How can I improve my concentration and attention span?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Yet another highly intelligent person who discovers the trinkets of culture are boring. You’re just bored. The good news is that boredom is not a crime. So relax. It’s not laziness. Accusing yourself of laziness is dangerous and can lead to depression. If there were an activity that you were interested in, I’m quite sure you would be filled with enthusiasm for it. Let me take a wild guess and call you a Visionary. No one suffers like the visionary does. I’d wager you have profound ideas and grand schematics on how to make the world and your life a much better place. I bet you see it all very clearly. But the problem with being a Visionary is that they are typically very poor Project Managers. Why? Because they see the big picture, but become very bored with the processes necessary to make it into a reality. Your satisfaction has already been fulfilled with the vision. The rest is just messy details that get in the way of other visions that are upon you. Advice I’ll offer you for both the short term and long term. Short term: Get THIS book. Don’t just read it. Do it! You need to develop some type of disciplined ritual in your life. Start every day with an early walk, and then sit down and DO the morning pages outlined in this book. It’s easy, insightful, and will introduce you to yourself. Your daily walks should be spent in two ways. Lets say you walk a mile. One lousy mile isn’t too much to ask. The first half is spent making a few lists in your mind. Immediate things that need to be accomplished for that day. The second half returning home is spent clearing your mind and paying attention to your surroundings, appreciating the subtle views you haven’t seen before. Take some wet leaves and rub them on your face. How does that feel? Describe it in detail in your Morning Pages. Long term: Search for an activity or career that appreciates the Visionary mind. Art, Psychology, Philosophy… Yes, pick up a brush, get your fingers dirty with clay, or have a date with your digital camera in a shady part of town. Go to THIS web site and start reading about other Visionaries just like you. Join a cause! Learn to cook healthy fabulous food from your own garden. The world needs your mind. Show us how to live. We need more leaders in this world, so step up please! Shoot your television and limit your computer activities to specifically scheduled times… and no more! Go outside and meet your neighbors.

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