why does my crooked tree only have at the end of a few branches

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Last Answer : A question mark Note: can remove the last sentence to make it harder

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Last Answer : The man had tormented the dog in the park in the past by telling the dog to fetch the crooked stick (wooden boomerang) he carried with him in his knapsack. The dog could never catch the boomerang, ... who only wanted to play. What goes around comes around, as they say, with boomerangs and in life.

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Last Answer : Sawdust.

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Last Answer : The opposite of crooked is simple.

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Last Answer : Thinning cuts are made close to a main branch or ground and few axillary buds are left

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Last Answer : Carpenter ants have 3 distinct bodies, they make holes in trees. They do a lot of damage. You might need to take that down for safety. Only other thing is to spray it with dormant oil for summer use. I don't know at this point if it will save the tree.

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Last Answer : That does not sound good, time to trim it and see what is going on. Is it possible that it was hit by lightning a couple of years ago?

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Last Answer : Our cherry trees still have leaves, this is Sept 11, something might have laid eggs...fruit should be done.........if it is you can use sevin..........read the directions on the side of the bottle ... Keep children & pets away until it dries. Don't spray if it is going to rain or if it is windy

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Last Answer : they are bagworms. Pick them by hand and put is a bucket of soapy water.

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Last Answer : In the fall, you can trim this crab tree and spray it with dormant oil. If you are going to make something from this apple next year you can have a soil test done and they will tell you how much lime and fertilizer that you need.

Description : birch tree a lot of dead branches

Last Answer : This is natural, no need to worry.

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Last Answer : It's recommended that you put nothing on the cut end/bark. The tree will seal itself.

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Last Answer : Sounds like it might have been hit by lightening. I would wait until the fall to trim it. Most trimming is done in the sping. If you hit green wood it is still alive. Also use dormant oil ... Also clean off the hand saw when you cut the branches so you do not spread anything to another tree.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : white birch is very soft and is subject to boring insects...you could look for holes in the bark your forrester will know exacting what needs to be done.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : you could take a plastic store bag and cut that off into the bag and tie it up and trash it. Then after then sun goes down have ready a mix of 1 teasp liquid soap & 1 qt water and spray......................spray again after a rain.

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Last Answer : Prune out the dead and dying branchs now. This fall prune back any vertical and crossed branchs then fertilize the tree. did you have any ground work around the tree this year? Back hoe etc.

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Last Answer : I never saw a tree that produces glitter.

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Last Answer : bois'darc tree