What is the function of physical education department in Bangladesh ?

1 Answer

Answer :

The function of the Physical Education Department of Bangladesh is to: 1) Conduct national school sports competitions twice a year. 2) Conducting refresher courses twice a year for secondary and madrasa level physical education teachers.

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Last Answer : " Physical education is closely related to education" is a quote from CA Butcher.

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Last Answer : Physical education is the education acquired through physical activity ' , says D. K. Matthews.

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Last Answer : All the activities related to sports , exercise , health and recreation which are observed in the educational institution are called physical education programs. Physical education programs include all the tasks that a physical teacher performs.

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Last Answer : According to Maslow, there are three requirements for physical education. Namely: - 1) Physical and physiological needs. 2) Needs mental and spiritual perfection. 3) Social needs.

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Last Answer : According to physical educators, the goal of physical education is to achieve maximum balanced development of personality through well-planned and well-regulated sports and similar activities.

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Last Answer : Development of Thought The purpose of mental development of physical education.

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Last Answer : The scientific basis of physical education is formed by the combination of knowledge of biology , psychology and sociology related to this branch .

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Last Answer : The main goal of physical education is to improve the whole person and build a beautiful mind in a healthy body.

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Last Answer : Physical education plays a special role in acquiring the qualities that make every citizen of the country healthy, strong and responsible. He is able to control his emotions.

Description : What is the purpose of physical education ?

Last Answer : The purpose of physical education has been divided into four parts namely- 1. Achieving physical well-being. 2. Achieving mental development. 3. Acquiring character traits. 4. Acquiring social qualities.

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Last Answer : The purpose of physical education is divided into four parts. 1. Achieving physical well-being 2. Achieving mental development 3. Achieving character traits 4. Achieving social qualities

Description : What are the purposes of physical education ?

Last Answer : The purpose of physical education is to achieve four things namely: physical well-being. Achieving mental development. Acquiring character traits. Acquiring social qualities. References: Physical Education , Health Sciences and Sports (Ninth-Tenth Class).

Description : What is physical education ?

Last Answer : DK According to Matthews , physical education is the education acquired through physical activity .

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Last Answer : When people hear that you're a Physical Education teacher, theyimmediately think you're not that intelligent. This is completelyuntrue. If they knew what they were talking about, they would knowthat you had to ... to go from there. One popular option is toget a Master's Degree in Education. The rea

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Last Answer : Sweat stinks. So personal hygiene is discussed in physical education classes.

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Last Answer : Website of Bangladesh Ministry of Education www.moedu.gov.bd

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Last Answer : There is no substitute for technical education to make a country better or digital. Think of the developed countries around the world, including the United States , Canada , Germany , and Australia, and why they are so well-known.

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Last Answer : BKSP issues circulars for new admissions every December. Admission in Boxing , Swimming , Gymnastics from Class Four to Seven Level. Admitted in 8th class in basketball , cricket , football , hockey , shooting ... many games. Height , health are all important. http://www.bksp-bd.org/contact-us.php