What causes pain in the left leg ?

1 Answer

Answer :

There may be pain in the left side due to various reasons , due to gas, due to heart problems , from getting pain etc. It is best to consult a doctor without delay. Tell her the matter and get proper treatment.

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Last Answer : : You should go to the homeopathic doctor and get advice. Take homeopathic medicine. If not, you will have to undergo surgery.

Description : What are the causes of leg pain ?

Last Answer : There are some reasons , if you walk for a long time, your legs will hurt. If the leg is injured in any way, the leg will hurt. Again, some people have seen that if the flesh of the foot is ... leg hurts. Again, if you ride a bicycle for many days, your legs will hurt. Hope you understand. Thanks

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Last Answer : You take calcium tablets (if you are 14 years old). Apply ointment on the feet. Do not keep feet cold. Heat your feet with hot water and you will get a lot of comfort. And the envoy should consult a physician directly.

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Last Answer : It could be your arthritis or rheumatism. There are many symptoms of rheumatism such as 1 joint 2 pain in the knee 3 joint pain in the joint etc. You need to take treatment from the doctor. If you have rheumatism then you need to take dance steps 1 heavy and hard work can not be done

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Last Answer : Pain in leg vein or it is due to some other reason. Be sure to take the medicine after that. See a doctor in the medicine department for this.

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Last Answer : Drain the hot water. If it hurts more, take paracetamol.

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Last Answer : Ostogen Coral D Rose can give one. It is much better than Calcin-D .

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Last Answer : I am giving treatment based on your question , although it would be better to give more details. You can try these medicines by taking ---- " Cap- Pregaba / Gaba-P / Nervalin 25 mg. 1 + 0 + 1 10 days after ... during or after the medicine. Or seek the help of a specialist.

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Last Answer : Do regular bookdown exercises. And eat calcium. Then it will be fine.

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Last Answer : You should first apply cold water on the injured area for at least 15 minutes . Then remove the water and apply " move" or volinac painkiller ointment in the morning and at night. This will completely cure the pain in two or three days.

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Last Answer : Onion contains an anti-infective substance , which is very useful in ear pain or infection. How to do ? First chop one or two onions , then heat and put the hot onion pieces in a clean ... overheated Hold the putty for half an hour where there is pain or swelling InshaAllah the pain will decrease.

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Last Answer : It may be due to gastric, so first try gastric medicine for 2/3 days, but if it does not subside, consult a doctor.

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Last Answer : Some causes of leg pain: Even a minor injury can cause leg pain. Arthritis can also cause leg pain. Muscle contractions can also cause pain. If there is tension in the muscles, then there ... caused by weak muscles , lack of nutrition , dehydration , muscle tension , prolonged walking or standing.

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Last Answer : Show me a doctor in the medicine department. And you will massage the feet by heating light mustard oil, I hope it will decrease.

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Last Answer : In fact, it is not possible to say that the pain in the abdomen is due to gastric. Your problem may be a lack of vitamins , calcium , or an injury or back pain. Therefore, if the pain is chronic, go to a neuromedicine specialist. Do not neglect. Thanks.

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Last Answer : It is not normal. And consult an eye specialist without delay.

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Description : MM kit has been fed for 4 days . Now the menstrual cycle is closed in the afternoon. When it happens at night , a lot of blood goes. Is it normal to stop period from time to time ? How long will the ... last ? Is there any pain when menstruation is stopped ? Are these normal ? ?

Last Answer : If the bleeding does not stop even after 7 days of taking MM kit, you can take xamic tablets. Morning, noon and night - three times a tablet 8 If bleeding stops, stop taking medicine And after two or three days, if the bleeding does not stop, Gaini must go to the doctor , do not delay

Description : Brother has been feeding MM kit for 4 days . It is night. Is it normal to stop period from time to time now ? How long will the menstrual period last ? When menstruation is stopped, there is no pain. Are these normal ?

Last Answer : Insects cause pain and bleeding due to site effects. MM worms can cause such problems for up to 7/10 days. There is nothing to worry about. And as a result of using this worm, it is difficult to menstruate for some time.

Description : mm kit 2 days have passed. Now the pain is accompanied by fever. What should I do for pain ? I have taken neprosin 500. Pain does not decrease. Is it normal to have pain ? What to do for this ?

Last Answer : Pain is normal. Tab- Napa Extend 1 + 1 + 1 Eat after meals , three days.

Description : Severe back pain ? Severe pain about three inches above the end of the spine in the middle of the two buttocks behind the waist. It is due to G. I want to know the reason. Sometimes it decreases and sometimes it increases. Note that I am 23 years old.

Last Answer : You may have some reasons for the problem, but I think there is one reason. This means that there is a slight increase in bone growth from the bone at the end of your waist, that is, at the end of ... one place or one place for a long time. Eat foods rich in nutritious vitamins . Thanks.

Description : How to reduce gum swelling and pain ?

Last Answer : Pick up the roots of the coconut tree, burn it and grind it like coal. Now sift it and gently brush your teeth with it. Mix a little alum powder with it. Then you will see that the swelling and pain at the base of the teeth will decrease.

Description : What is the treatment of anal flesh ? I have been having severe pain in my anus for two days. It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring. I want to know its treatment.

Last Answer : Your problem may be due to piles. So it would be better to go to a homeopathic doctor.

Description : What is Deccan Pain Medication ? I had a lot of pain in my hip. In winter the pain increases and the joints of the body become jammed. It is difficult to move. The doctor says there is no ... the joint is also fixed. Feeling much healthier than before. Will I continue to take Decason medicine now ?

Last Answer : 1 Answer 0 Choices You are facing this problem due to your physical weakness. You should eat nutritious food regularly. Take vitamin calcium supplements on doctor's advice. Not that the medicine is for pain. It ... BP. Etc. Eat fruits and eat raw gram and raw nuts on an empty stomach in the morning.

Description : Is it possible to have a baby after eating MM kit ? After 1 day of eating MM kit, bleeding stopped and there was excess pain in the lower abdomen. I took painkillers and the pain did not subside ... Kit cause any problem for mother and baby. Please give me the correct answer I am under extra stress.

Last Answer : Usually when the fetal age is maximum 9 weeks or 63 days, it can be destroyed by using MM kit. But if it is more than that, abortion can no longer be done with MM kit It may be more or less , ... will not be harmed. There will be no problem in having a baby in the future or in the present baby.

Description : Stomach bloating and pain ? I am 24 years old. I eat oily food like polao / biryani / grill or fry or cow's milk which makes my stomach gas. Even if you take gas medicine, it does not work. How do I get rid of it ? Note: Eating normal food does not cause any problem like gas or bite.

Last Answer : It is due to your gastric or indigestion. You should not eat food fried in oil , open food outside. Don't eat gastric food, don't eat flute food. Tab.pantonix 20mg 1 + 0 + 1 আগে ... without informing the doctor. If necessary, the doctor can change the dose. I hope you will be released inshaAllah.

Description : I have occasional back pain , why is it and what is the way to prevent it ?

Last Answer : Why back pain occurs and prevention is given below , * Usually when we have pain in the lower part of our spine we call it back pain. There are many causes for back pain. However, a ... smoking. 4. Exercise regularly. Consult a physiotherapist if you have pain. 5. Keep the weight under control.

Description : Lots of stomach pain due to gastric ? My child is 13 years old , his stomach is bloated and he is in a lot of pain , what to do now ???

Last Answer : You should take gastric medicine with the advice of a doctor and take 1.5 teaspoons of hepatolin syrup twice a day. Do not eat fried food and oil fried food. Do not eat open food in the market. Drink water on an empty stomach in the morning. The pain will go away if the gastric problem is solved.

Description : Fresh blood comes out without any pain through the toilet passage while going to the toilet .

Last Answer : After urinating and bleeding, is it through the toilet or through the urinary tract ? If blood comes with the stool all the time or even the pressure of urination, then it is the cause of piles ... food. You have to drink more water. Fibrous fruits will be eaten. Isubagulera husk should be eaten.

Description : What tests do doctors recommend for chest pain ?

Last Answer : If you have chest pain due to cough, then the doctor will give you a chest x-ray. But if the pain is due to some other reason or suddenly, then let the ECG test.

Description : Amir has severe pain in both legs and ankles ?

Last Answer : Orthopedics is fine for this as you say it is not working, so you change the doctor and inform him about the medicine you have taken in the past. And if you want, you can also show the medicine specialist

Description : Standing for a long time makes the muscles of both legs tingle and pain in the legs ?

Last Answer : You will not stand still for long. Tablets Aristocal D 1 + 0 + 1 tablets Zolfin 1 + 0 + 1 Tablet Pantid 20 mg 1 + 0 + 1 tablets after meals for a total of 7 days before meals. If you do ... consult a good doctor. (NB: If you are under 12 years of age, you are not recommended to take the medicine)

Description : Pain in the back of the knee of the foot, a little pain in the chip. What is the remedy ?

Last Answer : What is your pain in the bones or muscles? If it is in the muscles, then massage it lightly under the scalp. And if there is pain in the bones, take the advice of the doctor.

Description : What is the way to get rid of low back pain ? I do a job of marketing. There are about 3 to 4 kilometers of walking every day. My problem is !!! My back hurts. There is pain from ... tablets. খ Medication is a little healing. In the morning I feel completely healthy. The same situation after noon.

Last Answer : In fact, you walk every day which is more likely to cause pain. But yes, it can also be due to physical weakness and lack of calcium. Complete the dose of the medicine that you have been given. Hope you find the solution.

Description : Pain in the hands and feet and occasional tingling in the hands and tension in the muscles. The body is also weak. Want to know the cause and remedy ?

Last Answer : A lot of the time I sit idle without working or I do some work and it happens again and again because of more effort or work and so it happens because the reason for the weakness of the body ... care you will exercise regularly and more If there is a problem, the doctor will show you the medicine

Description : Pain in the neck or just pressing on the neck means pain when pressed with the hand. I massaged the oil, it didn't work, I ate a pain tablet, the pain didn't go away. ?

Last Answer : It is important to know the cause of the pain and to feel the discomfort (compressed pain or severe pain) under the head and neck. This discomfort is usually increased by moving the neck. Neck pain ... you should consult a doctor in the Department of Medicine. Do not take any medicine on your own.