When sending resume's through email, what is the protocol of following up?

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Last Answer : answer:Is it possible for you to call the company, tell then you saw the recent posting and asking to whom your resume should be addressed? Obviously the initial switchboard person might not have that info at their fingertips but they could surely ask around, right?

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Last Answer : You can stop worrying. Your degree is not that important in the real world. Your willingness to work hard and learn what you need to know is key. Pretty much the same is true for grad school, except they pay more attention to grades and test scores.

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Last Answer : It would show the sending email server’s IP, which isn’t likely to be either of the ones mentioned. Let’s say you use gmail just as an example. The headers will show Google’s IP address.

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Last Answer : I would say that if you have a nice letter head, it would be a good idea to attach it. Otherwise, I would just embed it in the e-mail. Just be careful to not be redundant.

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Last Answer : How Stuff Works has a good overview.

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Last Answer : D. Email services often have maximum file sizes that prevent you sending files that are too large.

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Last Answer : One benefit would be the potential employers would not see your lack of proper capitalization, or use of “is” instead of “are”.

Description : What do you think about submitting resumes to Craigslist job ads?

Last Answer : We don't have Craigslist where I am. The concern I would have though is that resumes can contain a lot of personal information in one place. I would be worried about identity theft. However, I am ... how the site operates can give you some tips on how to ensure you are applying for legitimate jobs.

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Last Answer : It’s really quite hard to go wrong with Arial or Times New Roman.

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Last Answer : Can you write a thoughtful few sentences in your cover area about how much you’re looking forward to moving to the area? That seems the most honest way to do it to me.

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Last Answer : Do you know that it was for your position? Could it be for the hours you are not there? I would probably tell my boss I had heard they were hiring and ask what positions were opening up. My goal would be to sound interested or curious without seeming worried or confrontational.

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Description : Create A Professional Resume Using Sample Resumes?

Last Answer : Choosing the right resume format is imperative to making a good impression on a potential employer. Not everyone will benefit by using a traditional resume template when they submit resumes to companies. ... the first step in creating an effective resume that will stand out to a potential employer.

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Last Answer : Employers look at the duration of your employment at previous jobs. Many jobs during a short period of time can be a sign of a bad employee. Make sure to emphasize quality over quantity.

Description : What is a good color paper for the best resumes?

Last Answer : First and most important, I would make sure that the color of the paper is white. The reason being is that you don't want to distract the employer you are trying to get the job for. ... Classic white looks professional and is clear to the point when given you skills out for that potential employer.

Description : The Guide to Resumes

Last Answer : Writing a great resume doesn't necessarily mean you should follow the rules you hear through the grapevine. It doesn't have to be one page or follow a specific resume format. Every resume is a one- ... how you have made an impact, action-pack your resume and create a resume format that's effective.

Description : Free Resumes

Last Answer : In the corporate world, employees and applicants are identified through a piece of paper containing credentials, college education and work experience. That document is called the resume. If you do not want ... for the job interview and the skills evaluation exam, once you're done with your resume.

Description : Electronic Resumes

Last Answer : There are a few tips to keep in mind when you are writing a resume that is to be delivered electronically. Be sure to also take a look at our expert advice on electronic applications, ... . Email is already more computer friendly, and will help to prevent character recognition errors in scanning.

Description : Were you a screwed up teenager?

Last Answer : I was not a “screwed up” teenager; I got through high school with okay but not great grades, and then went on to the University of California. But I was drinking alcoholically by the time I was a senior in high school. And I did not recover from that until I was 30.

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Last Answer : answer:I might be doing that now, not sure yet, and yes, it is scary but also exciting. Sometimes we have to jump off a cliff with our eyes closed and hope we land on our feet. Usually we do. I ... , if, the few things I am waiting on the make a decision come together I will, most likely, jump.

Description : What is the best way to follow up on this job interview?

Last Answer : answer:Just follow up, better by phone. At worst, you don't hurt your prospects at all, at best you lubricate the process by showing interest. They might even prioritize people who show that kind of ... you can hear cues in their voice. If they sound hesitant, you might know you have a problem.

Description : So you ended up quitting college. What is your occupation now?

Last Answer : I own a small business doing Web site xevelopment, am a Yahoo! Small Business Partner, and specialize in Yahoo! Stores and ecommerce in general. And, I was majoring in chemistry. Go figure.

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Last Answer : Doubtful. If you aren’t a habitual user you should be just fine.

Description : Has anyone here screwed up their undergrad and graduated with a GPA around 2.5?

Last Answer : if i were you, i would go and work for a few years before applying to a masters program. maybe the work experience will be more of a factor for the criteria than your undergrad grades.

Description : Does anyone have an example of a perfectly set up resume?

Last Answer : Do you have Microsoft Word? There are many templates as exemplars on line. They are free to use, and you may find one that suits your purposes. I just used one to do my resume for graduate school, and I was accepted!

Description : Some say that I'm too soft for the military. (Though I'd expect the military to toughen me up.) So what jobs do you suggest that are for soft people?

Last Answer : That's odd real life army isn't Yipee Ki Yay Motherfuckyeah America. I'm sure the army can use you somewhere. Not everyone in the military ends up as a soldier, they need plenty of ... programming or technological maintenance for example, they need you, even if you're a cross dresser. Srsly.

Description : Has President Obama lived up to your expectations so far?

Last Answer : He loves his family and they are super cute together, so yes. He has loved up to my expectations.

Description : Could you make a living being the guy who comes up with video game characters' names?

Last Answer : It’s a part of the video game creation pipeline, yes, but no there is not one guy who sits thinking up names all day. There was likely a guy who sat and wrote a program that would generate random names, then he moved on to a different part of working on the game.

Description : How do I get a job in tech?

Last Answer : There are a few steps you can take to get a job in tech: 1. Develop Your Skills: Take the time to learn the necessary skills and tools to succeed in the tech industry. This could include ... to make a positive impression. Following these steps should help you get a job in tech. Good luck!

Description : Have you ever faced harassment at work?

Last Answer : Yes, I'm Jewish and I actually had a coworker constantly make jokes about me being technically not Jewish in the eyes of Orthodox Judaism. Since my mom converted to Judaism when I was was young, my ... different reason altogether a couple weeks later, so I didn't have to bring it up to management.

Description : What was the lowest paying job you had but enjoyed the most?

Last Answer : Car hop at Sonic $2.00 an hour. My first job.

Description : Does your company give assessment reports on your performance?

Last Answer : It’s by employer, not by profession, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a formal one anywhere I’ve worked. Microsoft has (had?) competitive reviews, where employees are rated in comparison to their co-workers, which seems to me to be an atrocious idea.