the first month or two, it's long since gone. My relationship is butterfly-free, that's fine with me! I've read some literature that ... butterflies) is correlated with moving from the initial infatuation stage towards a long term partnering kind of love.

Description : Have you ever fallen asleep at the wheel?

Last Answer : I have fallen asleep at the wheel a number of times when driving from the Midwest to California. It is the scariest feeling, and I use it as my cue to find someplace safe to sleep for a couple hours.

Description : What have your gas prices fallen to?

Last Answer : Sadly, here in rural NY, it is stil $2.90 due to heavy state taxes.

Description : "Fallen in love with a city". One city that you've been to and loved (above all others)

Last Answer : Krakow, Poland.

Description : My hero has fallen, will I ever recover?

Last Answer : Use the opportunity to your advantage. Fill the vacuum left by AstroChuck in the Fluther pantheon and become a god yourself. Also, go go maple syrup.