How to track the details of the current running Batch using BatchableContext?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can check the AsyncApexJob.Status using the JobId from the Database.BatchableContext.

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Last Answer : BatchableContext Interface is Represents the parameter type of a batch job method and contains the batch job ID. This interface is implemented internally by Apex.

Description : How to track the details of the current running Batch using BatchableContext?

Last Answer : Ans: You can check the AsyncApexJob.Status using the JobId from the Database.BatchableContext. 

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Last Answer : Start: global Database.Querylocator start (Database.BatchableContext bc){} Execute: global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc,List ){} Finish: global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {}

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Description : What is the Database.BatchableContext?

Last Answer : Ans: BatchableContext Interface is Represents the parameter type of a batch job method and contains the batch job ID. This interface is implemented internally by Apex.

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Last Answer : D. Accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided (Answer)

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Last Answer :  accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided.

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Last Answer : answer:Try writing this at a DOS prompt and see if it gives you any ideas about how you can format your directory name: echo %date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2% When I run that it gives me: 20110924 (for ... , then of course you'll need to modify the parsing of the Echo command. I know you can do it.

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Last Answer : I think you might want to use Enjoy.

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Last Answer : answer:It looks like WallpaperStyle is the setting. Determines how the desktop bitmap is displayed on the desktop if the bitmap is not tiled 0 Center the bitmap on the desktop. 2 Stretch the ... vertically and horizontally to fit the desktop.

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Last Answer : answer:Is vbscript an option? I’ve never done it with a command line. Can’t find an example right now, but I know I have automated shortcut creation with vbscript. There is probably an example here:

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Last Answer : answer:If its on a linux machine, you could easily do it with a shell script, and simply just have it create a text file (if applicable), and append that file to add the word/string on each line. I’m sure you could do the same with a batch file in windows..just dont know on that one.

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Last Answer : answer:Handbrake. — You can use the Queue from the GUI, or probably better would be to use the Command-Line Inteface it offers.

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Last Answer : answer:They can be on Manual and still able to use the Windows Update site, but they need to be Started (running) before you browse to it. (I've done it) I think your problem may be ... starts BITS before enabling, then starting Windows Update. Of course the stop script should be in reverse order)

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Last Answer : Ease I use their audio converter, and I like it very much. I haven’t tried the video converter but I trust the brand.

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Last Answer : it used to be tea-chests! slowboat! but now just pack em all in a nice cardboard box and send em airfreight. It's really expensive but always has been and cheaper than the old days. It takes about 7- ... drop it off at the post, fill up a customs form and it's airfreighted like all the other mail.

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Last Answer : You must not have looked very hard :) First result on Google when searching for: contents of a folder into a notepad text file.

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Last Answer : Use layers and a mask

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Last Answer : This is using windows, but I’m pretty sure it’ll work on a mac, too. Highlight all of the pics, right click and choose “File info.” In that dialog box you can set the copyright and add your name or any other info.