1 Answer

Answer :

Can run at a speed of 36 miles / hour (56 kilometers / hour). But not for long.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : A goat is noticed by a lion from a distance of 350m. the goat starts running and the lion chases him. The goat and the lion run at the ratio of 30km and 31km per hr respectively. What is the distance between them after 12 mins? a) 120m b) 100m c) 150m d) 170m

Last Answer : C To find out the relative speed of the goat and lion (31-30) = 1 km/hr Distance covered in 12 mins =(1/60*12)km =1/5 km =(1000/5)m =200m Distance between the goat and lion = (350 – 200)m =150m

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Last Answer : A shadow

Description : Each morning I appear To lie at your feet, All day I will follow No matter how fast you run, Yet I nearly perish In the midday sun.What am I? -Riddles

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Last Answer : Your shadow.

Description : How can a cheetah run so fast ?

Last Answer : A 'Ferrari Enzo' can reach a speed of about 6 meters per second. And a cheetah can lift about 10 meters per second. The speed of the first three jumps is more than 60 kilometers per ... The leopard itself often climbs trees with large prey so that lazy predators like lions cannot snatch its prey.

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Description : It's urgent, thank you!

Last Answer : That question is repeated. Only by training.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Description : How fast a Siamese cat can run?

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Description : Why cant a cheetah run so fast for so long?

Last Answer : A cheetah will not and can't run so fast for so long becausewhen they run 70 mph it causes their blood to pump faster to theirheart and brain.So the brain could overheat and perish, that is whythey may only run that fast for 2 minutes tops.

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Last Answer : An induction type energy meter is found to run fast. Correction for this error can be made by Moving the brake magnet away from the centre of the disc.

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Last Answer : Literally any children cartoon (or any media in that regard), if someone overthinks enough, can be turned into something unintentionally dark. Just search Game Theory on Youtube. You will find a ... Lion King intentionally vague. This will remain a fan theory and not an example of anything.

Description : Could a lion meow?

Last Answer : Not as far as I am aware. Can a house cat roar? Lions have many vocalizations and perhaps squeak and mew as tiny cubs but no meowing as far as I know.

Description : What do you make out of this sea lion pup's behaviour?

Last Answer : Omg @Mama_Cakes That is one of the cutest and coolest things I’ve ever seen!! Thank you for sharing that!

Description : How do I make a duplicate of Mac Mt. Lion before I install it?

Last Answer : answer:I'm a bit foggy on why you want to do what you want to do. It seems a bit unnecessary. In the event that things go tits-up you will not be able to install from what the app store put in your ... you can do the microphone thing in iChat I can help you out. I will send you my username in a PM.

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Last Answer : answer:Having not done this myself, I'd think you could use your last 10.7.x back up to restore after a clean 10.7 install + update. Obviously this could be problematic if you don't have a copy of the ... check I'm pretty sure I also saw a link to a youtube video about downgrading from 10.8 to 10.7.

Description : Is OSX Mountain Lion worth getting?

Last Answer : Tested did a great video on it. It certainly seems like it’s worth the minimal price tag.

Description : Which do you prefer: cougar, mountain lion, puma, mountain cat, or catamount?

Last Answer : Cougar or mountain lion is what they’re called around these her parts. Like, when you see one…“LOOK!!! IT’S A COUGAR!!!” Since we don’t have mountains you don’t hear mountain lion as often.

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Last Answer : answer:Phantom!!!!!! I saw if on Broadway when I was younger. Front row seats .EPIC! I could go on about it! Fun fact: I've met Patty Cohenour (I believe that is how it's spelled) who was a ... for her for a week each year for three years. Was amazing to hear her sing and to be taught by her

Description : How do I turn off this annoying new Lion feature?

Last Answer : I think you might find some good suggestions here.

Description : On Lion OS X how do I make it so that upon start up programs I had exited will not show up?

Last Answer : Look in Users & Groups Preferences, under Login Items

Description : Do you know how to get Hydrogen beat machine to work on Lion OS X?

Last Answer : Run snow leopard in VMware or parallels. Then run your PowerPC app in that.

Description : Why are my alert badges pixelated now (Mac OS X Lion)?

Last Answer : Rumor is it's a bug; no fix that I've hear of (unless it disappeared with 10.7.2 though that was mainly for safari and icloud). I suspect hope they'll be fixing it in the next 10.7.3 ... 've had some other issues with pixilation in 10.7 as well (image preview, login pictures) from what I hear.

Description : What's good drum machine software? I have LION OSX.

Last Answer : Garageband? Just mix several short sample cips and save as one mp3.