What does 'Fool's paradise' mean ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Fool's paradise' means - fool's paradise.

Related questions

Description : How would you define paradise?

Last Answer : answer:This may sound odd, but my paradise would be an empty room with nothing but a type writer and fridge with unlimited supply of food and drink (so I don't die XD) . No noise or anything, maybe ... do whatever we want to do. I would want the best of both worlds, socialization, and isolation ^_^

Description : April Fool's day pranks; do you have any good/bad/mean examples?

Last Answer : My one brother did this to another brother back before cell phones: oldest brother was staying at younger brothers house. Older brother had bought a lottery ticket and left it on the counter. So youngest brother ... the hot line. Totally funny to the rest of us. Not so much to my oldest brother.

Description : What does the expression "God takes care of his fools." mean?

Last Answer : Not sure I’d be able to avoid saying “Maybe we should skip the fools and hire God”.

Description : What does an ill chosen word is the fools messenger mean?

Last Answer : It means what I did when I wrote my brother. I chose my wordsill - and it expressed foolishness. I was the fool and the word,poorly chosen, had become my messenger.

Description : April Fools Day! Love it or hate it?

Last Answer : As long as they aren’t cruel pranks, and done to me, I like April fools jokes!

Description : What can I do to give one of my friends an April fools prank?

Last Answer : Saran wrap over the the toilet bowl. Tape the spray handle on the kitchen sink sprayer down so that when he turns on the water he gets nailed. (My son pulled that one on me many moons ago. But it’s OK. He ended up with a short sheeted bed with corn flakes in it.)

Description : "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"...what does your brain tell you?

Last Answer : You definitely did the right thing and we can only hope that you scared them enough to think that one of you called the police. I hope the other person ended up being okay. The only thing I ... , all thinking someone else will do something about it , which is precisely how many people have died.

Description : Would members of the Volkssturm have been heroes, or fools?

Last Answer : History is written by the victors. Had German won there would be 70 year old medals of the cross collecting dust in attics all over the world.

Description : So, that section (I think ask jelly), was it april fools or something?

Last Answer : Yes – the mods and Ben pulled an elaborate hoax about Fluther and Jelly (Ben’s new mobile app product) being integrated. Today it’s gone and apparently all the (fairly silly) questions that people posted under it are gone. Or rather dead links that keep popping up.

Description : Do you have a good April Fool's Day gag?

Last Answer : Some good ones here

Description : Care to share your favorite April Fools pranks?

Last Answer : One of the most effective ones I pulled was “another plane!!! another building!!!” in April, 2002. The other person was so upset, though, that I wished I hadn’t done it.

Description : Is the Youtube pronouncement an April fool's joke?

Last Answer : answer:If it sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly is. The facts that it closes with a April 1 calendar page and was uploaded by “Rusty Blazenhoff” might be subtle clues to the spirit of this “stunning announcement.”

Description : Happy April Fools Day, guys! Has anyone done a good prank today?

Last Answer : Got on the floor in a small pool of fake blood, made banging and accident sounds, scared my girlfriend by making her think I was dead, got yelled at for being a jerk.

Description : Have you ever discovered your supposed treasure turned out to be "fool's gold?"?

Last Answer : Oh, certainly. Buyer’s Remorse accompanies many major purchases.

Description : Why are we such fools for the K parties?

Last Answer : Why not? Someone started it however long ago, and now the tradition is kept up. I know I’d be pretty sad if I didn’t get a party when I hit 10k.

Description : What's happening over at Google? Is this an April Fools joke?

Last Answer : No. Their Google joke was http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html

Description : What are today's best April Fool's Day pranks?

Last Answer : answer:My favorite has been the Google search for Helvetica. And the search for Comic Sans is funny too. And I fucked my site pretty hard. So hard I feel really bad about doing it.

Description : April fools ideas appropriate for toddlers?

Last Answer : When I was little, I tied all my dad’s shoelaces together :)

Description : What is the difference between dreamers and fools?

Last Answer : Dodging the bullet or getting it between the eyes.

Description : What are the origins as to when & why April 1st is associated with fools?

Last Answer : It was a Myan thing.

Description : Whats the funniest thing on April Fools, besides Fluther?

Last Answer : I didn’t even think the Fluther one was too funny (Edited: Not funny at all!). But the Starbucks one was. Go on their website and check out their new sizes.

Description : What is this site itself doing for April Fools?

Last Answer : We don’t know yet, it’s a mystery

Description : What April Fool's jokes have you stumbled across online today?

Last Answer : www.Google.com

Description : Which, in your opinion, was the best April Fools joke ever told?

Last Answer : The Flying Penguins always makes me chuckle…

Description : What April fool's jokes have you fallen for?

Last Answer : …what the eff…my account has been hacked? Look at my avatar and account name above…

Description : Did someone hack fluther for April Fool's!

Last Answer : That’s BEN you FEWL! bow down to Poseidon GOD of the SEA!

Description : What are the components of a good April Fools joke?

Last Answer : answer:I had planned a nice little getaway with my fiance for the end of holy week. I reserved a very nice hotel room with a jacuzzi in a little terrace area and bought her a bikini that dissolves ... to work. A friend's GF bought a fake pregnancy test online and is going to surprise him tomorrow.

Description : Need an unusual dinner spot for April Fool's Day in NYC...

Last Answer : Mama Leone’s. You’d be the only New Yorkers in the joint.

Description : What would be a great article to write for our school's april fools newspaper?

Last Answer : Health care bill passed and signed into law. Nobody has been sick since. Hospitals are considering closing. Insurance companies are refunding unused health care premiums and Rush Limbaugh has nothing to talk about.

Description : I'm trying to figure out what to do for April Fools Day. Any ideas?

Last Answer : Trying to figure out what to do for April Fools Day? How about go to the beach and drink rum?

Description : What question would you ask here as an April Fools' joke?

Last Answer : OMG, April Fools day a year or two ago was epic. Hopefully someone can dig that up if it hasn’t disappeared.

Description : Do only fools fall in love?

Last Answer : It is not that fools fall in love. When you fall in love you take a risk. Disarming yourself and becoming vulnerable. By itself that is a very foolish act. But love knows no boundaries. And, you end up crossing the line into the unknown.

Description : I'm looking for ideas for an April Fool's Day dinner?

Last Answer : Serve roadkill. It gets ‘em every time. No, not real roadkill, but that type of critter. I’m bringing curried beaver sausage to an early April potluck at work. It’s delicious stuff, but puts some people off for some reason.

Description : Do fools fall in love, as the song goes, or is it chemistry?

Last Answer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q96ylFiQK_I&feature=related

Description : What's the best April Fools joke that you've played/has been played on you?

Last Answer : My son was born on April 11 rather than Spring Break. I had to take “incomplete” in all my classes.

Description : What is the worst you've ever been fooled on April Fool's Day?

Last Answer : I’ve never had much amusement with April Fool’s Day but last year there was an announcement on a website I used to really like that they were shutting down and I was totally oblivious to the prank. That was last year- this year is all about fun!

Description : April fools?

Last Answer : I’m confusing AHAHA A

Description : What's your best April Fool's Day Prank Story?

Last Answer : My Dad was on a flight and the pilot announced that they’d landed in completely the wrong country. That quite amused me.

Description : Anyone else annoyed by YouTubes "new interface" for April Fools Day?

Last Answer : Huh? no interference here but I’m on an iPhone. What exactly do you see, Natural Min?

Description : What Was Your Best April Fools Day Prank?

Last Answer : No one has pulled any good April Fools Day pranks?

Description : What's the best april fool's prank/hoax you've ever pulled?

Last Answer : Sorry for just posting a link, but here's a collection of pranks I've pulled - the rightup with pictures is way more entertaining than me writing about them here http://alltooflat.com/pranks/cube/

Description : What are you going to do with April Fool's?

Last Answer : This is an old and really corny one, but it works for me every time I try it. I tell my boss or a co-worker they had a very urgent message from a Mr. Lyon, and I give them the number to the nearest zoo.

Description : Because it's April Fools' Day.

Last Answer : answer:Y U DO DIS?! http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y127/Delightedly/LOL/Lol2/eapneaaao.jpg

Description : In France. People refused to acknowledge January 1 as the first day of the year and were called fools.

Last Answer : How do you create sentence fragments?

Description : Best April Fool's joke?

Last Answer : Ask-public flip

Description : Why do fools fall in love?

Last Answer : answer:Because everyone wants to fall in love at some point. Why would you just single out fools? Are you trying to say they shouldn’t be allowed to fall in love? That’s a little rude. Equality to all! If you’d like to be a little more specific maybe I could help you a little more.

Description : I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a mans house and build anothers, And I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The King of Hearts in a deck of cards.

Description : who are the fools mentioned in the poem trees -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The 'fools' mentioned in the poem 'Trees' are the poets.

Description : Why does the disciple decide to stay in the Kingdom of Fools? Is it a good idea? -English 9th

Last Answer : Everything was cheap in the Kingdom of Fools. The disciple had peculiarity of diet. He was tempted by the cheap food. So, he decided to stay in that kingdom. It was not a good idea to stay there for a long time as one could be in danger any time because of the unpredictable behaviour of fools.

Description : What are the two strange things the guru and his disciple find in the Kingdom of Fools? -English 9th

Last Answer : The Guru and the disciple found that in the Kingdom of Fools people used to work during nights and sleep during days. Everything was cheap and cost the same.