How do you deal with a friend that may be slightly racist?

1 Answer

Answer :

Gently bring it up to them, if they double down. Drop them. If they realize they were speaking incorrectly and it was a misunderstanding, keep them. Either way it's not your problem anymore.

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Last Answer : I would speak up. I see nothing wrong with that.

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Last Answer : Usually by pointing out that flaws or assumptions can be made on every culture. There is no perfect culture. Anyone who spends time getting to actually know their own history will often find things not to be proud of and all their former massive mistakes came about because of ignorance and greed.

Description : How would you deal with this racist person/situation?

Last Answer : answer:Oh, that is a terrible situation. Perhaps she could subtly let them know that she heard? I would think most people would apologize, and if not, at least they would be shamed. ... never really dealt with anything worse than having to remind someone that their racist humor was not appreciated.

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Last Answer : a) stem cell. Stem cells may differentiate into myeloid or lymphoid stem cells.

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Last Answer : I mean, do you really have to ask?

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Last Answer : No. I would have liked him to go deeper and not end at 26 minutes. He leaves me wanting more. I like his voice.

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Last Answer : Nevermind, flagged.

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Last Answer : answer:Pretty sure the most racist thing on that post is the commenter who referred to black people as “Darkies”. The rest of it is just typical stupid clickbait bullshit. I really, really, REALLY don’t care which men you’re attracted to. At all.

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Last Answer : Haha! Nice response.

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Last Answer : They are all symptoms of ignorance and fear.

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Last Answer : They are talk out their ass.

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Last Answer : answer:Rich, privileged people whining. I could not care less. Welcome to ask-public. ~

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Last Answer : Can? They WILL be called racist by anyone opposed to whatever was said and for whatever reason. Labels are as arbitray as personalities. Of course they can be called racist. Whether they are or not is a matter of consensus.

Description : Do you have any idea what magazine this disgustingly racist article came from?

Last Answer : As in the answers to your other question, try bringing your quest up with a librarian, maybe in a media library attached to a university.

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Last Answer : answer:I agree with you, @JLeslie – I don’t think he’s racist. I think he’s bombastic, stupid, obtuse, and loves attention – very narcissistic. But I doubt he is racist in the racial superiority sense of the word.

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Last Answer : KFC’s Colonel Sanders might be responsible. From Kentucky.

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Last Answer : answer:I have never heard of any of this before as it relates to the fashion industry or the work place. Black people themselves refer to good hair, and bad hair. I dated a black guy who ... . Can you tell me what what the difference is in the black community between good hair and bad hair?

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Last Answer : answer:No I don't think it is racists. it is only to prove that the person voting has the right to vote in a legal election. Is it racists if I have to show I.D.when boarding an airplane ... -id Whey should illegals or dead people vote for my Representatives? So many questions, so little time ....

Description : Brits (and others familiar with him), is there a consensus on whether or not Jeremy Clarkson is racist?

Last Answer : Nah, he is an equal opportunity offender. I love him.

Description : Can the phrase ”once you try white, you know it is right”, be used without it being taken as racist?

Last Answer : answer:once you try white, you know it is right Truth is truth.