What is Honor, to you?

1 Answer

Answer :

Honor is always being respectful and humble in every situation. It’s when you don’t do things selfishly. It’s also a verb meaning to keep something *honoring an agreement :)

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Last Answer : if you put a vegetable in me ONE MORE TIME, I“M GONNA….....

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Last Answer : Honor is respect with an erection.

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Last Answer : We do. It depends on which day it is. We honor our son. October 15th was worldwide infant loss awareness day so we lit a candle in his honor as they suggest. We also have a small alter we ... our loss. In the future I would love to do something like what you mentioned, that is truly beautiful.

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Last Answer : How much fun we’re not having.

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Last Answer : I’m about to leave for a yoga class.

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Last Answer : make a donation in her name to a worthy charity.

Description : Medal of Honor?

Last Answer : I think that they have had only one so far and it’s Airborne.

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Last Answer : We are Bs, Bees, or Beas (as in Aunt Bea and actress Bea Benaderet.)

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Last Answer : Violet was at a birthday party, and was selected to be first in the Pin the Tail on the Donkey game they were playing. She was successful in pinning the tail just where it belonged. The body part of the animal was, of course, the donkey’s tail.

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Last Answer : Bharat Ratna ok

Description : Conferred as honor -Do You Know?

Last Answer : Confer has a second use meaning "bestow," which means to award or hand over something. You can confer a medal on a winner or hero, or you can confer status through a promotion or assignment. Each year the teacher would confer the special honor of summer hamster-sitter on one responsible student.

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Last Answer : In Thailand, every year a special food fest is hosted in honour of these monkeys. The reason the macaques get to enjoy a delicious feast is because the people of the town have a firm belief that they bring good luck and fortune, and are thus patient of their antics.

Description : The first official Veteran’s Day was Nov. 11, 1954 and was planned to honor those who died in World War I. Eventually it was changed to honor everyone who has served in the military.

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Description : issue with yahoo peopleand the dark wavehad to report like a hundred yahoo comments for displaying killer like attitudes and making threatening postplease refrain from these wordswe all know you are under dark mind control and honor errors?

Last Answer : same old see toxic why postthese are jealous people that have entirely lost their humanityand are embodiments of evilthose who are extra far gone

Description : What is Honor ?

Last Answer : Honor means reward.