Does any one know what's the score with star craft 2?

1 Answer

Answer : some news about it there no-doubt . i am still playing starcraft1 and thought 2 had been released middle of last year !

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Last Answer : Get a pad of paper and pencil,sit in front of a mirror,and do a self-portrait.

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Last Answer : answer:Mine's only 3.7 but thats due to a low powered graphics card. If I upgraded that to match the rest of the system I'd be on 5.9. Weirdly, it shows me 3.7 for desktop graphics but ... those who don't know what this is, you can find the score in Control Panel > Performance Information & Tools.)

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Last Answer : Painter, à la Pollock.

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Last Answer : Define “shuttle craft”. The only place I know of that term is in Star Trek.

Description : Can you advise me on the proper craft adhesive for my project?

Last Answer : 100% Silicone adheres well to glass. For best adhesion you should etch the glass and use a silicone primer first.

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Last Answer : E-Colin is killed at 160 degrees F. So stick ‘em in the oven at that temperature and leave them long enough to heat through. Done.

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Last Answer : Sure. I’ve never met a filthy Amish.

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Last Answer : answer:Throw them in a non-metal bowl with ¼ cup white vinegar and 1 tsp of salt. Wait a bit, then rinse off with some water. Easy peasy! Also, the different shades of pennies can be great for other crafts.

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Last Answer : Origami or any kind of paper craft is fun for kids that age.

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Last Answer : How childish. Open your gallery and forget the other person. Business is business.

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Last Answer : Sent the Q to Rarebear.

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Last Answer : In this economy a job is a job. You just don’t take that shit home with you.

Description : What is your favorite craft (not Kraft) cheese?

Last Answer : answer:That sounds amazing. Mmm… I’m a brie-head. My favourite way to eat it is baked with roasted garlic, eaten on chunks of fresh pita bread.

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Last Answer : Do people ever pay you to tell stories? That is what would qualify you as a professional. If you’re busking (trying to make a living at it), stand in one general area with a sign that identifies you as a storyteller. Or put a sign around your neck.

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Last Answer : answer:Google Bar top resin and you will find a ton of info on using these epoxy coatings. The key is to be thorough in your measuring and mixing of the components. Measure and mix in one pail and pour ... . A IMO very crucial part of this is to not let the surface get wet for at least 7 days.

Description : What is a craft project you've completely successfully or would like to?

Last Answer : That's pretty, it looks like mosaic! I like to build things out of pallets (or skids if you prefer). I need a new computer desk/table so that is my next project. A friend gave me what looks to be ... . I also do wood carving, that is my favorite, but I will give almost anything a go. Great Question!

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Last Answer : answer:Here is how to make a pom pom cat. Here is how to make pom poms.

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Last Answer : answer:O.K. I like tutorials, video tutorials and links. I am pretty good at teaching myself how to do things if I can see how it's done, so I prefer tutorials, video tutorials, but that is just my way ... . Something in addition to how to actually do the thing I want to do. That's my answer. :-)

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Last Answer : WarCraft. Especially the Blitzkrieg kind.

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Last Answer : I like the idea of them, but I start to dislike the crowds after shoving through them for a while.

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Last Answer : answer:Dunno if this is quite what you're looking for, but I make jewelry. I think it involves a lot of craftiness because it's not just a matter of stringing beads on a thread. I'm constantly ... much variety you can produce with just wire and beads. :D Here are a few examples of different designs!

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Last Answer : answer:Go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby and look in the topiary/fake plants section. There's usually different sized metal hoops in that area. You would probably have to cut it open to be able to string ... hoops are exactly the same as the above hoops, and again, would have to be cut for beading.

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Last Answer : Piano.

Description : What kind of metal is the cheapish silver wire that's sold in craft stores made out of?

Last Answer : Here’s a picture of it. They just call it “beading wire” on the website, grrrr.

Description : What is a simple craft project I can do with a Dremel tool that is profitable?

Last Answer : You’ll likely find something here . It’s a great site full of projects I never have time for. You’re bound to unleash your creative side if you do one of these projects.

Description : What old fashioned craft[s] are you still involved with?

Last Answer : I home-brew. Yum! Self taught and damn good at it with lots of Blue Ribbons for proof!

Description : Have you ever made a craft item suggested on one of those home improvement programs?

Last Answer : On Sprout channel they show craft ideas for kids and me and myd aughter definately took their idea and tried it with varying results.

Description : What is an easy inspirational craft Idea for Mothers Day for children?

Last Answer : I love the hand print idea. You can add to that by cutting out the hand print, attach it to fuzzy pipe cleaner with glue, and stick the pipe cleaner into a small Styrofoam ball inside a small flower pot. If you have time let the children paint the flower pot too.

Description : Alternative methods to control pitch in heavier-than-air craft?

Last Answer : Maybe thrust vectoring / manoeuvering thrusters? And canards.

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Last Answer : I just recently watched a MythBusters episode about the myth of immigrants being flung over the border walls into the US, using a slingshot method. They determined that any human body being flung like that, ... done, many years ago.. the person who flung themselves, didn't live to tell the tale.

Description : Is it legal to sell things you learned how to make in a craft book?

Last Answer : answer:If you're not copying a pattern, you're in the clear. People can sell knockoff Louis Vuitton if the pattern is something like 2% different than the proprietary aspects of the original (like the ... or the colours of the print) No one has exclusive rights to handbags made from old t-shirts.

Description : Need craft ideas to sell...

Last Answer : knit or crochet blankets and hats. That’s how I made my money to buy Christmas presents.

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Last Answer : I got a shelving unit from there several years ago. It’s pretty solid stuff to me.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, you could cut it up and use it as coasters or something. Or, you could hang it on your wall and contemplate it every day, what could this scarf mean in a Deterministic' sense Really quite ... 't feel my calves. My calves are numb. Being drunk is great. even if it is before noon. fuck

Description : Artists: what motivates you? Why do you craft what you do?

Last Answer : answer:creating something is not what i aim to do. personally i feel like an accidental artist. it has to come out. it boils up inside and some times you just let your hands go where they want and ... to love you, or trying to say exaclty the right the thing at a party. the opposite always occurs.

Description : You have 12 hours before your space craft embarks on a life long journey...

Last Answer : i'd do a lot of girls i'd always wanted to do, after that i'd eat some spareribs even though i'm a vegitarian, after that i'd probably listen to Boston's don't look back album, i'd say if ... girls, and i do mean a lot, and in all positions etc. i'd just misbehave and might even miss the flight

Description : What is a good craft to do with unused cash register tape?

Last Answer : This.

Description : What are some cool diy craft projects?

Last Answer : Gosh I just erased my entire reply because I temporarily forgot one of the primary rules of the Internet. Don’t feed the trolls.

Description : Does anybody have creative simple Christmas craft ideas?

Last Answer : This is always a good one!