What is the meaning of the word accused in Pizrapol

1 Answer

Answer :

: The word accused in Pizzarapole means like a neglected accused lying in a cage.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd say, only once humans get good enough at animal communication to have verifiable conversations where they agree to these laws and fully understand our legal system. In other words, NO, not ... pretty much no animal is likely to have any kind of provable legal awareness for a long time.

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Last Answer : I’d speak up.

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Last Answer : answer:I was dumped by a woman I liked a lot in highschool because she heard a rumor I hooked up with another woman. It was completely out of nowhere and she wouldn't even tell me who said it, which either ... with me, or she was irrational as f*ck. I didn't even get a chance to prove her wrong.

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Last Answer : answer:Haters. That, of course, gonna hate.

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Last Answer : Cops aren’t judges.. They can be held accountable for not obeying police procedure.. At present the law on assault is too broad so guilty or innocent, because of the accusation the accused can be jailed for the judge to sort out.. That’s how our system works.. (keep the lawyers busy).

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Last Answer : answer:Id imagine he would at least be held responsible for the cost to repair the car. The other concern(s) I would have are of the legal repercussions for 1 driving an uninsured car and 2 fleeing ... most likely vary by state- perhaps more details? And the obvious question did he actually do it?

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Last Answer : Get a lawyer. Now.

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Last Answer : answer:money is just money, it can be replaced. In this situation, it just sounds way too shady. These people sound more like acquaintances then true friends. They are not worth your time.

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