How to Get a Tan

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How to Get a Tan
Blame it on Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez, Kate Hudson and maybe even Paris Hilton. It looks like the bronzed look is in. Many people today have decided to get a golden skinned tan. Wheter done naturally or artificially, sporting a tan has become a hit especially during the summer season. If you want to take your sex appeal to another level by obtaining a tan, here a few methods you can try:

Beach Tanning
The traditional way of getting a tan entails basking under the sun. You can maximize the sun’s potential while getting your desired results by taking note of the following:

beach tanning
Timing is everything. Sun exposure should be done during the morning between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and during the afternoon between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. These time slots are perfect for sun tanning since the sun is not that strong and exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays that eventually lead to skin cancer is kept at a minimum. Also avoid the sun between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm because the rays are doubly dangerous at this time.
Sunscreen is a must as well as a moisturizer. Protect your skin while tanning it gradually. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF rating of less than 15 but no lower than 8. You should also learn to moisturize regularly. Many sunscreens already contain moisturizer. Choose one that contains aloe to make your tan last longer.
Sun exposure should be controlled. If you are fair-skinned, do not stay more than 10 minutes under the sun during the first annual session of sun tanning. Wait a few days for your skin to be ready for longer sun exposures. Allow yourself to be exposed to the sun one to two hours a day everyday.
Tan your entire body. Make sure that you have all bases covered. While it is easy to tan your front and back, you may have difficulty tanning your sides and back of your arms. Consider your other body parts such as your neck, backs of legs, under your eyes and shoulders. Flip your body every 15 to 30 minutes.
Drink loads of water. Drinking lots of water will keep your skin hydrated. Drink a glass of water every now and then and make sure you replenish lost energy and bodily fluids by drinking enough water.
Indoor Tanning
When the beach is out of reach, you can try visiting a tanning salon. Skin cancer cases have been on the rise in recent years paving the way for the creation of these establishments. Why not try sunless tanning?

There are dozens of tanning salons scattered all around your place and their regulations vary depending on the owner. Some impose a time limit, while some have required waivers.

If you want to visit a local tanning salon, be reminded of the following:

There are many options available. You can either choose to stand in a booth, or rest in a bed. If you want an even tan, you might as well try standing in a booth for around 15 minutes.

If you’d like to lie down in a bed, you can do so by closing your eyes as the bulbs provide a tanning and warming sensation. Tanning salons usually charge $20 a month unlimited in a basic bed. You only need a basic bed — no need for anything fancy. Get a tan then apply an unscented lotion when you are done. Do not shower for at least an hour. Also do not use any kind of body scrub for at least five hours.

Usually, there is a limit on how long you may stay in a bed or booth. Many beds today also use UVA only bulbs for safety while prohibiting the use of facilities for two consecutive days.

Just remember that it’s your responsibility to take care of your body. If you want the best looking and most even tan, you should concentrate on short but regular periods of sun exposure.

Related questions

Description : why am I not tanning?

Last Answer : yeah, stop tanning.

Description : What is the derivative of y = tan 1/2 x^3?

Last Answer : 3xraised2/(2*cos((xraised3)/2)raised2) Now work it back and see how that happened.

Description : Can a fair skinned person still get a tan when using a high SPF all over?

Last Answer : Do what you want, but sunscreen may help avoid sunburn, but doesn't usually help with skin cancer. If you really want a tan, you are best off working up to it. Get out into the sun for a limited time ... up and now I can be outside in just shorts and flip-flops for a couple hours and I don't burn.

Description : Do I suit being pale or tan better?

Last Answer : answer:I always think pale skin is better, personally… But I will say that tanned, you look like Guy Pearce in Memento. That’s at least partially the hair, though.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds like you may be developing a mild case of Red Neck-itus Have you noticed any of the following symptoms? -teeth loosening? -craving for fried everything? -unexplainable new ... I recommend that all single string musical instruments be removed from your life immediately. Good luck!

Description : Still getting a tan despite applying SPF. Am I going to be a leather bag when I'm 40?

Last Answer : I worked outside all the time as a kid, and I still spend a lot of times outdoors. I turn darker in the summer, but my skin has held up well. If you’re using sunscreen you should be okay.

Description : How do I keep my tan from getting darker?

Last Answer : Suntan lotion. SPF 15 will do the trick. Or, clothing.

Description : Can a blue-eyed swede who stays indoors have tan skin? How?

Last Answer : It sounds like a symptom of liver damage to me. And it sounds advanced. What does the doctor say? I’ve also heard of this happening to people when they drink a lot of carrot juice.

Description : Will I ever be able to tan?

Last Answer : You can always do the spray tan, it’s better for you than the sun anyway. Some people are melatonin deficient, like myself, and have to go like every day before you can tan, it gets expensive.

Description : Is Balea glow sunless tan gelee a good sunless tanner?

Last Answer : No experience in this department, but this might help. I haven’t watched it, as I have no audio, but good luck!

Description : I have got an uneven tan, a tan on my knee only. How to even it out?

Last Answer : Go lay out in the sun…...And maybe put something over your knee, lol.

Description : Do suntan lotions that dye the skin to simulate a tan give the same sunburn protection as a real tan?

Last Answer : *dye Also, probably not. Model toy cars do not work either.

Description : Why do we lose our carefully built up tan in a matter of a dozen weeks?

Last Answer : Well, you’re only changing the pigment in outermost layer of the epidermis. As those cells slough off and are replaced, your original skin tone comes back if you aren’t maintaining the tanning routine.

Description : Does olive oil help you tan faster?

Last Answer : White as a piece of paper is better than skin cancer. Don’t worry about it and wear a good SPF sunblock.

Description : What are the best ways to tan?

Last Answer : I just go out for a little while everyday if i can.

Description : What product will give me the most natural tan?

Last Answer : Good ol’ Sunlight with some UV protection.

Description : What can I use to get a darker tan?

Last Answer : Have you tried a spray on tan? They generally only last a week, but if you go to a tanning bed place, most of them offer spray tans. If you only want a tan from out in the sun, it will take time. Use a spf 15 or higher and tan a little each day. Maybe a half hour each side.

Description : What color of shoes would look good with a white and tan striped shirt?

Last Answer : Brown or tan in winter; white or tan in summer.

Description : I've been using selftanner lately, will my tan wash off in a chlorinated pool?

Last Answer : Actually it will turn you a pale shade of green, so watch out.

Description : Do you think a fake tan ever really looks like a real tan? Can you always tell?

Last Answer : Like fake fingernails.

Description : Why does my face not tan as nicely as the rest of me?

Last Answer : Freckled faces look younger longer…as do faces that are not overly tanned. I’d say you are a fortunate girl. Unless you’re running around naked, nobody is going to notice your being mis-matched. Enjoy your beautiful self.

Description : How do I fix an extremely uneven tan?

Last Answer : So, I guess by lotions and streaky you mean you don’t want a tan from a bottle. What you have to do is get SPF 15 and cover where you are tan, and then spend an hour out in the sun for a couple of days tanning the white parts. Or, use SPF diligently so you lose your tan and go back to pale all over.

Description : The anti-tanner wishes to be tan...How can I spray tan without the streak?

Last Answer : Have you tried any of the gradual tan lotions? They come in different shades/strengths depending on your skin tone and take several applications before you really notice, but IMO it’s better than quick self-tan lotions and sprays because you’re not stuck with streaks or the color coming off.

Description : How do you get your face to tan like the rest of your body?

Last Answer : answer:Here's how I get tan: Spend a lot of time outdoors in a bikini. Like every day. For two hours or more. Always wear SPF 30 or more sunscreen (I use a Bullfrog cream; other more runny ... be saggy and wrinkly on your face or anywhere else as you age due to sun damage. Embrace your whiteness.

Description : Do you like to get a tan and why?

Last Answer : Exposure to the sun is also good for you. It’s overexposure that’s the problem. I’m not the type of person who refuses to use sunscreen or uses tanning beds, but I do tend to tan well, so I like it when it happens. (And I’m a blond freckled Slav). Nothing wrong with that. I’m not a heliophobe.

Description : What's the key to remembering how to draw each of the different trigonometric function graphs? (i.e. sin, cos, tan)

Last Answer : SOH – sin CAH – cos TOA – tan sin = opposite over hypotenuse cos = adjacent over hypotenuse tan = opposite over adjacent

Description : Why does the Windows 7 OS-tan have a cat?

Last Answer : Is the cat Explorer? Or just her marketing shill? Check out this advert she appears in. Win7-tan is weird because apparently she has been officially endorsed, at least according to wikipedia.

Description : When is the best time during the day to spray tan your skin?

Last Answer : I don’t intend to be mean, but I would say no time is a good time. It’s really not a very good look, imho.

Description : Do you tan better or is it more harmful to spend an entire half of your time on one side, then the other, or should you turn over often?

Last Answer : I don’t know the answer but this question brought back memories of when I was a teenager tanning with my friends out in the back yard. The DJ on the radio at the time was Super Duper Charlie Cooper and every 15 minutes he would announce “tan turn time.”

Description : Why do people who tan not do their face as well?

Last Answer : She looks to be wearing make-up.

Description : Have you ever seen a Black and Tan Lab?

Last Answer : For those of us that wanted a picture. I’ve smoked a Black and Tan (extremely cheap rot gut cigar) but I’ve never seen a black and tan lab.

Description : What goldish/tan paint will go good with BM Tuscan Red?

Last Answer : I had to google Tuscan Red. But I don’t think any tan or gold paints will look good with it.

Description : Is it possible to tan or sunburn through clothing?

Last Answer : Maybe if the clothing is really thin. I’m not sure otherwise. If you did, how would you explain farmer’s tans? =]

Description : Why do I feel that I look better tan?

Last Answer : You probably do look better tan.

Description : Can you still get a tan using sunscreen?

Last Answer : Yes, but less severe. It is not a good idea to bake in the noonday sun (even with an effective block [equal]

Description : How to use sin, cos, and tan on a TI-84+Silver Edition?

Last Answer : answer:This may work, haven't tried a real problem yet . here are the steps in changing it from radian to degrees 1. turn on your TI-83 plus 2. press the MODE button near the top of your ... down to options and move the highlight from radian to degree, press enter and clear you're good to go

Description : Is it possible to tan your own leather?

Last Answer : answer:Try Googling before Ask-publicing, please. Or read “Clan of the Cave Bear” and the sequels. I do know that human skin turns to leather if left out in the sun often enough.

Description : Do you continue to tan even though it's bad for you?

Last Answer : answer:No. I don’t tan. I burn. I avoid the day-orb as much as I can. It’s always sending its EM radiation beating down on me, trying to cook my flesh. *shakes a fist * I seriously hate sunburns.

Description : Why is it that when I'm in the sun for prolonged periods I freckle but don't tan or burn?

Last Answer : Skin response to light and overall darkness is a function of the melanocyte distribution. You are one of the people for whom melanocytes are clumped together, and in response to light, form freckles. ... as you describe yourself). This site does a decent job of explaining and diagraming the process.

Description : Do you think I could give my jeans that faded look by lightly spraying the pockets and the thighs of my jeans with tan spray paint ?s?

Last Answer : Paint on denim [equal] mess. Diluted bleach (or washing them in a shallow river with a gravel bed many many times) is the only way. Or else buy them faded.

Description : What is SIN, TAN, COS?

Last Answer : Wikipedia knows.

Description : what kind of seed looks like a long oval seed with watermelon stripes of brown and tan?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I have large tan mushrooms that turn black over time.

Last Answer : You could take them out and bag them right away for the trash and use an old mustard container and pour vinegar in the hole.

Description : what causes my juniperus horizontalis to turn a light tan color, the leaves are still flexible and not dry

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what can I do about tan rot on tomatoes

Last Answer : the growing season is comming to a close maybe?

Description : what causes hard, tan bumps on new tree leaves

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do I help a saguaro that is turning yellow and tan?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Natalie had fourteen balls. Each one color. She alternated the colors each day, there was a blue, pink, purple, green, red, yellow, black, white, orange, turquoise, tan, neon pink, and brown. Each day of the ... the week will she go to Arby's? What ball will she have while she is at Arby's? -Riddles

Last Answer : She will go to Arby's on Monday, for that is the first day of the week and A is the first letter of the alphabet. So on Tuesday she would go to Burger King. On Wednesday she would go to Chick- ... because red is the first color of the rainbow. So on Tuesday she would have a Orange ball. And so on.

Description : If A lies in the third quadrant and 3 tan A – 4 = 0, then what is the value of 5 sin 2 A + 3 sin A + 4 cos A? -Maths 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : If tan x = b/a , then what is the value of a cos 2x + b sin 2x? -Maths 9th

Last Answer : answer: