Tips for nausea?

1 Answer

Answer :

Fresh air, don’t lean forward, don’t watch things that are moving (fast).....

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Last Answer : Motion sickness is not a disease. It is a normal response of your body to real and perceived movement. When we are on a moving vehicle like boat, train, airplane or even amusement ... . You can also try alternatives such as acupuncture, dietary changes, homeopathy and regular physical exercise.

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Last Answer : Morning sickness, also called pregnancy sickness, is nausea during pregnancy. It may or may not include vomiting. It occurs not just in the morning but at any time of the day, especially when ... , though, that you MUST consult your doctor before trying any of these and taking any medication.

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Last Answer : How to Help Morning Sickness If you ask moms-to-be what they wished they can skip during pregnancy, one answer you'll likely get is morning sickness. This nauseating feeling and vomiting that ... with less trouble than you expect. Follow these tips and have a beautiful and hassle-free pregnancy.

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Last Answer : I think it’s impossible to say. I know you don’t want to hear this, but you have to see a doctor. They can do tests to find out why you keep feeling nauseous and having headaches. This is not normal and you need to speak to your doctor.

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Last Answer : answer:The answer depends on the cause. Do you know why you are throwing up? Flu? Hungover? Worried about something? Ate a bad burrito? Not much you can do except to settle your stomach in the ways you’ve already listed. I’d take pepto bismol if it was from eating or drinking.

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Last Answer : Update: I just threw up a few times and now I feel fine.

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Last Answer : Take an aspirin. You are putting a strain on your heart, I know every time I try to push myself to run longer than before I will at the very least feel like throwing up as soon as I stop running, ... chest pain too. Actually some of the symptoms of a heart attack match what I feel like after a run.

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Last Answer : answer:Do you have a gastroenterologist who supervises your IBS? He'd know a lot more than we amateur sleuths do. I just found this: call your doctor at once if you have any of these ... or purple coloring in your skin. Read more at

Description : Silly question: Do nausea and the sensation of needing to burp feel at all similar to you?

Last Answer : answer:No, they don’t. I feel the need to burp as a pressure. No nausea.

Description : What was this funky nausea/dizziness/blackout that happened to me last night?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe it's an ocular migraine. I get them, although not that severely. In many people, they are a precursor to a headache migraine. I don't get the head aches. Did you? I get this sparkly ... like a smoke ring until it passes outside my vision. I would check with a doctor or an eye doctor.

Description : Mommas: What helped you ease nausea during pregnancy?

Last Answer : answer:Carbs…eat small meals frequently. Drink plenty of water. This may pass for you in the next month.

Description : What is the best thing for nausea?

Last Answer : Ginger. Ginger tea.

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Last Answer : answer:It’s like seasickness, which comes on waves. So, actually, nausea is like light, in that it has both a wave and particle form. Let’s not discuss those particles just now, though.

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Last Answer : To be quite honest, there is very little you can do. So long as you aren't taking it on an empty stomach, there is only the option of waiting (sometimes after several weeks it will go ... medical marijuana, but I don't think even California currently lists Topomax as an approved drug for pot needs

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Last Answer : Go to a doctor or clinic and spend the few bucks to get an accurate diagnosis please. It could be anything and only a qualified physician can make this assessment. Your health is too important to trust with strangers or laymen. .

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Last Answer : Eat/drink lots of stuff w/ Ginger, real ginger ale, foods cooked w/ lots of ginger, gingerbread cookies (real ones, you can probably find recipes online)... There’s also prescription meds if the ginger doesn’t work, but before that, try also the wrist band for sea sickness. Congrats!

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Last Answer : Maybe you’re swallowing a lot of air? That’s how some people “burp on command” maybe you’re swallowing it, and not burping it out.

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Last Answer : Love.

Description : I can't eat rice. If it is more, I can eat 1-2 mutts. It feels like discomfort and nausea. I had eaten Putin before. I don't eat anymore. What to do now ?

Last Answer : : In fact, putton is a medicine to increase appetite which may temporarily increase the appetite of the user. But later on, liver related problems arise due to which there is no appetite, nausea , ... empty stomach and eat isubagul husk syrup. Avoid fried food , televaja , open food in the market.

Description : There is no taste in food. What to do now ? I am 21 years old and weigh 49 kg. Health is very bad. It looks so bad. I do not want to eat at all. A few days ago, there were frequent nightmares ... The body is getting thinner day by day. What will be the solution ?? I want to know. Thanks in advance.

Last Answer : You are 21 years old and weigh 49 kg. And this is because of masturbation and nightmares due to which your body is not improving and the body is so weak that the ability to digest food is ... . Eat nutritious food. Eat fruits. If you have a habit of masturbation, skip it. Avoid pornography.

Description : How effective will Unani treatment be for nightmares , weakness of body , loss of appetite , nausea , irritable mood ?

Last Answer : Yes, if you take Hamdard medicine, then you have to take it regularly for 2/3 months, then you will get rid of the problem. In fact, Unani medicine works slowly. However, there are no ... . Due to which you are facing this problem. So skip masturbation first. Take treatment and stay healthy.

Description : How long can nausea and headache occur after eating puli ?

Last Answer : It is not possible to say for sure. Why not the physical condition of each person is different. So wait 1 week will be healthy within a week InshaAllah, but the period may be irregular in taking the emergency pill.

Description : I always have a heavy head , dizziness , nausea , hard bowel movements , blurred vision. What is the cause of shortness of breath and what is the solution ?

Last Answer : Your problems are due to physical weakness which is due to lack of vitamins and calcium as well as constipation.

Description : Is this normal?

Last Answer : Yes! One side of that is because of the high energies. Another thing is to pay attention to your breathing. Don't force anything! Try for less time.

Description : I have nausea before bed if I don't eat. What makes it?

Last Answer : If your stomach is empty at night, it can be. Your stomach acid is more and there is nothing to absorb. Eat a few mouthfuls of carbs that you can absorb.

Description : My girlfriend is already 9 weeks pregnant, but once again she wasn’t sick. Should you be worried about that?

Last Answer : I think I may have been 5 or six weeks old. A few days after my test became positive.

Description : I have nausea every other day and I don’t know why. Certainly not because of a meal, because sometimes I get up in the morning with nausea. I think I'm in serious trouble. What could be the cause of frequent nausea? 

Last Answer : Aren't you accidentally pregnant? It can also make someone nauseous if they misbehave.

Description : Hello, I started working as an MKD driver with a megatrailer of 40 tons. Unfortunately, in the first week after starting, I found out that I had health problems that I did not know about before ... me driving performance. He does not want to hear about the termination of his employment. Thank you.

Last Answer : As a professional driver, you know that if you're not okay, for whatever reason, you shouldn't drive.

Description : My children feel sick when traveling by car and sometimes it works. What will help with nausea in the vehicle?

Last Answer : It will pass over time - and it is better to stop and let the children run from time to time than they have to "fool" them. While driving, it will help - to look ahead, not to turn around - and, of course, not to eat or drink (even just before the ride). The climate (cold) will also help.

Description : Why does eating too many peanuts cause nausea?

Last Answer : Many food allergies cause digestive problems as many allergenic proteins make their way through the stomach and intestines. Digestive reactions usually take a few hours to occur after eating nuts and it is common to feel nausea.

Description : How does benadryl help with nausea?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Can sweating, nausea, and dizziness be signs of a heart attack?

Last Answer : Yes sweating and nausea and dizziness can be a sign of a stroke or heart problem in people . Here are some sites that can help you out with this

Description : What safety features does the TV have to prevent nausea, dizziness, etc.?

Last Answer : I am afraid there are no safety features to prevent nausea and dizziness. The best advise is probably to stop watching TV if you get dizzy. I just watch 2D TV.