1 Answer

Answer :

The sentence which expresses the sudden feeling or emotion of the mind is called emotion .

Related questions

Description : What do you think is the emotion that joins up all human beings on Earth? (I'm not going to talk about animals)

Last Answer : Not love. Fear. That’s what motivates people.

Description : In moments of extreme emotion why do we almost always put our hands over our mouth?

Last Answer : I think the center of ourselves is our eyes, our heads. We cover our eyes because that’s what we speak out of. An involuntary response. Like covering our eyes when faced with danger. To put up our arms in a defensive manner to protect head, throat and chest.

Description : Do you have any memories that aren't accompanied by extremely strong emotion?

Last Answer : Most of my memories are like this. It’s like inserts form a movie.

Description : Is guilt an emotion?

Last Answer : answer:I feel like it is more of a backpack that is really hard to take off. But based on the physiology of it, probably yes.

Description : Is anything worth the energy and emotion?

Last Answer : I care about those things that are “more important” to me, and I work for those things that are “more important” to me, and I’m happy for everyone else to care about whatever they care about.

Description : A lack of emotion makes you guilty?

Last Answer : That’s exactly how Meursault earned his years in the slammer.

Description : What emotion is greater? Your delight in finding a lost $10 bill, or you grief at losing a $10 bill?

Last Answer : In general, people tend to feel almost twice as strongly about loss compared to gain. Loss aversion is a well-studied phenomenon.

Description : Do insects feel pain and emotion?

Last Answer : answer:I've always been told, while on my never ending mission to eliminate spiders from my world, that they are more afraid of me than I am of them . Really? Then why do the insist on tormenting ... freak me out. lol Interesting question. I can't wait to read what the other Jellies come up with.

Description : Whenever I feel a certain emotion, I have a strange, physical pain in my chest. Is this normal?

Last Answer : Yes. I always said that it feels like someone reached into my chest and gave my heart a firm squeeze.

Description : Where do you believe the seat of your emotion is housed?

Last Answer : I believe that we have a soul and a self. I believe that we're more than the sum of our parts. In that space above and beyond our mere biology, in our reactions to life and our feelings ... are an act of self creation. I like to think that it isn't all biologically and genetically determined.

Description : What are some colors associated with emotion?

Last Answer : Feeling blue.

Description : Is emotion or logic more important in humanity ?

Last Answer : In the most literal sense, “humanity” is the act of being human, and I’d therefore place emotion as the necessary ingredient. Logic is important, as we need to conduct our human affairs in intelligent ways, but our emotional ties to other beings set us apart.

Description : A question on how to word an emotion and how one wants the message to be perceived?

Last Answer : She’s defiant. And trying to make it seem as if she is strong and not really that bothered, but her just saying that she doesn’t want him to control her contradicts her in the sense that she is bothered by it.

Description : Have you ever experienced an intense, nameless emotion?

Last Answer : Germans prolly have a name for it.^ Yes, emotion and feeling have seemed to transcend mere lingual pigeonholes on more than one occasion in my life… And I try sustain myself as long I can in those dovecote moments.

Description : What emotion are you feeling right now?

Last Answer : Frustrated… Still no replies in my inbox or calls for potential job openings. And I’m starting to get scared there aren’t any.

Description : What is our most primitive emotion, and have we evolved beyond it?

Last Answer : It seems like survival would be the #1 priority, so maybe fear and defense would be somewhere near the top of the emotions list. As for whether human emotions have changed over time, I doubt it. As far ... impact on how we act, at least in public, but the basic emotions still seem to stick around.

Description : Is emotion the killer of sound logic?

Last Answer : answer:No. It doesn’t kill logic but it does tend to cloud vision. Unless you are a Vulcan, emotion is a part of your thought process whether you like it or not. I know there will be a shit ton of folks that would like to disagree with that but, you know, that’s just because their dander is up.

Description : Which is the greater emotion: happiness or sadness?

Last Answer : I think that it depends on what the happiness is or what the sadness is. Either can be greater than the other.

Description : Are irrationality and emotion a big part of America's Economic problems?

Last Answer : answer:Unfortunately, I can't access that blog in my IPad. I however tend to agree that irrationality and emotion play a big part in the country's economic problem. A lot of possible solutions whether ... how to attempt and balance the deficit for us than most run of the mill politicians out there.

Description : Suddenly feel flat (emotion), and am taking Wellbutrin. Anything that I can do?

Last Answer : How long have you been on Wellbutrin? How long have you felt “flat”?

Description : Is fear really the oldest human emotion and why ?

Last Answer : It sounds reasonable if you think that survival is the prime motivation. However, there is no way of really determining this. It’s just someone’s opinion.

Description : How does my brain recognize my emotion?

Last Answer : It is the opinion of many that the brain creates emotions, depending on hormones and other factors.

Description : Is happiness an emotion?

Last Answer : Emotions are states of mind. Thoughts and emotions are intertwined. Doing positive things helps a person achieve a perceived sense of fullfilment. Black clothes can be very chic….hope you can do something fun for yourself this weekend

Description : I always hear that worry is a useless emotion. Do you think worrying can be helpful?

Last Answer : yes. Worrying means that you have concern about something.

Description : What are some of the most evocative, iconic photographs that for you, inspire the greatest emotion?

Last Answer : Any time I feel weak or troubled, I look at this to put myself into perspective.

Description : How does the way a person experiences emotion impact the way one navigates them?

Last Answer : I think that a lot of frustration that people experience comes from not being able to correctly identify emotions. Starting in childhood, by not being able to identify what the emotion is, parents ... bad. As a result, many individuals grow up without being able to manage emotions effectively.

Description : Is it is necessary to have a body to feel an emotion?

Last Answer : Hmm… It’s an interesting question. Emotions are controlled by the brain. But without a body, it’d be mighty hard to express or feel emotions. No eyes, ears, spinal chord, nerves. As much as I wanna say yes, I think the answer would be no.

Description : Emotion: good or bad? Would you rather live in a world without emotion? Or is the emotional world good now?

Last Answer : Right now, I would forsake them. I don’t know if I’ll continue to feel this way forever, but it seems like I want to.

Description : What is that emotion once you realize you cannot find your cell phone?

Last Answer : Panic.

Description : Would you rather live your life by belief, emotion, or reason and why?

Last Answer : Reason, because faith and emotions are fallible, logic is not.

Description : Songs about the past? Similar in emotion and feeling (not necessarily sound) as "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan?

Last Answer : The Way We Were by Barbra Streisand Memories from the musical Cats. On My Own from Les Miserables.

Description : How do you deal with built-up emotion?

Last Answer : Excercise! Going for long walks, jogging,anything out doors… keep your head up and your eyes on the horizen, its works magic.

Description : Should robots be given human emotion?

Last Answer : yes, but…we should attach a 6ft cable to their power supply for if they get angry they may turn on you. I’ve never seen a robot with a mood swing, but I’m sure I can get 6ft away pretty quick if I needed to.

Description : Does every emotion have a purpose?

Last Answer : I think their purpose is to help us survive… every single one

Description : Does the movie Marley and Me make you feel the emotion sadness or happiness?

Last Answer : Many people have, including myself. Cute movie.

Description : What are effective ways to convey emotion through text?

Last Answer : answer:“bitches love smiley faces” just use a bunch of smileys. no im kidding.you can use adjectives to describe the way it feels, like the emotion. as if it were like “warm love” or something.

Description : Is Love an ability or an emotion?

Last Answer : Love is an emotion. Acknowledging and expressing it is an ability.

Description : How much emotion will you express in public?

Last Answer : Whatever spills over, spills over… and most times I don’t care. The only time I care is when I’m wildly upset… I try very hard not to get too hysterical at work.

Description : I am missing from every emotion, the alpha of the black and white herd. I am the end of the written notion, and yet I am the least used in a word. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The letter Z No emotion contains the letter z zebras are a herd of black and white and their alpha(first) letter is z The end of the written notion(the alphabet) is the letter z The letter z is statistically the least used letter.

Description : Though I may lack in emotion, My life is filled with devotion, Daily I mimic your motion, But of me, you have no notion.I'm downcast when you me forsake, From me, my sons, some people take, Perhaps to fry, or salad make, Or to hydrate for their skin's sake.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Sunflower.

Description : My stem's planted firmly where I am allotted. My tail is wavy and my face is quite blotted. I relay much emotion though flatly I'm spotted, And I grow half my size whenever I'm dotted. I can speak any ... have a speech impediment: I can say cage but not page, aged but not wage. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Music!

Description : What is firm but soft, shows emotion, but doesn't exist to the ones that hurt you? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your feelings.

Description : Which of these 20th-century arts movements emphasized emotion form?

Last Answer : Expressionism

Description : Which of these 20th century art movements emphasized emotion over form?

Last Answer : Expressionism

Description : What is Emotion Expansion ?

Last Answer : : Coherent expansion is the coherent and effective expansion of the mind. Expansion of the point of view in simple language with the help of comparable illustrations and proverbs by uncovering the cover, determining the signal .

Description : What is instinctual emotion / instinct ?

Last Answer : The innate emotion is the innate power by which all the members of a species work in the same way in self-defense and in the preservation of the species without any education and without knowing the purpose and outcome.

Last Answer : : Too much attraction towards something we usually understand as emotion. But conscience is something where the judgment of our actions is resolved.

Last Answer : Emotion is the part of consciousness which is directly related to feeling or sensitivity.

Last Answer : The speed of the emotion flowing through the nerve is 125 meters per second.

Description : Prove with the theme of the play/ extract that the deeper human emotion which profoundly interested Shakespeare, was jealousy.

Last Answer : Prove with the theme of the play/ extract that the deeper human emotion which profoundly interested Shakespeare, was jealousy.