What is Cellulose Gum ? Why is it used in paste ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Cellulose Gum is a type of glue made from cellulose. This glue is used in the paste , the paste becomes sticky , thick , jelly-like.

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Last Answer : Press Ctrl, choose the paragraphs, and then go copy-paste. I think you can use the Ctrl+V too, but I’m not sure.

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Last Answer : As far as i know you need a screenshot (though if you’re on a windows 7 machine there’s a very handy function called the ‘snipping tool’ that makes it much better). And yeah, right-click menus are also known as ‘context menus’, because they change based on the context.

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Last Answer : I mean How do you make it paste horizontally? Ignore the word turn.

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Last Answer : Copy paste what?

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Last Answer : answer:I think it will not make any difference to your teeth, I buy one of the ones that does everything.

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Last Answer : What are you trying to copy from? Make sure you click just brely away from the text and it should work, or copy all of it and delete it when you paste it.

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Last Answer : I would say that if you have a nice letter head, it would be a good idea to attach it. Otherwise, I would just embed it in the e-mail. Just be careful to not be redundant.

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Last Answer : Painful, but should help avoid infection.

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Last Answer : One by one.

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Last Answer : What browser are you using? If you just want to capture any screen in Windows you can use Ctrl/Prnt Scrn (hold it for a few seconds) and edit by “pasting” into any editing program. If you want to catch a web image though, I love and recommend using Chrome browser with Screenshot capture

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Last Answer : OpenOffice is a free “productivity suite” that’s very good and very similar to Microsoft Office. The word processor included should do what you want, I think. It has a pretty good spellcheck too. ;-)

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Last Answer : Do you mean a screenshot?

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Last Answer : Maybe you’re cutting instead of copying. when you copy, the original is still there. When you cut, you’re transferring the original.

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Last Answer : Call off the techies. I seem to have fixed the problem although I am not sure how.

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Last Answer : Yeah, I think that’s called copyright infringement.

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Last Answer : Most likely it is a font problem. What happens if you drag the highlighted text to the Desktop? It should make a clipping. If you open that is it OK? And then you can drag that clipping into another document. I’m just curious where exactly things are breaking.

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Last Answer : It's already been disabled with the 2.1 update. Not sure if they have since found another work around, but it will be a constant battle to keep it working, every time Apple updates the software. Apple ... in the iPhone native apps like Mail or Safari. I'll just wait for it to be added officially.

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Last Answer : I have some new info. I can copy and paste icons from applications I already have. For example, I copied the default Safari icon and pasted it to Skitch and it worked. New icons that I download will not paste, however.

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Last Answer : i think you're sposed to mix the canned tomato paste with other ingredients b/f it goes on the pizza. try adding it to a pan full of cooking garlic and fresh tomatoes.

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Last Answer : answer:I see the chars you wanted explained on Wikipedia. You can simply copy & paste from there. If you're looking for a more direct approach, try using the Cambria Math font it has ... > System Tools > Character Map for a comprehensive list. Word offers similar functionality at Insert > Symbol.

Description : Is there a copy/paste function for iPhone?

Last Answer : No, but you can watch this cool video mockup of how it might be implemented in the future.

Description : Can you copy and paste on the iPhone?

Last Answer : no. not yet.

Description : does anyone else wish the iPhone had copy/cut/paste capabilities?

Last Answer : Yea me too. I also wish that you could save a picture from online into your pictures so you can send it or use it as a wallpaper.

Description : Any good tools for copy/paste function on iPhone?

Last Answer : there is a copy and paste if jailbroken

Description : How do you paste information from Numbers (like Excel) into Pages (like Word) WITHOUT the grid --- so that just the text shows up, separated by tabs)?

Last Answer : answer:This is a really clunky solution. In numbers select File -> Export -> Save as PDF. Then you can open that PDF and copy and paste into Pages and it will lose the formating. I wish I knew of a better way. I have been trying for about 20 minutes and that is the best I could come up with.

Description : When will the iphone allow us to copy and paste?

Last Answer : Ha! If you own an iPhone you will have it for free. I own an iPod Touch so I am sure I will have to pay for it. I just wish it’s not a $20 upgrade this time.

Description : How do I copy from Photoshop and paste in Illustrator with a transparent background?

Last Answer : answer:I’m using Photoshop & Illustrator CS3, and this doesn’t happen to in this version. A suggestion (this will take a little longer than copy paste) would be to do a ‘save for web’ as a PNG-24 from photoshop, and place this in Illustrator, which will retain the transparency…

Description : Help: My Microsoft Excel "Paste Special// skip blanks" feature isn't working!

Last Answer : this is probably stupid and fairly obvious, but did you try rebooting your Excel and/or your computer? And when you say the feature isn't working, I assume you mean you check the box for it and ... command? Also, did you try using a brand new spreadsheet and see if the feature is working in that?

Description : Wait a minute .... Did I miss something or did the new iPhone still not fix the cut and paste issue?

Last Answer : They didn’t.. Shoot me in the face. This is my major gripe.

Description : Help find/setup a keyboard shortcut to "Paste Special > Unformatted Text" in Microsoft Office?

Last Answer : answer:Found a third-party app that'll help: PureText. It's super simple when running, it puts a PT icon in your systray. And then, to Paste Special > Unformatted Text, you hit Windows- ... specific macro as it works across apps. Still, I'm open to any other suggestions the Collective might have.

Description : Can you freeze miso paste?

Last Answer : Probably, but it would need to be pretty cold. If you decide that you want to freeze them, you might need dry ice, but then again I haven’t tried freezing that stuff but when I have handled it it seemed pretty thick.

Description : How to copy and paste on a macbook?

Last Answer : answer:Copy is Command + C and Paste is Command + V Most apps should adhere to those commands. And Command is the key directly to the right or left of the spacebar. Or the Edit menu should have those options.

Description : If you were stranded on a desert island and you had to choose between soap, tooth paste or toliet paper, what would you choose?

Last Answer : Soap. You can wash everything with soap, including your body, teeth, and ass.

Description : IPhone: what excatly are people wanting to Copy & Paste?

Last Answer : answer:URL's is what I'd like most to copy. Also, if i want to copy text from someone else's answer, it takes forever. Copy and Paste during web browsing would be the most useful. The other place where ... from a webpage, it takes forever. In the notes and SMS i don't see as much of a need.