How fast do Fox run?

1 Answer

Answer :

32 mph

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Last Answer : A: Camels can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour (64 kilometers per hour) in short bursts. However, their average walking speed is around 2.5 miles per hour (4 kilometers per hour).

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Last Answer : Fan blades.

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Last Answer : A statue.

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Last Answer : A shadow

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Last Answer : I am your shadow.

Description : Walking home one day, you take a short cut along the train tracks. The tracks cross a narrow bridge over a deep gorge. At the point you are 3/8 of the way across the bridge, you hear the train whistle ... run over as well. If you can run ten miles per hour, how fast is the train moving? -Riddles

Last Answer : The train is moving at 40 miles per hour. Imagine that a friend is walking with you. When the train whistle blows, you head away from the train, he heads toward it. When he reaches safety, you ... the bridge in the time you cross the remaining 1/4, the train must be moving four times your speed.

Description : Each morning I appear To lie at your feet, All day I will follow No matter how fast you run, Yet I nearly perish In the midday sun. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your shadow.

Description : How can a cheetah run so fast ?

Last Answer : A 'Ferrari Enzo' can reach a speed of about 6 meters per second. And a cheetah can lift about 10 meters per second. The speed of the first three jumps is more than 60 kilometers per ... The leopard itself often climbs trees with large prey so that lazy predators like lions cannot snatch its prey.

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Last Answer : Special types of leopards are very fast moving. These tigers can be seen running at a speed of about 106 kilometers per hour to catch prey. Although it is thought to run faster. However, he ran so fast to catch the prey. If he can't catch the prey, he stops running.

Last Answer : Can run at a speed of 36 miles / hour (56 kilometers / hour). But not for long.

Description : It's urgent, thank you!

Last Answer : That question is repeated. Only by training.

Description : i. It is difficult to run fast on sand. ii. It is easy to roll than pull a barrel along a road.

Last Answer : Can you tell? i. It is difficult to run fast on sand. ii. It is easy to roll than pull a ... than a flat tyre. iv. Friction is a necessary evil.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : It is the Ostrich.

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Last Answer : All domestic cats can run up to 30mph. That would be ideal butlarger cats such as lions could run up to 40 mph!!

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Last Answer : A cheetah will not and can't run so fast for so long becausewhen they run 70 mph it causes their blood to pump faster to theirheart and brain.So the brain could overheat and perish, that is whythey may only run that fast for 2 minutes tops.

Description : Why cant a cheetah run so fast for so long?

Last Answer : A cheetah will not and can't run so fast for so long becausewhen they run 70 mph it causes their blood to pump faster to theirheart and brain.So the brain could overheat and perish, that is whythey may only run that fast for 2 minutes tops.

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Last Answer : really fast. like 100 mph

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Last Answer : It can jump 42 times its body length. Who needs running? average kangaroo rat can get up to nine feet so, do the math.

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Last Answer : up to 25 miles per hour

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Last Answer : An induction type energy meter is found to run fast. Correction for this error can be made by Moving the brake magnet away from the centre of the disc.

Description : How long until Tucker Carlson and Fox News begin advocating for concentration camps and mass killings?

Last Answer : I wish we could deport him. Such an awful man.

Description : Would Trump survive mentally if Fox News doesn’t exist?

Last Answer : Maybe and maybe not, but he needs the NRA! They laundered the money from Russia the GOP used during the campaign.

Description : Would Trump, his White House staff, Pence and Fox News employees march with pitchforks and torches to the border after his speech tonight?

Last Answer : I would be more worried about local police forces around the country trying to arrest and silence people who disagree with the Fuehrer. This state of emergency declaration sounds a lot like the National Socialist game plan in 1933.

Description : When will Fox News tell Trump that it's time to end the shutdown?

Last Answer : He needs permission from Ann Coulter first.

Description : Is anyone else watching the sickeningly hagiographic biography of Billy Graham on Fox?

Last Answer : Not watching. Along with my atheism came abillygrahamism. He's one of those people who will never be seen by anyone as they really were, and less so after death than ever before. I was brought up in ... heroes can withstand any kind of scrutiny at all? And should they? I don't know the right answer.

Description : With Trump in the White House, is FOX now the "state" television network?

Last Answer : Fox has had a tail wind since Trump threw his hat in the ring. MSNBC was even ahead of FOX in the love fest .but too much push back from the Liberal owners now have MSNBC on the outside looking in. I ... his ass but at least be fair once in a while. CNN of all outlets are waking up to this concept.

Description : What are the Republicans and Fox News saying about Donald Trump's inaugural speech?

Last Answer : Given that was it was such incomprehensible babble that even skilled translators had difficulty making sense of I wouldn’t be too surprised if you get a number of different opinions on what he was trying to say.

Description : What effect do you suppose the Trump candidacy has had on the internal working dynamics at FOX?

Last Answer : Very little effect. To work at FOX News you have to be unprincipled. Once the election is over Trump will be out of the news, and their focus will be undermining the Democratic president. The same focus they’ve had for the past 8 years.

Description : Why is it that Fox News cannot have real experts?

Last Answer : They are all guilty of stupid.

Description : Are there any foods a fox will eat but a raccoon will not?

Last Answer : I doubt there is anything that a raccoon won’t eat – those ruffians!

Description : What is your reaction to the National Geographic Magazine being sold to the FOX News conglomerate?

Last Answer : I guess Murdoch has to do something to replace his Page 3 girls. ~

Description : Have you seen the video where a Fox News co-host throws an axe in the middle of New York City?

Last Answer : No, I hadn’t seen it, but it makes perfect sense coming from an organization that regularly discounts the need for precautionary oversight and regulation (at least insofar as it concerns, you know, real Americans).

Description : What's with FOX?

Last Answer : I can honestly say I have not noticed, at least not first hand. I gave up cable TV seven years ago and haven’t looked back.

Description : I have a roof antenna installed in 1986. Two days ago the TV stopped receiving the signal from Fox TV. Why?

Last Answer : answer:Go get a whole bunch of aluminum foil for hats Dumb question number # 1 Do you have a digital convertor or a TV made in the last five years? Has the convertor been re-initiated in the ... fact that the TV station says no one else has seen a change means something at your end has changed.

Description : Will anyone care (or even notice) if Fox network pulls its channels off of broadcast TV and goes to cable only?

Last Answer : I pay for TV (even network) through iTunes anyway. I like having no commercials and its still cheaper than cable. I AM a bit worried however because I was watching an iTunes show last night and there was a commercial at the beginning for other shows from the same network. That just pisses me off.