Atheist how do you define/decide right and wrong since for you there is no sin?

1 Answer

Answer :

I use common sense.

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Last Answer : Oh, never mind! I started to answer but these things never go well. Good luck with that.

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Last Answer : I think you should go ahead and answer it (and any other question you want). Even without personal experience in that exact situation, you can form an opinion about it, think about what you would do, and share that with us.

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Last Answer : A conversation with god. Even then, I might just assume I’d gone crazy.

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Last Answer : I don’t know. I’ve never experienced this. Have you tried talking to your friend about it?

Description : Okay, I'll bite. Here is an atheist AMA question. Go?

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Last Answer : Certainly not! It was the product of random graphic mutations and selective pressures in competition with other logos.

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Last Answer : Why do you not ask the same question of theists?

Description : Atheist or Religion?

Last Answer : answer:Do you mean “Are you an atheist or a theist”? I think I’m neutral on this subject. I don’t follow any religion, but I don’t protest any of them either. To me religions are just set of rules for some people who believe in them. You can choose to follow or not, it’s your choice.

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Last Answer : The atheist counterpart was posted first. It can be found here:

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Last Answer : Is there anyone or anything that ever made you question your belief system? Does your family share your beliefs?

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Last Answer : Atheists don’t believe in nothing. They just don’t believe in God.

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Last Answer : Have they thought their reasoning through and come up with a logical reason as to why they believe this to be the case? If so then that is fine by me even if I do think they’re wrong.

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Last Answer : Just playing devil’s advocate here but why wouldn’t an atheist make the best kind?

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Last Answer : There is not one, because whoever tried, they could never rally and organise enough atheists. Atheists are like cats, a superior life form, but impossible to be herded.

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Last Answer : Not sure how accurate this list is.

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Last Answer : “You are so good-looking!”

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Last Answer : Camden, NJ.

Description : Does being an atheist limit the number of epitets you have in your arsenal?

Last Answer : No, of course not. The words used in those situations are nothing more than noises that sound like words, but mean nothing. You might as well swear You Plutoid as any other word.

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Last Answer : answer:Most atheists don't speak out badly about belief in God and religion. So, do you mean celebrities who simply are willing to state they are atheists. Or, those who kind of put down those who ... left to only affecting our own lives and beliefs, then religion or lack of would be a non issue.

Description : Atheist, if your child found God, would you discourage them?

Last Answer : If my child found god I’d make them take a picture of it to sell to times magazine.

Description : In a Atheist Universe, is there a replacement for Easter, Halloween, or Christmas... etc?

Last Answer : There is still Ground Hog Day, President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Earth Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Flag Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Flag Day…

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Last Answer : This is a difficult question. Had the banner stopped with the first sentence, I would have said “go for it”. I need to think on this some more.

Description : If an atheist uses religion to straighten out his life, would his atheist friends disown him?

Last Answer : It would depend on the atheist I would think. There are plenty of live and let live, whatever floats your boat atheists and I imagine those kind of atheists would be quite o.k. with what any of their friends do.

Description : How do I tell my atheist family that I am religious?

Last Answer : I would just tell them and deal with whatever it is they say.I wouldn’t waste time trying to convince them of anything…even respecting your views.

Description : Atheist parents : how did/do you explain death to your young child?

Last Answer : answer:My five year old and two year old daughter lost their grandmother a few months ago. As biologists we (my wife and I) often look at dead animals and explain to them that for a variety of reasons an ... in our memories. Her body will become other life. It is sad, but part of the cycle of life.

Description : Why would an atheist fear a very risky surgery?

Last Answer : Even if you don’t or won’t know you are dying or dead, the idea of dying and not being able to do stuff anymore is enough to freak anyone out. You know… that whole inborn fear of death that transcends all relgions (and lack thereofs?)

Description : If you're an Atheist and met a televangelist on the street, would you accept prayer from him?

Last Answer : answer:I would not recognize a televangelist on the street if he came up and bit me on the ass. I don’t watch televangelism. And I’m not even an atheist.